And so it begins. 2 black teens in Sanford FL attacks and almost kills a 50 year old

Ok - so every published/broadcast report that I've seen says he was not arrested and no one can show me anything to the contrary any more substantual than their own assumptions.
No one can provide any "link" to these two incidents other than their assumptions and for sure no one can provide any information on the guilt or innocense of anyone in either of these incidents. But everyone else is just "stupid" if they don't make the same assumptions.
Man ... seriously?
I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

Based on media coverage thus far, I'd say the media, and all the usual suspects (Sharpton, Jackson, Obama,, would prefer the first narrative: "an innocent child lost his life to a racist".

and that is just plain old sick.
No, the police don't have to arrest you to take you in for questioning. So again, could you please link the article reporting his arrest? I don't mean to sound untrusting, but I'd like to see something a little more substatial than your assumptions.

Lets not have this is not necessary.

Only a subpeona can force someone to "come in for questioning" involuntarily.

Many go on their own for questioning....their choice.

He was cuffed at the scene and taken in INVOLUNTARILY.

That is either an arrest or he was kidnapped.

why are the police not telling us which it was?
Because they assume the public has at least an IQ of 10.
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so he deserved to be shot for looking like an adult black man?

is there no end to you people hate for black people??

Ok - so every published/broadcast report that I've seen says he was not arrested and no one can show me anything to the contrary any more substantual than their own assumptions.
No one can provide any "link" to these two incidents other than their assumptions and for sure no one can provide any information on the guilt or innocense of anyone in either of these incidents. But everyone else is just "stupid" if they don't make the same assumptions.
Man ... seriously?
Well, don't let any actual definitions get in the way of what the media says.

Ok - so every published/broadcast report that I've seen says he was not arrested and no one can show me anything to the contrary any more substantual than their own assumptions.
No one can provide any "link" to these two incidents other than their assumptions and for sure no one can provide any information on the guilt or innocense of anyone in either of these incidents. But everyone else is just "stupid" if they don't make the same assumptions.
Man ... seriously?

Excuse me?

HE WAS ARRESTED. No assumption here.

Zimmerman was arrested. He was taken in cuffs in a patrol car down to the station house.

That is an arrest.

The media said "he was never charged"...they assumed he was never arrestedf...and then the police department released the video SHOWING he was arrested.

No assumption here.
Frankly, I don't care

What I do care about is that justice be done in this case. From my initial readings about the case and the amount of police work involved, it does not seem to be of the fidelity normally expected in a homicide.

I would like to see all the evidence collected by independent investigators and presented to a Grand Jury. Beyond that, I am OK with whatever direction it goes

Dude, this isn't a "who done it" case...

How can one investigate a "he said she said" case when the other individual in question is dead and the other admits to killing the individual but only in self defense with no witnesses to the event??

Break out your crystal ball Nostradamus....

There is a lot of evidence. Phone records, E911 call recordings picking up someone (not Zimmerman) calling for help, several people heard things and then there is forensic evidence - did the body of Martin show any signs of being in a struggle? Are his knuckles bruised? If he really injured Zimmerman, his body would show some signs.
Don't need a crystal ball - just an real police investigation. I hope they find out the truth whatever it is and I hope it is handled by someone whose investigatory skills exceed your own.

That is all circumstantial and is hardly proof of anything..

In what universe does a knuckle need to be bruised to beat someones ass??

I've been in fights and beat guys up without bruising my hand.

Martin could have given Zimmerman a few good pops to the head and when Zimmerman dropped, Martin could have jumped on Zimmerman and smashed his head onto the ground without having any signs of trauma/struggle.

All investigators have is Martins girlfriend saying she heard some sort of a brief confrontation...

I'm not even trying to defend Zimmerman here - I'm just saying there is no case.

You need motive and intent to even have a case here.

Neither knew one another.... I suppose the prosecution could make the argument in court that Zimmerman was a wanna b cop who was delusional, who believed he had the authority to confront individuals he viewed as potential criminals and believed he had the right to shoot another individual after he got his ass kicked.

But there isn't legally enough evidence to support that position other than the fact Zimmerman called the cops 22 times on "suspicious people."

If it matters - I believe my aforementioned synopsis to be what occurred.

Lets not have this is not necessary.

Only a subpeona can force someone to "come in for questioning" involuntarily.

Many go on their own for questioning....their choice.

He was cuffed at the scene and taken in INVOLUNTARILY.

That is either an arrest or he was kidnapped.

why are the police not telling us which it was?
Because they assume they public has at least an IQ of 10.

OMG is the argument changed directions? Is the argument now that he was not arrested? Say it ain't sooooo.
Did you not see the clip of him inm cuffs at the poplice station?

When you are taken involuntarily by an officer in cuffs, you are read your miranda rights and it is recorded as an arrest.

Otherwise, it is kidnapping.

No, the police don't have to arrest you to take you in for questioning. So again, could you please link the article reporting his arrest? I don't mean to sound untrusting, but I'd like to see something a little more substatial than your assumptions.
not to be an ass....but it does not need to be reported that he was arrested.
There is a clip showing the arrest.

An officer can not cuff you and take you in a patrol car without arresting you.

An officer may offer you a ride if you want to answer questions...but the officer can not cuff you.

There are two things that happened that made it an arrest...

Cuffs (with miranda rights read)
Taken to the station in cuffs.

The cuffs alone do not make it an arrest....

The taking him involuntarliy to the station IN CUFFS makes it an arrest.

Otherwise, it is kidnapping. A VERY serious charge.

Did you hear the miranda rights read or are you just assuming that too? Do you know for certain that Zimmerman didn't agree to go in for questioning or are you making that assumption too.
IU'm not trying to nitpick you Jar - Folks all over the place are making assumptions in this case that they just can't back up.
In my opinion THAT is the biggest problem in this case.
so he deserved to be shot for looking like an adult black man?

is there no end to you people hate for black people??
Is there no end to your dishonesty?

(Not really a valid analogous question, though, because you actually ARE dishonest.)
No, the police don't have to arrest you to take you in for questioning. So again, could you please link the article reporting his arrest? I don't mean to sound untrusting, but I'd like to see something a little more substatial than your assumptions.

Lets not have this is not necessary.

Only a subpeona can force someone to "come in for questioning" involuntarily.

Many go on their own for questioning....their choice.

He was cuffed at the scene and taken in INVOLUNTARILY.

That is either an arrest or he was kidnapped.

why are the police not telling us which it was?

They did.
Why do you think they released the tape of his arrest?
No, the police don't have to arrest you to take you in for questioning. So again, could you please link the article reporting his arrest? I don't mean to sound untrusting, but I'd like to see something a little more substatial than your assumptions.
not to be an ass....but it does not need to be reported that he was arrested.
There is a clip showing the arrest.

An officer can not cuff you and take you in a patrol car without arresting you.

An officer may offer you a ride if you want to answer questions...but the officer can not cuff you.

There are two things that happened that made it an arrest...

Cuffs (with miranda rights read)
Taken to the station in cuffs.

The cuffs alone do not make it an arrest....

The taking him involuntarliy to the station IN CUFFS makes it an arrest.

Otherwise, it is kidnapping. A VERY serious charge.

Did you hear the miranda rights read or are you just assuming that too? Do you know for certain that Zimmerman didn't agree to go in for questioning or are you making that assumption too.
IU'm not trying to nitpick you Jar - Folks all over the place are making assumptions in this case that they just can't back up.
In my opinion THAT is the biggest problem in this case.
You only get Miranda when charged. Not when simply arrested.

You are confusing arrest with charge.
so he deserved to be shot for looking like an adult black man?

is there no end to you people hate for black people??

Exactly where the hell do you see ANYONE saying that? really bring the qulity of personnel using this board down a notch.
Ok - so every published/broadcast report that I've seen says he was not arrested and no one can show me anything to the contrary any more substantual than their own assumptions.
No one can provide any "link" to these two incidents other than their assumptions and for sure no one can provide any information on the guilt or innocense of anyone in either of these incidents. But everyone else is just "stupid" if they don't make the same assumptions.
Man ... seriously?

And the question of whether or not he was actually arrested is a huge bone of contention for so many. If you found out that in spite of the things you saw that you assumed means he was arrested that he really wasn't arrested, would you be shocked? Would you find that it puts the situation in a different light? Would you think it was unusual?
not to be an ass....but it does not need to be reported that he was arrested.
There is a clip showing the arrest.

An officer can not cuff you and take you in a patrol car without arresting you.

An officer may offer you a ride if you want to answer questions...but the officer can not cuff you.

There are two things that happened that made it an arrest...

Cuffs (with miranda rights read)
Taken to the station in cuffs.

The cuffs alone do not make it an arrest....

The taking him involuntarliy to the station IN CUFFS makes it an arrest.

Otherwise, it is kidnapping. A VERY serious charge.

Did you hear the miranda rights read or are you just assuming that too? Do you know for certain that Zimmerman didn't agree to go in for questioning or are you making that assumption too.
IU'm not trying to nitpick you Jar - Folks all over the place are making assumptions in this case that they just can't back up.
In my opinion THAT is the biggest problem in this case.
You only get Miranda when charged. Not when simply arrested.

You are confusing arrest with charge.

Absolutely wrong.

You are read your Miranda rights when you are arrested.

More often than not your "charges" come much later.,
I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

Bumped foir some answers.....

I'm with ya man, I have no idea why people WANT deaths to be brought because of racism.

We don't know what happened, but best case scenario is Zimmerman was attacked and beat up and defended himself. I dunno why some ppl think the best case scenario is Zimmerman murdered a kid because he was black and that will help stir up more hate.

When it comes to inciting murder based on race, how about that Black Panther $10,000 reward to bring in Zimmerman [dead or alive]?
And the question of whether or not he was actually arrested is a huge bone of contention for so many. If you found out that in spite of the things you saw that you assumed means he was arrested that he really wasn't arrested, would you be shocked? Would you find that it puts the situation in a different light? Would you think it was unusual?
It's not a question, though. He was arrested.
not to be an ass....but it does not need to be reported that he was arrested.
There is a clip showing the arrest.

An officer can not cuff you and take you in a patrol car without arresting you.

An officer may offer you a ride if you want to answer questions...but the officer can not cuff you.

There are two things that happened that made it an arrest...

Cuffs (with miranda rights read)
Taken to the station in cuffs.

The cuffs alone do not make it an arrest....

The taking him involuntarliy to the station IN CUFFS makes it an arrest.

Otherwise, it is kidnapping. A VERY serious charge.

Did you hear the miranda rights read or are you just assuming that too? Do you know for certain that Zimmerman didn't agree to go in for questioning or are you making that assumption too.
IU'm not trying to nitpick you Jar - Folks all over the place are making assumptions in this case that they just can't back up.
In my opinion THAT is the biggest problem in this case.
You only get Miranda when charged. Not when simply arrested.

You are confusing arrest with charge.

No I'm not confusing it - I was responding to a poster that was claiming he knew that Zimmerman was read his miranda rights and that fact proves he was arrested. I asked if he actually KNEW or was just assuming that Zimmerman was mirandized. Your post seems to confirm that the poster I was exchanging with was just making crap up.

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