And once again...they fall for a hoax

Since when were we talking about political rallies? What I was talking about, where they mix it up at protests like were in Charlottesville and at many alt-right rallies and left-wing rallies, it IS both parties cruisin' for a bruisin. That's all I have to say about it.

The differences between the two groups are these however:

1 -- there are MAGNITUDES more of the radical lefties than righties.

2 - it is the radical lefties burning, looting, and causing billions worth of property damage not righties.

3 -- the mainstream media SUPPORTS the extreme leftists and HATES the extreme righties.

4 - as right wingers here about the kkk and almost to a person they CONDEMN them. As the leftists here about BLM or Antifa and NONE of them are critical at all and most are wildly supportive.
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Since when were we talking about political rallies? What I was talking about, where they mix it up at protests like were in Charlottesville and at many alt-right rallies and left-wing rallies, it IS both parties cruisin' for a bruisin. That's all I have to say about it.

The differences between the two groups are these however:

1 -- there are MAGNITUDES more of the radical lefties than righties.

2 - it is the radical lefties burning, looting, and causing billions worth of property damage not righties.

3 -- the mainstream media SUPORTS the extreme leftists and HATES the extreme righties.

4 - as right wingers here about the kkk and almost to a person they CONDEMN them. As the leftists here about BLM or Antifa and NONE of them are critical at all and most are wildly supportive.

There is no shortage of open communists out there. Somehow, some idiots still believe in this death cult after one hundred years of pure failure, death and misery.

Meanwhile, Trump supporters believe America should be America in 20 years... and this is supposedly an extreme stance... well of course it is, the people giving us the news ARE the commies!
Maybe he is just a very clever troll....this part is sort of funny. They fell for the same hoax three years ago.

A Facebook page called Central PA Antifa quickly denounced the event as fake, likening it to a hoax in Gettysburg three years ago.
In 2017, rumors of an antifa event at the national park prompted a large group of armed militia members to show up. They encountered no one from antifa, but one of the armed militia members accidentally shot himself in the leg with a revolver.

But wait... Antifa was not supposed to exist?
I don’t know who claimed that, but you have been misinformed.

The media that you consistently whore to told me that.
Link. Or admit you whore your rightwing masters.

Men don't whore Coyote. But both men and women can follow what is going on in the forum they moderate.

The far left posters Lyistrata and Dragonlady at minimum believe (or believed) that Antifa does not exist. Perhaps you should convince them they exist, once all are convinced, perhaps then we can plan on how to eliminate the terrorists.

They are a small non organized group of radicals that you on the right have built up into something more. And you have people believing it so strongly they get swallowed by these hoaxes.
They are all over the country and they attack republicans every god damn chance they get. They come to our rallies and they come to our protests and they attack us. It has been happening for years and there are THOUSANDS of assaults racked up at this point. Do you have any idea how insulting it is to hear people like you suggest that it isnt a big deal?
Of course they exist. I've seen them fighting right wingers. They come ready to rumble. So do the right wingers, if the things people say on this board are true. Everyone comes with their banner and their shield, right?
Hopefully they get arrested just as fast as the right wingers if they started it. But honestly, this talk about who is more to blame for the fights that break out at political protests--it reminds me of nothing so much as the poor elementary school principal standing there listening to two fourth graders both loudly howling "but HE started it." Suspend 'em both and listen to both kid's parents holler about it.
No, no, no. You arent getting off that easy. You are acting like both parties do it. That is complete bullshit. You cannot name a single democrat rally or protest where mobs of republicans showed up and attacked them. Only democrats do that. Obama never had violent republicans show up to his rallies, nor Hillary, or Biden, or anyone else.
Since when were we talking about political rallies? What I was talking about, where they mix it up at protests like were in Charlottesville and at many alt-right rallies and left-wing rallies, it IS both parties cruisin' for a bruisin. That's all I have to say about it.

There are idiots on both sides, no question. But right now there is no moral equivalency. Cities like Minneapolis didn't get half a billion dollars of damage done by vast right wing gangs. Statues and monuments are not being torn down by vast right wing gangs.

The destruction happening is overwhelmingly coming from the far left. That is the simple truth. To imply otherwise is frankly ridiculous.

Its odd, but when delusional nut jobs of various stripes go on and on with their kooky conspiracies about this that and the other thing, sensible people realize they are delusional. When equally delusional nut jobs deny reality by claiming it is REALITY that Is the conspiracy, they get a free pass.
They don’t?

Twater and CNN?

LOL... Yeah, totally unbiased and credible companies you got there, I believe everything they tell me....

Get your head out of your ass.

Maybe he is just a very clever troll....this part is sort of funny. They fell for the same hoax three years ago.

A Facebook page called Central PA Antifa quickly denounced the event as fake, likening it to a hoax in Gettysburg three years ago.
In 2017, rumors of an antifa event at the national park prompted a large group of armed militia members to show up. They encountered no one from antifa, but one of the armed militia members accidentally shot himself in the leg with a revolver.

But wait... Antifa was not supposed to exist?
I don’t know who claimed that, but you have been misinformed.

The media that you consistently whore to told me that.
Link. Or admit you whore your rightwing masters.

Men don't whore Coyote. But both men and women can follow what is going on in the forum they moderate.

The far left posters Lyistrata and Dragonlady at minimum believe (or believed) that Antifa does not exist. Perhaps you should convince them they exist, once all are convinced, perhaps then we can plan on how to eliminate the terrorists.

They are a small non organized group of radicals that you on the right have built up into something more. And you have people believing it so strongly they get swallowed by these hoaxes.
They are all over the country and they attack republicans every god damn chance they get. They come to our rallies and they come to our protests and they attack us. It has been happening for years and there are THOUSANDS of assaults racked up at this point. Do you have any idea how insulting it is to hear people like you suggest that it isnt a big deal?
Of course they exist. I've seen them fighting right wingers. They come ready to rumble. So do the right wingers, if the things people say on this board are true. Everyone comes with their banner and their shield, right?
Hopefully they get arrested just as fast as the right wingers if they started it. But honestly, this talk about who is more to blame for the fights that break out at political protests--it reminds me of nothing so much as the poor elementary school principal standing there listening to two fourth graders both loudly howling "but HE started it." Suspend 'em both and listen to both kid's parents holler about it.
No, no, no. You arent getting off that easy. You are acting like both parties do it. That is complete bullshit. You cannot name a single democrat rally or protest where mobs of republicans showed up and attacked them. Only democrats do that. Obama never had violent republicans show up to his rallies, nor Hillary, or Biden, or anyone else.
Since when were we talking about political rallies? What I was talking about, where they mix it up at protests like were in Charlottesville and at many alt-right rallies and left-wing rallies, it IS both parties cruisin' for a bruisin. That's all I have to say about it.

There are idiots on both sides, no question. But right now there is no moral equivalency. Cities like Minneapolis didn't get half a billion dollars of damage done by vast right wing gangs. Statues and monuments are not being torn down by vast right wing gangs.

The destruction happening is overwhelmingly coming from the far left. That is the simple truth. To imply otherwise is frankly ridiculous.
We (or at least I) was not talking about the recent riots. I was talking about fisticuffs and skull cracking at protests where both sides came achin for a fight. That's what my remarks have been about.
Maybe he is just a very clever troll....this part is sort of funny. They fell for the same hoax three years ago.

A Facebook page called Central PA Antifa quickly denounced the event as fake, likening it to a hoax in Gettysburg three years ago.
In 2017, rumors of an antifa event at the national park prompted a large group of armed militia members to show up. They encountered no one from antifa, but one of the armed militia members accidentally shot himself in the leg with a revolver.

But wait... Antifa was not supposed to exist?
I don’t know who claimed that, but you have been misinformed.

The media that you consistently whore to told me that.
Link. Or admit you whore your rightwing masters.

Men don't whore Coyote. But both men and women can follow what is going on in the forum they moderate.

The far left posters Lyistrata and Dragonlady at minimum believe (or believed) that Antifa does not exist. Perhaps you should convince them they exist, once all are convinced, perhaps then we can plan on how to eliminate the terrorists.

They are a small non organized group of radicals that you on the right have built up into something more. And you have people believing it so strongly they get swallowed by these hoaxes.
They are all over the country and they attack republicans every god damn chance they get. They come to our rallies and they come to our protests and they attack us. It has been happening for years and there are THOUSANDS of assaults racked up at this point. Do you have any idea how insulting it is to hear people like you suggest that it isnt a big deal?
Of course they exist. I've seen them fighting right wingers. They come ready to rumble. So do the right wingers, if the things people say on this board are true. Everyone comes with their banner and their shield, right?
Hopefully they get arrested just as fast as the right wingers if they started it. But honestly, this talk about who is more to blame for the fights that break out at political protests--it reminds me of nothing so much as the poor elementary school principal standing there listening to two fourth graders both loudly howling "but HE started it." Suspend 'em both and listen to both kid's parents holler about it.
No, no, no. You arent getting off that easy. You are acting like both parties do it. That is complete bullshit. You cannot name a single democrat rally or protest where mobs of republicans showed up and attacked them. Only democrats do that. Obama never had violent republicans show up to his rallies, nor Hillary, or Biden, or anyone else.
Since when were we talking about political rallies? What I was talking about, where they mix it up at protests like were in Charlottesville and at many alt-right rallies and left-wing rallies, it IS both parties cruisin' for a bruisin. That's all I have to say about it.

There are idiots on both sides, no question. But right now there is no moral equivalency. Cities like Minneapolis didn't get half a billion dollars of damage done by vast right wing gangs. Statues and monuments are not being torn down by vast right wing gangs.

The destruction happening is overwhelmingly coming from the far left. That is the simple truth. To imply otherwise is frankly ridiculous.
We (or at least I) was not talking about the recent riots. I was talking about fisticuffs and skull cracking at protests where both sides came achin for a fight. That's what my remarks have been about.

Fair enough. But I think a good point was made. I have not seen a single Conservative express any support for right wing goons. But I have seen massive support for Left wing goons expressed by the main stream media and many Left wingers on this board.

That tells a lot about where we are as a Country and where the Left is right now.
At least this time, I hope they took walk around the battlefield and actually learned some history.

But what is worrisome is that anonymous people seem intent on creating and provoking potentially lethal confrontations among groups and exploiting if not widening divisions.

who are these people?

GETTYSBURG NATIONAL MILITARY PARK, PA. — For weeks, a mysterious figure on social media talked up plans for antifa protesters to converge on this historical site on Independence Day to burn American flags, an event that seemed at times to border on the farcical.

“Let’s get together and burn flags in protest of thugs and animals in blue,” the anonymous person behind a Facebook page called Left Behind USA wrote in mid-June. There would be antifa face paint, the person wrote, and organizers would “be giving away free small flags to children to safely throw into the fire.”

As word spread, self-proclaimed militias, bikers, skinheads and far-right groups from outside the state issued a call to action, pledging in online videos and posts to come to Gettysburg to protect the Civil War monuments and the nation’s flag from desecration. Some said they would bring firearms and use force if necessary.

On Saturday afternoon, in the hours before the flag burning was to start, they flooded in by the hundreds — heavily armed and unaware, it seemed, that the mysterious Internet poster was not who the person claimed to be.

The episode at Gettysburg is a stark illustration of how shadowy figures on social media have stoked fears about the protests against racial injustice and excessive police force that have swept across the nation since the death of George Floyd in police custody on May 25.

Armed vigilantes lined the streets of small Idaho towns last month after false claims circulated online about antifa, a loose collection of activists who oppose fascism and have sometimes embraced property damage and violent protest in recent years. Similar hoaxes have befallen towns in New Jersey, South Dakota and Michigan in recent weeks.

The difference is that no harm was done here, because the Right showed up and there
Maybe he is just a very clever troll....this part is sort of funny. They fell for the same hoax three years ago.

A Facebook page called Central PA Antifa quickly denounced the event as fake, likening it to a hoax in Gettysburg three years ago.
In 2017, rumors of an antifa event at the national park prompted a large group of armed militia members to show up. They encountered no one from antifa, but one of the armed militia members accidentally shot himself in the leg with a revolver.
How is this a hoax? Just because an ANTIFA scumbags event failed, what does that prove?
Out of curiosity, did you actually read the entire article? It is interesting and exposes the fakery behind it.

I skimmed your except. If there is a further point to be made, tell me about it. iF your point intrigues me, I may read the linked article.
I have no interest in spoon feeding you. Read it, or don’t. There are multiple articles out there on it. You’re a big boy.

Got it. There is no further point. Someone tried to gin something up and failed. No harm done.

With you guys? People get FUCKED UP and you use it to spread hate and racism all the live long day.
Parler is owned and operated by the Chinese. So just be careful.

Wow, that's an interesting lie. Twitter must be shitting bricks to float such an absurd falsehood.

No, Parler is not owned or associated with China. John Matze of Henderson Nevada is the owner of the site.
At least this time, I hope they took walk around the battlefield and actually learned some history.

But what is worrisome is that anonymous people seem intent on creating and provoking potentially lethal confrontations among groups and exploiting if not widening divisions.

who are these people?

GETTYSBURG NATIONAL MILITARY PARK, PA. — For weeks, a mysterious figure on social media talked up plans for antifa protesters to converge on this historical site on Independence Day to burn American flags, an event that seemed at times to border on the farcical.

“Let’s get together and burn flags in protest of thugs and animals in blue,” the anonymous person behind a Facebook page called Left Behind USA wrote in mid-June. There would be antifa face paint, the person wrote, and organizers would “be giving away free small flags to children to safely throw into the fire.”

As word spread, self-proclaimed militias, bikers, skinheads and far-right groups from outside the state issued a call to action, pledging in online videos and posts to come to Gettysburg to protect the Civil War monuments and the nation’s flag from desecration. Some said they would bring firearms and use force if necessary.

On Saturday afternoon, in the hours before the flag burning was to start, they flooded in by the hundreds — heavily armed and unaware, it seemed, that the mysterious Internet poster was not who the person claimed to be.

The episode at Gettysburg is a stark illustration of how shadowy figures on social media have stoked fears about the protests against racial injustice and excessive police force that have swept across the nation since the death of George Floyd in police custody on May 25.

Armed vigilantes lined the streets of small Idaho towns last month after false claims circulated online about antifa, a loose collection of activists who oppose fascism and have sometimes embraced property damage and violent protest in recent years. Similar hoaxes have befallen towns in New Jersey, South Dakota and Michigan in recent weeks.

The difference is that no harm was done here, because the Right showed up and there
Maybe he is just a very clever troll....this part is sort of funny. They fell for the same hoax three years ago.

A Facebook page called Central PA Antifa quickly denounced the event as fake, likening it to a hoax in Gettysburg three years ago.
In 2017, rumors of an antifa event at the national park prompted a large group of armed militia members to show up. They encountered no one from antifa, but one of the armed militia members accidentally shot himself in the leg with a revolver.
How is this a hoax? Just because an ANTIFA scumbags event failed, what does that prove?
Out of curiosity, did you actually read the entire article? It is interesting and exposes the fakery behind it.

I skimmed your except. If there is a further point to be made, tell me about it. iF your point intrigues me, I may read the linked article.
I have no interest in spoon feeding you. Read it, or don’t. There are multiple articles out there on it. You’re a big boy.

Got it. There is no further point. Someone tried to gin something up and failed. No harm done.

With you guys? People get FUCKED UP and you use it to spread hate and racism all the live long day.
What are you talking about?
Did you, or the little Goebbels of the America hating Washington Post have some sort of point, other than that you hate America?
One post showed a poster that advertised a flag-burning, complete with Antifa members doing face painting, of all things. Another post suggested that 30,000 members of Antifa were planning to invade Gettysburg and its suburbs to kill white people and Trump supporters. That post also suggested that Antifa members had been setting off fireworks for weeks leading up to the holiday to inure people to the sound of gunfire so they wouldn’t call the police when Antifa began executing white people.

Both things turned out to be, as the president of the United States would say, fake news.

View attachment 359688
A group of individuals, some armed, talk near an entrance to the Gettysburg National Cemetery in Gettysburg National Military Park on Saturday, July 4, 2020. (Photo: Dan Rainville, The Evening Sun)

“Obviously, it was all made up,” said Kurt Andresen, a physics professor at Gettysburg College who visited the battlefield Sunday wearing a Black Lives Matter T-shirt. “(The flag-burning event) was made up by a right-wing group to try to get a rise out of people. They got what they wanted.”


It's not like the Brown Shirts of ANTIFA and the BLM Klan don't do these things on a daily basis.
You have no proof of that. You are a liar.
No harm was done because only one side believed the scam. Again.
Wow! Your brilliance is exceeded only by the fact that you know all these things only after the fact!
So impressive.

I guess the enlightened folks on the left get their jollies by sending out false alerts
which patriot groups react to.

What a constructive use of their energies and time. Crying wolf sounds like the summit of you folk's usefulness.
You just said absolutely nothing.
The point isn’t Dem or Pub. Believe it or not there is a world beyond two political parties.

You have someone exploiting divisions in such a skillful way, he gets an entire group to go to a fake meet up.

When will this tactic actually work and lead to unintended violence beyond shooting oneself in the leg?

democrats are waging war to destroy America. The BLM Klan and the ANTIFA Brown Shirts are just the terrorist shock troops of the treasonous democrat party.

Was this trolling on Fascistbook or did the democrats realize they were out manned and out gunned?

Who cares? What's the point?
You are waging war on the truth and accurate information. Why? Is it because you are losing this fight?
Lol, a couple of dumpster fires and a Wendy's does not equal "burned whole cities down".

Oh, is that all it is, you lying cocksucker?

View attachment 359711
View attachment 359713
A pic of the burning Wendy's.

Not sure what you think that proves...

It proves you're a lying cocksucker.

Of course everyone already knew that.

democrats, at the prompting of your government, have be raping and pillaging across the nation. You lied about a "dumpster fire" and thought you could get away with it.
Lol, you really should listen to some real news every now and then. You have no idea what's really happening in the world.

Moron ChiCom troll.


The protests over the police killing of George Floyd devolved into looting, vandalism, and arson across America that destroyed black lives, black livelihoods, and black monuments, and they started where George Floyd died, in Minneapolis. On Wednesday, the city reported that no fewer than 700 buildings were damaged, burned, or destroyed in the riots. It also released a map showing just how widespread the looting, vandalism, and arson spread.

The map breaks down the damage into four categories: cosmetic damage, minor damage, major damage, and wholly destroyed, CBS Local reported.

According to the map, twelve structures were “wholly destroyed” — and these buildings housed multiple businesses.

“This is not just the structures that have been impacted, it’s the community that’s been impacted, and if you take a look at where the destruction has happened, some of it is not because of the uprising, some of it is because people came into the community and tried to terrorize some neighborhoods and set buildings on fire,” explained Erik Hansen, Minneapolis’s director of economic policy and development.


PJmedia is a far right piece of garbage.

Sorry Klanboi - you fools have CNN, WaPo, and NBC.

You simply don't have standing to attack ANY source.
:auiqs.jpg: Shit, you don't even have a source.
At least real cats catch mice, and don’t confuse dust balls for vermin.

To repeat: when you have an event that doesn’t appear on any of the promoting group’s sites...and no one from that group attends...and it targets bikers as not invited...umh you think up it might be hoax? Gad you peop,e are gullible if you insist on arguing it wasn’t a hoax.

I thought you Maoists claimed that ANTIFA is a hoax?

Y'all can't seem to keep your lies straight.
Where is your documentation that it exists and has organization?

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