And so it begins. 2 black teens in Sanford FL attacks and almost kills a 50 year old

Again - if Zimmerman really was officially arrested, there should be no trouble finding that fact in a published or broadcasted report. Especially when you can elimenate the criticism that is coming from people who do not believe he was actually arrested.

But I can't find it. Can anyone else?

When someone is placed "under arrest" a specific set of legal and investigatory rules kick in. Where those rules kicked in with Zimmerman? Detained for questioning is not an arrest. Handcuffs do not equal arrest. Riding in the back of a police car doesn't equal arrest.

Was Zimmerman arrested? I haven't gotten a response from anyone who knows or who can cite a source.

You're wrong.....

Detaining is an arrest..

Arrest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An arrest is the act of depriving a person of his or her liberty usually in relation to the purported investigation and prevention of crime and presenting (the arrestee) into the criminal justice system. The term is Anglo-Norman in origin and is related to the French word arrêt, meaning "stop".
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Again - if Zimmerman really was officially arrested, there should be no trouble finding that fact in a published or broadcasted report. Especially when you can elimenate the criticism that is coming from people who do not believe he was actually arrested.

But I can't find it. Can anyone else?

When someone is placed "under arrest" a specific set of legal and investigatory rules kick in. Where those rules kicked in with Zimmerman? Detained for questioning is not an arrest. Handcuffs do not equal arrest. Riding in the back of a police car doesn't equal arrest.

Was Zimmerman arrested? I haven't gotten a response from anyone who knows or who can cite a source.

Here....and I am no fan of the was one of abiout 50 pages of links

Daily Kos: George Zimmerman WAS Arrested At The Scene of Trayvon Martin Killing
Let's put this arrested semantics fight to bed:
Just because the police handcuff you does not necessarily mean you're under arrest. That's what the Florida Supreme Court ruled in a case called Reynolds v. State of Florida.

In Reynolds, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that it is legal for a police officer to handcuff someone if the officer reasonably believes that it is necessary to do so in order to protect the officer's safety or to prevent that person from fleeing. However, handcuffing a person in this situation does not necessarily mean that the person is under arrest; it may simply mean that the person is being temporarily detained while the officer conducts his investigation.

Being Handcuffed by the Police Doesn't Necessarily Mean You're Under Arrest : West Palm Beach Criminal Lawyer Blog

Buggerreb is full of shit. Just a head's up.
Then Florida is different than Virginia.

In Virginia, if you are cuffed by the cops, you are under arrest.

In fact, I know of a case where a person was arrested (this account from my attorney). After he was cuffed and put in the cruiser, the cops decided to give him a field sobriety test. They had to take the cuffs off to do so. He failed the field sobriety test. However, that charge was thrown out because the judge said that the sobriety test has to be voluntary, under our law.

The judge asked the cops if they unarrested the person when they took the cuffs off. The cops said that of course not; they did not unarrest him. And, the judge threw out the charges of drunk in public. because when under arrest, your volition is removed.

The other charges never made it to trial because the Commonwealth attorney didn't choose to pursue it.

This is just an anecdote, so nothing of substance.
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Let's put this arrested semantics fight to bed:
Just because the police handcuff you does not necessarily mean you're under arrest. That's what the Florida Supreme Court ruled in a case called Reynolds v. State of Florida.

In Reynolds, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that it is legal for a police officer to handcuff someone if the officer reasonably believes that it is necessary to do so in order to protect the officer's safety or to prevent that person from fleeing. However, handcuffing a person in this situation does not necessarily mean that the person is under arrest; it may simply mean that the person is being temporarily detained while the officer conducts his investigation.

Being Handcuffed by the Police Doesn't Necessarily Mean You're Under Arrest : West Palm Beach Criminal Lawyer Blog

Buggerreb is full of shit. Just a head's up.

Ravi talking about shit she is clueless about. No training or experience in law enforcement she use a blog to support her claim.
When a person is handcuffed and transported to another location (the police department) you have been arrested.
Again - if Zimmerman really was officially arrested, there should be no trouble finding that fact in a published or broadcasted report. Especially when you can elimenate the criticism that is coming from people who do not believe he was actually arrested.

But I can't find it. Can anyone else?

When someone is placed "under arrest" a specific set of legal and investigatory rules kick in. Where those rules kicked in with Zimmerman? Detained for questioning is not an arrest. Handcuffs do not equal arrest. Riding in the back of a police car doesn't equal arrest.

Was Zimmerman arrested? I haven't gotten a response from anyone who knows or who can cite a source.

Here....and I am no fan of the was one of abiout 50 pages of links

Daily Kos: George Zimmerman WAS Arrested At The Scene of Trayvon Martin Killing

and here is a quote from it...

EXACTLY what I have been saying....

"Padowitz explains that George Zimmerman was indeed under arrest by the time he arrived at the police station as evidenced by the fact that he was handcuffed and not free to go."
"George Zimmerman should be arrested for taking another man's life."
- The Baltimore Sun, April 3
"Former President George Bush's brother is a strong enforcer of Florida's “Stand Your Ground” law ...
But yesterday, Jeb stated that he does not know why an arrest has not been made in the case of George Zimmerman because the broad spanning law did not umbrella his case."
- Global Grind, April 1

NOW - can someone provide me with any evidence that Zimmerman was arrested?

Read more: Republican Jeb Bush Wants Zimmerman Arrested | Global Grind
"George Zimmerman should be arrested for taking another man's life."
- The Baltimore Sun, April 3
"Former President George Bush's brother is a strong enforcer of Florida's “Stand Your Ground” law ...
But yesterday, Jeb stated that he does not know why an arrest has not been made in the case of George Zimmerman because the broad spanning law did not umbrella his case."
- Global Grind, April 1

NOW - can someone provide me with any evidence that Zimmerman was arrested?

Read more: Republican Jeb Bush Wants Zimmerman Arrested | Global Grind

I did.

Here itr is again:
Yopu are confusing the call for his ARREST AGAIN
"George Zimmerman should be arrested for taking another man's life."
- The Baltimore Sun, April 3
"Former President George Bush's brother is a strong enforcer of Florida's “Stand Your Ground” law ...
But yesterday, Jeb stated that he does not know why an arrest has not been made in the case of George Zimmerman because the broad spanning law did not umbrella his case."
- Global Grind, April 1

NOW - can someone provide me with any evidence that Zimmerman was arrested?

Read more: Republican Jeb Bush Wants Zimmerman Arrested | Global Grind
The cop report and the video.

You need links?

Or would you rather let the media think for you?

The latter is obvious.
OK - so we have a link to someone else speculating that because of the handcuffs and the transport that Zimmerman was arrested. But again, that is just someone else's speculation being reported. And Jeb Bush, who cannot be confused with a liberal race-baiter can he? says Zimmerman was not arrested and he doesn't know why. And Bush is stating this opinion AFTER the linked speculation was published.
you have evidence that they are guilty?

No but I now have evidence you're trying to nitpick. Obviously a trial will determine their guilt or innocence. I'm merely assuming the outcome.

I am not trying to nitpick.

Let me explain something to you. Thanks to the media...and thanks to people rushing to judgement...myself included......I cheated my son out of a great educationj.

He was a highly recruited lacrosse player and was oin the short list with Duke when he was a sophomore in high school. Whereas he was too young to sign a letter of intent, he did make a verbal to them...something he AND they can back out of at anytime until the letter of intent is signed, withiout any negative ramifications per NCAA regulations....

Then the Duke lacrosse issue came out...and I forbid him from playing for the team. I told him he could attend the school, but not be part of the lacrosse program...and of course, he would not get the 33% scholarship he was offered (assuming he signed the LoI)....

He wanted to play he backed out.

Then the truth came out...and although he had already signed the LoI elsewhere, he contacted Coach Danowski who told him there was no longer room for him on the roster....

I have learned....never...EVER rush to judgment.

I'm sorry bud but that decision is on your shoulders, not the media or anyone else
OK - so we have a link to someone else speculating that because of the handcuffs and the transport that Zimmerman was arrested. But again, that is just someone else's speculation being reported. And Jeb Bush, who cannot be confused with a liberal race-baiter can he? says Zimmerman was not arrested and he doesn't know why. And Bush is stating this opinion AFTER the linked speculation was published.
Negged for trolling.
OK - so we have a link to someone else speculating that because of the handcuffs and the transport that Zimmerman was arrested. But again, that is just someone else's speculation being reported. And Jeb Bush, who cannot be confused with a liberal race-baiter can he? says Zimmerman was not arrested and he doesn't know why. And Bush is stating this opinion AFTER the linked speculation was published.


you give article links written by reporters.

I provide you with a link to a video shoiwing him in cuffs and transported in a police car...and then a link to a quote from Padowitz saying it was an arrest and who would know.....and you compare them as offsetting?

Do you know who padowitz is?

Ken Padowitz, former Florida homicide prosecutor and 16-year veteran of the State Attorney's office and Eric Dyson, MSNBC political analyst and Georgetown professor. While I understand that Al Sharpton has been and can be given to hyperbole, especially in a case like this, I think it's fair to say that his guests are most likely more moderate which is what makes the following so disturbing.

Padowitz explains that George Zimmerman was indeed under arrest by the time he arrived at the police station as evidenced by the fact that he was handcuffed and not free to go.

I mean....really?
No but I now have evidence you're trying to nitpick. Obviously a trial will determine their guilt or innocence. I'm merely assuming the outcome.

I am not trying to nitpick.

Let me explain something to you. Thanks to the media...and thanks to people rushing to judgement...myself included......I cheated my son out of a great educationj.

He was a highly recruited lacrosse player and was oin the short list with Duke when he was a sophomore in high school. Whereas he was too young to sign a letter of intent, he did make a verbal to them...something he AND they can back out of at anytime until the letter of intent is signed, withiout any negative ramifications per NCAA regulations....

Then the Duke lacrosse issue came out...and I forbid him from playing for the team. I told him he could attend the school, but not be part of the lacrosse program...and of course, he would not get the 33% scholarship he was offered (assuming he signed the LoI)....

He wanted to play he backed out.

Then the truth came out...and although he had already signed the LoI elsewhere, he contacted Coach Danowski who told him there was no longer room for him on the roster....

I have learned....never...EVER rush to judgment.

I'm sorry bud but that decision is on your shoulders, not the media or anyone else what I wrote...

I cheated my son out of a great education
I am not trying to nitpick.

Let me explain something to you. Thanks to the media...and thanks to people rushing to judgement...myself included......I cheated my son out of a great educationj.

He was a highly recruited lacrosse player and was oin the short list with Duke when he was a sophomore in high school. Whereas he was too young to sign a letter of intent, he did make a verbal to them...something he AND they can back out of at anytime until the letter of intent is signed, withiout any negative ramifications per NCAA regulations....

Then the Duke lacrosse issue came out...and I forbid him from playing for the team. I told him he could attend the school, but not be part of the lacrosse program...and of course, he would not get the 33% scholarship he was offered (assuming he signed the LoI)....

He wanted to play he backed out.

Then the truth came out...and although he had already signed the LoI elsewhere, he contacted Coach Danowski who told him there was no longer room for him on the roster....

I have learned....never...EVER rush to judgment.

I'm sorry bud but that decision is on your shoulders, not the media or anyone else what I wrote...

I cheated my son out of a great education

Boldened part.
Let's put this arrested semantics fight to bed:
Just because the police handcuff you does not necessarily mean you're under arrest. That's what the Florida Supreme Court ruled in a case called Reynolds v. State of Florida.

In Reynolds, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that it is legal for a police officer to handcuff someone if the officer reasonably believes that it is necessary to do so in order to protect the officer's safety or to prevent that person from fleeing. However, handcuffing a person in this situation does not necessarily mean that the person is under arrest; it may simply mean that the person is being temporarily detained while the officer conducts his investigation.

Being Handcuffed by the Police Doesn't Necessarily Mean You're Under Arrest : West Palm Beach Criminal Lawyer Blog

Buggerreb is full of shit. Just a head's up.
Then Florida is different than Virginia.

In Virginia, if you are cuffed by the cops, you are under arrest.

In fact, I know of a case where a person was arrested (this account from my attorney). After he was cuffed and put in the cruiser, the cops decided to give him a field sobriety test. They had to take the cuffs off to do so. He failed the field sobriety test. However, that charge was thrown out because the judge said that the sobriety test has to be voluntary, under our law.

The judge asked the cops if they unarrested the person when they took the cuffs off. The cops said that of course not; they did not unarrest him. And, the judge threw out the charges of drunk in public. because when under arrest, your volition is removed.

The other charges never made it to trial because the Commonwealth attorney didn't choose to pursue it.

This is just an anecdote, so nothing of substance.
I know someone that was taken into protective custody, cuffed, and given a ride to the mental hospital in the back of a police car. He was never under arrest.

Cops can cuff you if they think you are a danger to yourself or others while they detain you. It doesn't mean that you are under arrest.

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