And so it begins. 2 black teens in Sanford FL attacks and almost kills a 50 year old

OK - so miranda rights and handcuffs aside - can anyone produce a link to ANY report that says Zimmerman was arrested? I can give you many links to reports that quote people saying he should be arrested or that he should have been arrested and they are upset because they say that didn't happen. Are they misinformed? Or are we wrong in just assuming that he was arrested?

And again, would you find it surprising or disturbing at all to find out that he was never arrested?
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After a person has officially been taken into custody (detained by police), but before any interrogation takes place, police must inform them of their right to remain silent and to have an attorney present during questioning. A person is considered to be "in custody" anytime they are placed in an environment in which they do not believe they are free to leave.

Miranda Rights Questions and Answers
Because the dumb asses need something to be outraged about. To think, that someone would actually be charged for gunning down an unarmed teenager that has a bag of skittles and a can of iced tea. Capital crime.

hey Rocks when that White guy was beat to a pulp by the Cops out here in Fullerton,and then some of it was covered come you were not in that thread acting like you are in the Florida case thread?....cant be Politically Correct if the victim is White,so why bother?....

Why the fuck are you not down at the court house making a big deal out of it? That is your duty as a citizen. Do you not realize that?

how do you know i wasn't?......and i notice you did not answer what i asked.....
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OK - so miranda rights and handcuffs aside - can anyone produce a link to ANY report that says Zimmerman was arrested? I can give you many links to reports that quote people saying he should be arrested otr that he should have been arrested and they are upset that didn't happen. Are they misinformed? Or are we wrong in just assuming that he was arrested?

And again, would you find it surprising or disturbing at all to find out that he was never arrested? would have been disturbing if he were not arrested. people looking to senasationalized claimed he was not arrested.
Advocates lookinjg to make this a racial thing claimed he had not been arrested.

So what did the police do?

They released the video of him getting out of the patrol car in cuffs...

That is an arrest.,

Otherwise, it is kidnapping.
You only get Miranda when charged. Not when simply arrested.

You are confusing arrest with charge.

Absolutely wrong.

You are read your Miranda rights when you are arrested.

More often than not your "charges" come much later.,
I wasn't. Of course, I wasn't charged with anything, either.

Actually when you are mirandized you have been arrested when you have been cuffed you are arrested, to be arrested is not to be charged.
No I'm not confusing it - I was responding to a poster that was claiming he knew that Zimmerman was read his miranda right and that fact proves he was arrested. I asked if he actually KNEW or was just assuming that Zimmerman was mirandized. Your post seens to confirm that the poster I was exchanging with was just making crap up.
Oh, I see. I have seen no information that said he was mirandized.

Perhaps the poster could supply a link to that information.

being read your rights is another issue altogether. The few times it DOESNT happen, more often than not, a charge against uyou is compromised....

But the miunute an officer cuffs you with the intent to transport you against your will, it is an arrest and you MUST be read your miranda rights.

The only other time an officer will cuff someone without it being an arrest is if it is a situation where they believe you may flee or hurt someone (including yourself) before there is enough information warranting an arrest.
Like I said. I was arrested. I was cuffed. I was transported to a detention facility. I spent 55 minutes there. Then I was released on my own recognizance. I was not charged with anything. I was not booked. I was not printed. I was not photgraphed for a mugshot. I was not a danger to myself and no reasonable person could have thought I was a danger to others.

And, I was not read my Miranda rights.

And, I know several who had the same thing happen - arrested, but not mirandized.

So, all that means is if the whatever they thought I did went to court, anything I said while in custody, would be DQed from trial.

I think it's a shakey assumption to make that just because someone is arrested, that they are mirandized. They should be, but what should be is not always the case.
And the question of whether or not he was actually arrested is a huge bone of contention for so many. If you found out that in spite of the things you saw that you assumed means he was arrested that he really wasn't arrested, would you be shocked? Would you find that it puts the situation in a different light? Would you think it was unusual?

When they placed the handcuffs on him and took him away that made him arrested.
To be arrested is not the same as being charged.

No, I'm sorry. You are wrong. Handcuffs do NOT = arrest.

Let me advise you on my history. I am a former police officer don't argue with me on this subject. When you have been handcuffed you are under arrest.
Oh, I see. I have seen no information that said he was mirandized.

Perhaps the poster could supply a link to that information.

being read your rights is another issue altogether. The few times it DOESNT happen, more often than not, a charge against uyou is compromised....

But the miunute an officer cuffs you with the intent to transport you against your will, it is an arrest and you MUST be read your miranda rights.

The only other time an officer will cuff someone without it being an arrest is if it is a situation where they believe you may flee or hurt someone (including yourself) before there is enough information warranting an arrest.
Like I said. I was arrested. I was cuffed. I was transported to a detention facility. I spent 55 minutes there. Then I was released on my own recognizance. I was not charged with anything. I was not booked. I was not printed. I was not photgraphed for a mugshot. I was not a danger to myself and no reasonable person could have thought I was a danger to others.

And, I was not read my Miranda rights.

And, I know several who had the same thing happen - arrested, but not mirandized.

So, all that means is if the whatever they thought I did went to court, anything I said while in custody, would be DQed from trial.

I think it's a shakey assumption to make that just because someone is arrested, that they are mirandized. They should be, but what should be is not always the case.

but I never said that was what made it an arrest.

What I said was that he was cuffed and transported against his will to the police station. Now...hiow do I know it was against his will? THE CUFFS.

Was he read his Miranda rights? My guess is yes....for he was questioned at the scene...and then arrested.,....and only foolish lazy cops would jeopardize a prosecution by not reading the miranda rights.
OK - so miranda rights and handcuffs aside - can anyone produce a link to ANY report that says Zimmerman was arrested? I can give you many links to reports that quote people saying he should be arrested or that he should have been arrested and they are upset because they say that didn't happen. Are they misinformed? Or are we wrong in just assuming that he was arrested?

And again, would you find it surprising or disturbing at all to find out that he was never arrested?
Read the cop report and look at the video of Zimmerman at the cop station.

He was arrested.

If you need a link to either the cop report or the video, I will post it AGAIN.
Let's put this arrested semantics fight to bed:
Just because the police handcuff you does not necessarily mean you're under arrest. That's what the Florida Supreme Court ruled in a case called Reynolds v. State of Florida.

In Reynolds, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that it is legal for a police officer to handcuff someone if the officer reasonably believes that it is necessary to do so in order to protect the officer's safety or to prevent that person from fleeing. However, handcuffing a person in this situation does not necessarily mean that the person is under arrest; it may simply mean that the person is being temporarily detained while the officer conducts his investigation.

Being Handcuffed by the Police Doesn't Necessarily Mean You're Under Arrest : West Palm Beach Criminal Lawyer Blog

Buggerreb is full of shit. Just a head's up.
OK - so miranda rights and handcuffs aside - can anyone produce a link to ANY report that says Zimmerman was arrested? I can give you many links to reports that quote people saying he should be arrested or that he should have been arrested and they are upset because they say that didn't happen. Are they misinformed? Or are we wrong in just assuming that he was arrested?

And again, would you find it surprising or disturbing at all to find out that he was never arrested?

He was detained and obviously the DA didn't feel there was enough evidence at that point in time to charge Zimmerman with a crime.

You just cant hold people without viable evidence to backup a story, you just cant hold people until you get the evidence to charge them with a crime...

There is just no evidence...
being read your rights is another issue altogether. The few times it DOESNT happen, more often than not, a charge against uyou is compromised....

But the miunute an officer cuffs you with the intent to transport you against your will, it is an arrest and you MUST be read your miranda rights.

The only other time an officer will cuff someone without it being an arrest is if it is a situation where they believe you may flee or hurt someone (including yourself) before there is enough information warranting an arrest.
Like I said. I was arrested. I was cuffed. I was transported to a detention facility. I spent 55 minutes there. Then I was released on my own recognizance. I was not charged with anything. I was not booked. I was not printed. I was not photgraphed for a mugshot. I was not a danger to myself and no reasonable person could have thought I was a danger to others.

And, I was not read my Miranda rights.

And, I know several who had the same thing happen - arrested, but not mirandized.

So, all that means is if the whatever they thought I did went to court, anything I said while in custody, would be DQed from trial.

I think it's a shakey assumption to make that just because someone is arrested, that they are mirandized. They should be, but what should be is not always the case.

but I never said that was what made it an arrest.

What I said was that he was cuffed and transported against his will to the police station. Now...hiow do I know it was against his will? THE CUFFS.

Was he read his Miranda rights? My guess is yes....for he was questioned at the scene...and then arrested.,....and only foolish lazy cops would jeopardize a prosecution by not reading the miranda rights.
And, nor am I saying that.

I am saying that all arrests do not get mirandized.

But, he was arrested.
When they placed the handcuffs on him and took him away that made him arrested.
To be arrested is not the same as being charged.

No, I'm sorry. You are wrong. Handcuffs do NOT = arrest.

Let me advise you on my history. I am a former police officer don't argue with me on this subject. When you have been handcuffed you are under arrest.

you are incorrect....
Cuffs without transport is is sometimes a tactic to quiiet a situation...such as a bar fight where ultimately no one is transported and arrested.
when blacks kill they get arrested when a person kills blacks they get let free. In Mississippi they give you a welcome home parade like they did for byron de la bechwith, the guy who killed megar evers.
Let's put this arrested semantics fight to bed:
Just because the police handcuff you does not necessarily mean you're under arrest. That's what the Florida Supreme Court ruled in a case called Reynolds v. State of Florida.

In Reynolds, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that it is legal for a police officer to handcuff someone if the officer reasonably believes that it is necessary to do so in order to protect the officer's safety or to prevent that person from fleeing. However, handcuffing a person in this situation does not necessarily mean that the person is under arrest; it may simply mean that the person is being temporarily detained while the officer conducts his investigation.

Being Handcuffed by the Police Doesn't Necessarily Mean You're Under Arrest : West Palm Beach Criminal Lawyer Blog

Buggerreb is full of shit. Just a head's up.

as I have said a dozen times already...

Cuffs with involuntary transport to the station....AN ARREST
Again - if Zimmerman really was officially arrested, there should be no trouble finding that fact in a published or broadcasted report. Especially when you can elimenate the criticism that is coming from people who do not believe he was actually arrested.

But I can't find it. Can anyone else?

When someone is placed "under arrest" a specific set of legal and investigatory rules kick in. Where those rules kicked in with Zimmerman? Detained for questioning is not an arrest. Handcuffs do not equal arrest. Riding in the back of a police car doesn't equal arrest.

Was Zimmerman arrested? I haven't gotten a response from anyone who knows or who can cite a source.

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