And republicans bought it

Only a fool believes there is a "Russian connection"...
And real conservatives were/are against a strike like this.
You suck too much Obama dick shit for brains
Some Conservatives are against this..................

Others like me understand Gunboat Diplomacy..........

Peace through Strength..............

This was a message to knock it off or red crayons in the sand like before

Yeah Obama was like knock it off or I'm going to be really really mad.....and Assad told him to go fuck himself
He got backed into corner after making the red line statements and looked like the true dumb azz that he a political way out with the deal to destroy the weapons.........but gave no U.S. inspection means to ensure disposal of them. Same as in Iran...................

They played him like a fiddle.
did he go to congress yes or no?
Unknown considering the information would have been shared in committee with them in normal briefings,

Doesn't matter to me...............The use of Chemical weapons required a response and not harsher words..........or dumb azzed red lines.
so after killing so many a few holes in the ground satisfy you?? I say it's all bs
sassy IF I had a fuck I wouldn't give it
:itsok: It's OK Edward you tried.....but alas you're too stupid to win at this
I just ran into many republican termites None with the brains god gave them
Too bad they missed the chance to beat the shit out of your dumb ass.
and it's a shame somebody didn't stop you from putting your head up trumps ass

As Edward peers out of Ear's ass

Discussing reality with edward is like fighting a guy with Tyrannosaurus Arms.

And here's the pitch....
YO libs and dems

2010 you lost
2012 you lost
2014 you lost
2016 you lost

you lost the whitehouse, the senate, the house, a majority of governors, and a majority of state legislatures.

Do you get the message yet? The American people have rejected: Clinton, Obama, Democrats, Liberalism, Socialism, the corrupt lying media, and the left in general.

Until you wake up and accept the fact that you are out of touch with the American people, your losses will continue to pile up. The party of Truman and Kennedy is dead. The Clintons and Obama killed it.
in which one of those years you posted did dems lose the popular vote ?
Some Conservatives are against this..................

Others like me understand Gunboat Diplomacy..........

Peace through Strength..............

This was a message to knock it off or red crayons in the sand like before

Yeah Obama was like knock it off or I'm going to be really really mad.....and Assad told him to go fuck himself
He got backed into corner after making the red line statements and looked like the true dumb azz that he a political way out with the deal to destroy the weapons.........but gave no U.S. inspection means to ensure disposal of them. Same as in Iran...................

They played him like a fiddle.
did he go to congress yes or no?
Unknown considering the information would have been shared in committee with them in normal briefings,

Doesn't matter to me...............The use of Chemical weapons required a response and not harsher words..........or dumb azzed red lines.
so after killing so many a few holes in the ground satisfy you?? I say it's all bs
Pictures tell different story............we are not buying your BS
YO libs and dems

2010 you lost
2012 you lost
2014 you lost
2016 you lost

you lost the whitehouse, the senate, the house, a majority of governors, and a majority of state legislatures.

Do you get the message yet? The American people have rejected: Clinton, Obama, Democrats, Liberalism, Socialism, the corrupt lying media, and the left in general.

Until you wake up and accept the fact that you are out of touch with the American people, your losses will continue to pile up. The party of Truman and Kennedy is dead. The Clintons and Obama killed it.
in which one of those years you posted did dems lose the popular vote ?

^^^^ Edward just doubled down on ignorance
Yeah Obama was like knock it off or I'm going to be really really mad.....and Assad told him to go fuck himself
He got backed into corner after making the red line statements and looked like the true dumb azz that he a political way out with the deal to destroy the weapons.........but gave no U.S. inspection means to ensure disposal of them. Same as in Iran...................

They played him like a fiddle.
did he go to congress yes or no?
Unknown considering the information would have been shared in committee with them in normal briefings,

Doesn't matter to me...............The use of Chemical weapons required a response and not harsher words..........or dumb azzed red lines.
so after killing so many a few holes in the ground satisfy you?? I say it's all bs
Pictures tell different story............we are not buying your BS
russia says 23 hits out of 59 launched
He got backed into corner after making the red line statements and looked like the true dumb azz that he a political way out with the deal to destroy the weapons.........but gave no U.S. inspection means to ensure disposal of them. Same as in Iran...................

They played him like a fiddle.
did he go to congress yes or no?
Unknown considering the information would have been shared in committee with them in normal briefings,

Doesn't matter to me...............The use of Chemical weapons required a response and not harsher words..........or dumb azzed red lines.
so after killing so many a few holes in the ground satisfy you?? I say it's all bs
Pictures tell different story............we are not buying your BS
russia says 23 hits out of 59 launched

It's called propaganda Edward....both sides do it
He got backed into corner after making the red line statements and looked like the true dumb azz that he a political way out with the deal to destroy the weapons.........but gave no U.S. inspection means to ensure disposal of them. Same as in Iran...................

They played him like a fiddle.
did he go to congress yes or no?
Unknown considering the information would have been shared in committee with them in normal briefings,

Doesn't matter to me...............The use of Chemical weapons required a response and not harsher words..........or dumb azzed red lines.
so after killing so many a few holes in the ground satisfy you?? I say it's all bs
Pictures tell different story............we are not buying your BS
russia says 23 hits out of 59 launched
Being x military here and we had Tomohawk missiles..........I'd say that makes about at much sense as.......

If a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his butt when he jumped.

Just saying.
YO libs and dems

2010 you lost
2012 you lost
2014 you lost
2016 you lost

you lost the whitehouse, the senate, the house, a majority of governors, and a majority of state legislatures.

Do you get the message yet? The American people have rejected: Clinton, Obama, Democrats, Liberalism, Socialism, the corrupt lying media, and the left in general.

Until you wake up and accept the fact that you are out of touch with the American people, your losses will continue to pile up. The party of Truman and Kennedy is dead. The Clintons and Obama killed it.
in which one of those years you posted did dems lose the popular vote ?
Crazy cali does not count... jack weed
did he go to congress yes or no?
Unknown considering the information would have been shared in committee with them in normal briefings,

Doesn't matter to me...............The use of Chemical weapons required a response and not harsher words..........or dumb azzed red lines.
so after killing so many a few holes in the ground satisfy you?? I say it's all bs
Pictures tell different story............we are not buying your BS
russia says 23 hits out of 59 launched
Being x military here and we had Tomohawk missiles..........I'd say that makes about at much sense as.......

If a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his butt when he jumped.

Just saying.

Tomahawks are notoriously accurate
have a good day sassy but you should really stop buying into all that crap republicans fling Try for a little more balance in your political thought just sayin Why be like all the other idiots that posted here?
have a good day sassy but you should really stop buying into all that crap republicans fling Try for a little more balance in your political thought just sayin Why be like all the other idiots that posted here?

Oh me achin ribs, a partisan hack moonbat calls for more balance? Get lost you lying little man
YO libs and dems

2010 you lost
2012 you lost
2014 you lost
2016 you lost

you lost the whitehouse, the senate, the house, a majority of governors, and a majority of state legislatures.

Do you get the message yet? The American people have rejected: Clinton, Obama, Democrats, Liberalism, Socialism, the corrupt lying media, and the left in general.

Until you wake up and accept the fact that you are out of touch with the American people, your losses will continue to pile up. The party of Truman and Kennedy is dead. The Clintons and Obama killed it.
in which one of those years you posted did dems lose the popular vote ?
Crazy cali does not count... jack weed
and either do traitors from texas butt head
did he go to congress yes or no?

Eddy, Eddy, Eddy... SMH

The President didn't have to. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 states the he must notify congress within 48hrs if he commits armed forces. Then has 90 days, 60 days in conflict 30 days to withdraw,. After 60 days he has to have a Congressional declaration of war to keep troop there.

The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours [He did that on national TV]of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, [1 hour is less than 60 days] with a further 30-day withdrawal period, without a Congressional authorization for use of military force (AUMF) or a declaration of war by the United States.

War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia

Sorry to destroy your argument, but 1 hour of engagement does not require Congressional approval.
perhaps Ed could prove how inaccurate Tomohawk missiles really are......

Show us the details of how they miss their targets...........

perhaps Ed could prove how inaccurate Tomohawk missiles really are......

Show us the details of how they miss their targets...........

eagle I'm just going by what Russia said of those strikes and you asking for details ?? Surely you're not that stupid?? BTW I guess for all you morons and republicans,,,but I repeat myself ,this goes to prove there is no Russia Trump connection?? lol ..Like I said ,,you bought it
I'm not falling for any of this B.S. and it shocks me how many people are!!
Well friends, you are watching political theater in one of the most sinister scenes. Trump's presidency is hitting rock bottom, so what does he do?
1. Colludes with Russia to create an international event for him to react to in a "presidential manner".
2. Remove Bannon, making it seem that he's wised up.
3. React to the gassing of the innocent Syrians, almost weeping about the "beautiful babies".
4. Lets everyone else condemn Russia, but keeps quiet himself.
5. Does exactly what he told President Obama NOT to do - conducts a bombing raid on the airport where the gas attack was launched.
1. With as much television as he watches, he's seen dead "beautiful babies" before and it didnt move him to say anything.
2. He tells Russia ahead of time what he's doing. He DOESN'T take out the landing strips!
3. He DOESN'T know if there are other troops from other nations there that could be killed, which would cause active conflicts.
4. He didn't think about possible retaliation to our troops in the region.
5. He doesn't seek counsel from Congress because they would have told him NO.
But hey! He's coming off like the TOUGH GUY he's always wanted to be and he got to play with BOMBS. The idiots that support him now think he's the BIG CHEESE. People are saying, "See! There's nothing between Trump and Russia! He wouldn't do this if there was!"
Friggin' idiots!
Feel free to copy & share

This is funny. Oh yeah, O never consulted with congress on his bombing adventures in the ME.
He got backed into corner after making the red line statements and looked like the true dumb azz that he a political way out with the deal to destroy the weapons.........but gave no U.S. inspection means to ensure disposal of them. Same as in Iran...................

They played him like a fiddle.
did he go to congress yes or no?
Unknown considering the information would have been shared in committee with them in normal briefings,

Doesn't matter to me...............The use of Chemical weapons required a response and not harsher words..........or dumb azzed red lines.
so after killing so many a few holes in the ground satisfy you?? I say it's all bs
Pictures tell different story............we are not buying your BS
russia says 23 hits out of 59 launched
Try to keep up. 59 out of 60 missiles hit the target. One misfired and fell into the ocean.
Guess the sewers are all cleaned out The snakes are all here,,,,
did he go to congress yes or no?
Unknown considering the information would have been shared in committee with them in normal briefings,

Doesn't matter to me...............The use of Chemical weapons required a response and not harsher words..........or dumb azzed red lines.
so after killing so many a few holes in the ground satisfy you?? I say it's all bs
Pictures tell different story............we are not buying your BS
russia says 23 hits out of 59 launched
Try to keep up. 59 out of 60 missiles hit the target. One misfired and fell into the ocean.
you're calling the russians liars??.....and those that hit,,,,pinpricks in the ground

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