And so it begins. 2 black teens in Sanford FL attacks and almost kills a 50 year old

White man.. This is just the beginning if the media keeps up Race rhetoric on the news

Two teens arrested for gruesome hammer attack near Sanford, FL - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

They were arrested. Good. They will be tried. Good.

Has Zimmerman been arrested yet? Has he been tried yet?

Yes...he was arrested.

Yes...he has been evidence.....but found guilty by the media.

And he has to go to prison because of this media trial, does he?
Actually, that is NOT a fact. He was arrested, but not charged. The law in Florida prevented that.

No, he wasn't arrested, Si modo.
While no charges were pressed, he was arrested. He was disarmed, put in cuffs, and taken to the station for questioning.

Please link to an article that reports his "arrest." I have never read or seen any report that claims he was arrested.
No, he wasn't arrested, Si modo.
While no charges were pressed, he was arrested. He was disarmed, put in cuffs, and taken to the station for questioning.

Please link to an article that reports his "arrest." I have never read or seen any report that claims he was arrested.

Did you not see the clip of him inm cuffs at the poplice station?

When you are taken involuntarily by an officer in cuffs, you are read your miranda rights and it is recorded as an arrest.

Otherwise, it is kidnapping.
No I'm being extremely logical.

Of course 6 miles is in the vicinity..

Any burglar in the world would prefer a cowbar over a hammer, well unless they're blatant idiots - not to mention most thieves are not killers.

Killing someone and stealing their car is not something a typical thief would do...

This is clearly a rage crime.

Nah, you are clearly trying invent and stretch this into something that fits your preconceived notion. And you really don't have the facts. For example earlier you posted that this was clearly "first degree murder." But the victim is not dead. I'm not trying to be harsh, I'm just pointing out how little you really know about this case and how you are trying to use the very scant information that you do have to "connect the dots" into something that fits your world view. There is absolutely nothing logical about that.

The article I read reported the individual as dead...

Of course the media isn't exactly the best source for information.

At least the victim (if they ever fully recover) can now tell their side of the story or at least give a synopsis of what occurred.

Of course I have nothing more than an opinion, but I find it odd two black teens beat an elderly individual with a hammer a few days after blacks threaten violence and rage against white people only 6 miles from where the Martin shooting occurred.

What are you going to say next - there wasn't a call for violence over this Zimmerman/Martin case???

Of course I'm only speculating on this case but you do know I can put 2 and 2 together.

The problem is - you try to "put two and two together" when you only have a 1.
Could you link that article that said the victim was dead please.
Yes...he was arrested.

Yes...he has been evidence.....but found guilty by the media.

And he has to go to prison because of this media trial, does he?

well...seeing as there is a million dollar bounty on his head...he may prefer jail.
You know what I would do? I would hire several burly and armed security personnel who make good bank on the side doing personal security, turn myself over to the bounty offerers - in a very public place with the press present - and collect that bounty.


While no charges were pressed, he was arrested. He was disarmed, put in cuffs, and taken to the station for questioning.

Please link to an article that reports his "arrest." I have never read or seen any report that claims he was arrested.

Did you not see the clip of him inm cuffs at the poplice station?

When you are taken involuntarily by an officer in cuffs, you are read your miranda rights and it is recorded as an arrest.

Otherwise, it is kidnapping.

No, the police don't have to arrest you to take you in for questioning. So again, could you please link the article reporting his arrest? I don't mean to sound untrusting, but I'd like to see something a little more substatial than your assumptions.
The number one most important FACT of the whole case is the FACT that Zimmerman wasn't arrested for gunning down a 17 year old kid. If he had, no one would have ever known about this case on a national level, period.
Actually, that is NOT a fact. He was arrested, but not charged. The law in Florida prevented that.

No, he wasn't arrested, Si modo.
He was placed in handcuffs and taken into custody.
ar·rest   [uh-rest] Show IPA
verb (used with object)
to seize (a person) by legal authority or warrant; take into custody: The police arrested the burglar.
to catch and hold; attract and fix; engage: The loud noise arrested our attention.
to check the course of; stop; slow down: to arrest progress.
Medicine/Medical . to control or stop the active progress of (a disease): The new drug did not arrest the cancer.
Please link to an article that reports his "arrest." I have never read or seen any report that claims he was arrested.

Did you not see the clip of him inm cuffs at the poplice station?

When you are taken involuntarily by an officer in cuffs, you are read your miranda rights and it is recorded as an arrest.

Otherwise, it is kidnapping.

No, the police don't have to arrest you to take you in for questioning. So again, could you please link the article reporting his arrest? I don't mean to sound untrusting, but I'd like to see something a little more substatial than your assumptions.
Police do not handcuff people just for questioning.
Please link to an article that reports his "arrest." I have never read or seen any report that claims he was arrested.

Did you not see the clip of him inm cuffs at the poplice station?

When you are taken involuntarily by an officer in cuffs, you are read your miranda rights and it is recorded as an arrest.

Otherwise, it is kidnapping.

No, the police don't have to arrest you to take you in for questioning. So again, could you please link the article reporting his arrest? I don't mean to sound untrusting, but I'd like to see something a little more substatial than your assumptions.

Lets not have this is not necessary.

Only a subpeona can force someone to "come in for questioning" involuntarily.

Many go on their own for questioning....their choice.

He was cuffed at the scene and taken in INVOLUNTARILY.

That is either an arrest or he was kidnapped.
The biggest question is weather or not Zimmerman had the legal right to shoot Martin...

I don't think Zimmerman should have been following Martin whatsoever, but following a person isn't a crime...
In reality all the evidence supports Zimmermans claims...

And a scared kid who is being followed by a stranger in a world full of child abductees, pedophiles and other criminals isn't a case for his own self defense?

He was scared? If he was that scared why didn't he at least call 911 or his father? Nope I'm scared so I call my girlfriend who was in another town. Sure he was scared.

Excellent point. A "scared kid" would have run for safety (Dad's girlfriend's place), or tried to hide. I also offer that apparently Martin did not present the physical appearance of a "kid".
so he deserved to be shot for looking like an adult black man?

is there no end to you people hate for black people??
Did you not see the clip of him inm cuffs at the poplice station?

When you are taken involuntarily by an officer in cuffs, you are read your miranda rights and it is recorded as an arrest.

Otherwise, it is kidnapping.

No, the police don't have to arrest you to take you in for questioning. So again, could you please link the article reporting his arrest? I don't mean to sound untrusting, but I'd like to see something a little more substatial than your assumptions.

Lets not have this is not necessary.

Only a subpeona can force someone to "come in for questioning" involuntarily.

Many go on their own for questioning....their choice.

He was cuffed at the scene and taken in INVOLUNTARILY.

That is either an arrest or he was kidnapped.

why are the police not telling us which it was?
The designation of a "hate" crime is the manifestation of those who think they want to do something when other factors that cannot be legally interjected in a legal case appear to insult their definition of right and wrong. I have never understood the need to make yourself 'feel good' by adding on the designation of hate crime.

In the case of the black man that was dragged to death behind a pickup truck. The use of the term 'hate' crime was ridiculous. Yes, he was killed because he was black. But, it didn't make any difference. The man who did it is just as dead because of the lethal injection. The addition of the hate crime designation didn't do anything other than make those who consider themselves 'sensitive' to racial injustices feel good. Would any of the 9/11 hijackers be tried for a 'hate crime'? Was the perpetrators of the first World Trade Center bombing prosecuted of a 'hate crime'? The blind imam sits in his cell in Indiana and will for the rest of his life. The tacking on of the designation of 'hate crime' is one of the most politically motivated things in the legal system.

If, it can be proven that Zimmerman killed Martin because he was black, then is that not murder by any definition? The tacking on of a 'hate crime' designation is designed just to make the do-gooders 'feel good'. A product of the race pimps...
I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

Based on media coverage thus far, I'd say the media, and all the usual suspects (Sharpton, Jackson, Obama,, would prefer the first narrative: "an innocent child lost his life to a racist".
well...seeing as there is a million dollar bounty on his head...he may prefer jail.

WHO has the "million"?

dammed if I know....but the New Black Panthers offered it out. Whether they had it or not is irrelevant.
Not really irrelevant. I would collect that bounty or take them to court for it.

It's a contract. The court will compel them to pay because it has all the elements of a contract - offer, consideration (you do this and I give you that), and acceptance (assumed accepted when the "do this" part is done).

I would turn myself in, in the presence of the press and some guards and likely some other stipulatations, then sue their asses for payment.
Please link to an article that reports his "arrest." I have never read or seen any report that claims he was arrested.

Did you not see the clip of him inm cuffs at the poplice station?

When you are taken involuntarily by an officer in cuffs, you are read your miranda rights and it is recorded as an arrest.

Otherwise, it is kidnapping.

No, the police don't have to arrest you to take you in for questioning. So again, could you please link the article reporting his arrest? I don't mean to sound untrusting, but I'd like to see something a little more substatial than your assumptions.
not to be an ass....but it does not need to be reported that he was arrested.
There is a clip showing the arrest.

An officer can not cuff you and take you in a patrol car without arresting you.

An officer may offer you a ride if you want to answer questions...but the officer can not cuff you.

There are two things that happened that made it an arrest...

Cuffs (with miranda rights read)
Taken to the station in cuffs.

The cuffs alone do not make it an arrest....

The taking him involuntarliy to the station IN CUFFS makes it an arrest.

Otherwise, it is kidnapping. A VERY serious charge.

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