And so it begins. 2 black teens in Sanford FL attacks and almost kills a 50 year old

Did you hear the miranda rights read or are you just assuming that too? Do you know for certain that Zimmerman didn't agree to go in for questioning or are you making that assumption too.
IU'm not trying to nitpick you Jar - Folks all over the place are making assumptions in this case that they just can't back up.
In my opinion THAT is the biggest problem in this case.
You only get Miranda when charged. Not when simply arrested.

You are confusing arrest with charge.

Absolutely wrong.

You are read your Miranda rights when you are arrested.

More often than not your "charges" come much later.,
I wasn't. Of course, I wasn't charged with anything, either.
And the question of whether or not he was actually arrested is a huge bone of contention for so many. If you found out that in spite of the things you saw that you assumed means he was arrested that he really wasn't arrested, would you be shocked? Would you find that it puts the situation in a different light? Would you think it was unusual?

When they placed the handcuffs on him and took him away that made him arrested.
To be arrested is not the same as being charged.
Did you hear the miranda rights read or are you just assuming that too? Do you know for certain that Zimmerman didn't agree to go in for questioning or are you making that assumption too.
IU'm not trying to nitpick you Jar - Folks all over the place are making assumptions in this case that they just can't back up.
In my opinion THAT is the biggest problem in this case.
You only get Miranda when charged. Not when simply arrested.

You are confusing arrest with charge.

Absolutely wrong.

You are read your Miranda rights when you are arrested.

More often than not your "charges" come much later.,

review this link.
It will show you he was arrested and should have been read his Miranda rights.

Miranda Rights Questions and Answers
Did you hear the miranda rights read or are you just assuming that too? Do you know for certain that Zimmerman didn't agree to go in for questioning or are you making that assumption too.
IU'm not trying to nitpick you Jar - Folks all over the place are making assumptions in this case that they just can't back up.
In my opinion THAT is the biggest problem in this case.
You only get Miranda when charged. Not when simply arrested.

You are confusing arrest with charge.

No I'm not confusing it - I was responding to a poster that was claiming he knew that Zimmerman was read his miranda right and that fact proves he was arrested. I asked if he actually KNEW or was just assuming that Zimmerman was mirandized. Your post seens to confirm that the poster I was exchanging with was just making crap up.
Oh, I see. I have seen no information that said he was mirandized.

Perhaps the poster could supply a link to that information.
My preferred outcome is that they throw out this stupid stand your ground law.

That is a wrong headed attitude. Even without the stand your ground law Zimmerman was justified to shoot because he was trying to retreat.

If you take away stand your ground then when someone pulls a gun on you, you must retreat instead of disarming them or returning fire.

Stand your ground law is not the issue in this case. The anti gun crowd want it to be the issue & the democrats want to inject racism into the campaign.

That is no more proven than the myriad of "Zimmerman committed murder because..." posts that we have read here post after post after post.

Did you hear the miranda rights read or are you just assuming that too? Do you know for certain that Zimmerman didn't agree to go in for questioning or are you making that assumption too.
IU'm not trying to nitpick you Jar - Folks all over the place are making assumptions in this case that they just can't back up.
In my opinion THAT is the biggest problem in this case.
You only get Miranda when charged. Not when simply arrested.

You are confusing arrest with charge.

No I'm not confusing it - I was responding to a poster that was claiming he knew that Zimmerman was read his miranda rights and that fact proves he was arrested. I asked if he actually KNEW or was just assuming that Zimmerman was mirandized. Your post seems to confirm that the poster I was exchanging with was just making crap up.
Si Mondo is wrong and I am not making crap up.

I never said I KNEW he was read his miranda rights....I am assuming he was becuase the MINUTE you are handcuffed for transport to the station house the officer MUST read you your Miranda Rights.

And the minute police take you in handcuffs and place you in a police car for transport, you are deemed under arrest.

Otherwise, it is kidnapping.
You only get Miranda when charged. Not when simply arrested.

You are confusing arrest with charge.

Absolutely wrong.

You are read your Miranda rights when you are arrested.

More often than not your "charges" come much later.,

review this link.
It will show you he was arrested and should have been read his Miranda rights.

Miranda Rights Questions and Answers
From your link:

Q. Can police arrest or detain a person without reading them their Miranda rights?

A. Yes, but until the person has been informed of his or her Miranda rights, any statements made by them during interrogation may be ruled inadmissible in court.​

So, it's an assumption that he was mirandized.

As I said, I was arrested and was never mirandized. But, I was never charged with anything, either.
I'm not reading all these pages. Did these kids say the attack was retribution? Or was this just a couple of thugs acting normally?

If you consider beating a man almost to death with a hammer normal, victim's in the ICU, you could probably say the thugs were acting normally. Somehow, smashing someone to death with a carpentry tool just doesn't fall into the "normal" category in my book, but...whatever....
And the question of whether or not he was actually arrested is a huge bone of contention for so many. If you found out that in spite of the things you saw that you assumed means he was arrested that he really wasn't arrested, would you be shocked? Would you find that it puts the situation in a different light? Would you think it was unusual?

When they placed the handcuffs on him and took him away that made him arrested.
To be arrested is not the same as being charged.

No, I'm sorry. You are wrong. Handcuffs do NOT = arrest.
This is what I think happened:

Zimmerman followed Martin - then confronted him, Martin told Zimmerman to go fuck off, Zimmerman didn't, Martin beat Zimmermans ass and then Zimmerman shot Martin....

The real question is; was Zimmerman justified in shooting Martin just because he got his ass kicked??

I don't think he was...

I suppose "fearing for ones life" is highly subjective...
You only get Miranda when charged. Not when simply arrested.

You are confusing arrest with charge.

No I'm not confusing it - I was responding to a poster that was claiming he knew that Zimmerman was read his miranda rights and that fact proves he was arrested. I asked if he actually KNEW or was just assuming that Zimmerman was mirandized. Your post seems to confirm that the poster I was exchanging with was just making crap up.
Si Mondo is wrong and I am not making crap up.

I never said I KNEW he was read his miranda rights....I am assuming he was becuase the MINUTE you are handcuffed for transport to the station house the officer MUST read you your Miranda Rights.

And the minute police take you in handcuffs and place you in a police car for transport, you are deemed under arrest.

Otherwise, it is kidnapping.
Well, your link disagrees with you.

And, it's "Si modo".

And the question of whether or not he was actually arrested is a huge bone of contention for so many. If you found out that in spite of the things you saw that you assumed means he was arrested that he really wasn't arrested, would you be shocked? Would you find that it puts the situation in a different light? Would you think it was unusual?

When they placed the handcuffs on him and took him away that made him arrested.
To be arrested is not the same as being charged.

No, I'm sorry. You are wrong. Handcuffs do NOT = arrest.
Actually, they do. It's a definition thing. And, the courts agree.
You only get Miranda when charged. Not when simply arrested.

You are confusing arrest with charge.

No I'm not confusing it - I was responding to a poster that was claiming he knew that Zimmerman was read his miranda right and that fact proves he was arrested. I asked if he actually KNEW or was just assuming that Zimmerman was mirandized. Your post seens to confirm that the poster I was exchanging with was just making crap up.
Oh, I see. I have seen no information that said he was mirandized.

Perhaps the poster could supply a link to that information.

being read your rights is another issue altogether. The few times it DOESNT happen, more often than not, a charge against uyou is compromised....

But the miunute an officer cuffs you with the intent to transport you against your will, it is an arrest and you MUST be read your miranda rights.

The only other time an officer will cuff someone without it being an arrest is if it is a situation where they believe you may flee or hurt someone (including yourself) before there is enough information warranting an arrest.
I'm not reading all these pages. Did these kids say the attack was retribution? Or was this just a couple of thugs acting normally?

If you consider beating a man almost to death with a hammer normal, victim's in the ICU, you could probably say the thugs were acting normally. Somehow, smashing someone to death with a carpentry tool just doesn't fall into the "normal" category in my book, but...whatever....

Unfortunately it is far too "normal" for many of these thugs
White man.. This is just the beginning if the media keeps up Race rhetoric on the news

Two teens arrested for gruesome hammer attack near Sanford, FL - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

They were arrested. Good. They will be tried. Good.

Has Zimmerman been arrested yet? Has he been tried yet?

Yes...he was arrested.

Yes...he has been evidence.....but found guilty by the media.

And if they could lay their hands on him, they would execute him as well.

When they placed the handcuffs on him and took him away that made him arrested.
To be arrested is not the same as being charged.

No, I'm sorry. You are wrong. Handcuffs do NOT = arrest.
Actually, they do. It's a definition thing. And, the courts agree.

No...handcuffs do not mean an arrest.

Handcuffs AND invoiluntary movement of the person to a different location is an arrest.

This does not hold true for minors.
And the question of whether or not he was actually arrested is a huge bone of contention for so many. If you found out that in spite of the things you saw that you assumed means he was arrested that he really wasn't arrested, would you be shocked? Would you find that it puts the situation in a different light? Would you think it was unusual?

When they placed the handcuffs on him and took him away that made him arrested.
To be arrested is not the same as being charged.

No, I'm sorry. You are wrong. Handcuffs do NOT = arrest.

The authoritarian cops call it "being detained."

By definition it is being under arrest...
I'm not reading all these pages. Did these kids say the attack was retribution? Or was this just a couple of thugs acting normally?

Yeah right, these black teens just happened to have a hammer to defend themselves from an old white elderly individual??

Blunt objects are usually connected with rage crimes.

It's not exactly like people carry hammers around - unless you're a contractor..

This is without question a hate crime and first degree murder.

They're also cowards for them to take it out on an elderly person...
Gang thugs are political activists, too?

Who knew?

Well, yeah! Here's a couple of fine, upstanding political activist gang members:


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