And One Stands Alone

Apr 17, 2011
The last decent President America had, despite his love for dictators. James Earl Carter.

Call the ER. You're having a stroke.

Actually, he's just so happy he doesn't have to stand next to Reagan or afraid to catch something standing too close to Slick Willie.

Brackets looks like he's trying to get advice from the Job resume king, HW.
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Actually, he's just so happy he doesn't have to stand next to Reagan or afraid to catch something standing too close to Slick Willie.

Carter was more fiscally Conservative than Reagan.

Plus, was your boy Reagan in that pic?
Faulting the man for Getting old, sick and dying? Really? lol Sorry his corpse could not make the fucking Photo shoot.


I don't fault Reagan from getting old, but perhaps your memory is.

How is your boy, Reagan, who ran up our debt three times as much and hired over 200,000 government workers to our federal payroll more fiscally conservative than Carter?

As Bowie says, Let's dance (Its a great version).

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Faulting the man for Getting old, sick and dying? Really? lol Sorry his corpse could not make the fucking Photo shoot.


I don't fault Reagan from getting old, but perhaps your memory is.

How is your boy, Reagan, who ran up our debt three times as much and hired over 200,000 government workers to our federal payroll more fiscally than Carter?

Let's dance.

Never asserted he was, and he was not my Boy sir. Hell when he was in office I was probably Much Further Left than you are. I am ashamed to admit.

I am not even going to get into an argument with you over who ran up more Debt, and Why. Personally I hold Congress Responsible for most Debt in the End. In Fact Democrat Congresses Routinely Add spending to Republican Presidents Budgets before Passing them. Something I am sure you ignore when you figure how much Debt Reagan added. I am sure you also ignore the little fact that Reagan's Military spending, Particularly on modernizing our Nuclear arsenal, and Developing Cutting edge Technologies. Is consider almost universally by Historians, to have been a major contributing factor to the Fall of the USSR. Or maybe you don't Care because you are just some punk kid that did not grow up when the Cold War was still in full gear, Always wondering in the back of your mind when the US and USSR were going to Exterminate us all in a flash. Knowing that Hundreds of Millions of People were living like Slaves in a Communist Country that was such a Utopia it maintained the Largest Protected Borders on Earth. With the Main goal being keeping people in.

Besides, It is Entitlements like Medicare and SS that will Destroy this country. Not Military Spending. Between Just those 2, and State Liabilities. We face 120 TRILLION dollars in unfunded Debts. All these Debts, Which are the ones in the end which will destroy us. Are the Products of Progressive, Liberal Policies. Not Fucking Ronald Reagan, or Bush. With the Unfunded Debt Obligations just from Medicare and SS not even counting the States. We could fund Defense spending at current levels for well over 100 Years.

You people really need some fucking perspective. You talk about Reagan, and Ignore thant your Boy Obama has just taken the Debt from Just under 10, to almost 15 Trillion dollars in 2 Years. Adding Roughly 25% of all the Debt we have ever acquired, in just .9 Percent of our Nations existence. Or you attempt to give Obama a pass and say, Bush spent us into trouble, so Obama had to spend 4 times as fast to "fix it". Which is what you are saying when you say Obama had to spend all that money because of Bush. The Stimulus was an utter failure. The money was not spent on things that would actually STIMULATE. more than Half of it actually went to do what????? You guessed it, Cover just a fraction of the Future State Unfunded Debt Obligations were talking about.

Get a fucking Grip, and lets stop talking about who's fault this all is, Stop SPENDING MONEY, and try and figure out a way to reverse course before it is to late, and we make what is happening in Greece as we speak look like a picnic. I feel like I am living in Germany in the days before the Wimar Republic Fell. Any day now I will wake up and find out I need a wheel barrel full of US dollars to buy a gallon of Milk.

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Personally I hold Congress Responsible for most Debt in the End.

lol....and this is why I supported McCain. McCain has a red pen and will use it.

However, you fags cannot accept personal responsibility, but blame Congress for it.

Get a fucking Grip

I am not the one who went on a tireless tirade.


Again, Carter was more fiscally conservative than your boy Reagan. Why you are throwing a fit over this is beyond me.
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Hmm, Carter. 10% inflation. 15% interest rates. Afghanistan. Stagflation. Iranian hostages. Desert One. Cardigans.
The most ineffectual president ever. A one termer. Anti-semite. Race baiter.
No, I wouldn't call him decent. He's probably glad Obama's in office because it makes him look good.
Oh puhleeze. An eagerness to raise taxes and inflate our currency until its worthless is not the mark of a so-called "fiscal conservative."

Carter and Volcker protected the dollar, which says so much more than your Greenspan/Reagan, etc. fellow.
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Carter's poll numbers went up after this speech, not down.

Carter: the true Visionary.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪President Jimmy Carter - Address to the Nation on Energy‬‏[/ame]
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I have some problems with some of Carters policies/

But I also happen to think he was a moral person whose motives were sound even if his administration failed on many counts.

He was, after all, betrayed by the very same duelopoly that is screwing this nation, right now.
Hmm, Carter. 10% inflation. 15% interest rates. Iranian hostages. .

Carter never caused that. Please explain yourself.

Carter was not weak and vacillating in the face of the Iranian hostage crisis?
Let's reminisce here a bit:
Election 1980:

Election 1984

Not only was Carter hammered by someone the press hated but Reagan was re-elected in a landslide 4 years later.
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