And so it begins. 2 black teens in Sanford FL attacks and almost kills a 50 year old

This seemingly has nothing to do with anything other than typical violent crimes committed by thugs. I fail to see any link to politics or race baiting. I suspect he was a target of convienyence and simply a victim of wrong place wrong time. And these kids should face harsh sentences for their brutality.

Ultimately this does not belong in this forum.
Well, the OP link quotes the Orlando Sentinel as saying their policy is not to report on the race of persons, except in the Zimmerman/Martin case.

Even when telling the public to be on the look out for perps - don't mention race.
The only comparison worthy of being made is that there are two cases where someone died and the evidence of both are being collected and analyzed to deem if prosecution is required.

So tell me RW....

I am curious.....if y9ou had the chance to prove the truth.....

Do you prefer the truth about the Zimmerman/Maritn scenario to be that an innocent child lost his life or do you prefer the truth to be that he was by no means innocent and was actually up to no good and lost his life due to an unecessary attack on a community watchman?

I is a loaded question....but ANYONE who has already found Zimmerman to be in the wrong despite not nearly enough evidence to do so, obviously is allowing their preferences to say Zimmerman was in the wrong...and I want all to see that.

Frankly, I don't care

What I do care about is that justice be done in this case. From my initial readings about the case and the amount of police work involved, it does not seem to be of the fidelity normally expected in a homicide.

I would like to see all the evidence collected by independent investigators and presented to a Grand Jury. Beyond that, I am OK with whatever direction it goes

Dude, this isn't a "who done it" case...

How can one investigate a "he said she said" case when the other individual in question is dead and the other admits to killing the individual but only in self defense with no witnesses to the event??

Break out your crystal ball Nostradamus....

There is a lot of evidence. Phone records, E911 call recordings picking up someone (not Zimmerman) calling for help, several people heard things and then there is forensic evidence - did the body of Martin show any signs of being in a struggle? Are his knuckles bruised? If he really injured Zimmerman, his body would show some signs.
Don't need a crystal ball - just an real police investigation. I hope they find out the truth whatever it is and I hope it is handled by someone whose investigatory skills exceed your own.
I'm not reading all these pages. Did these kids say the attack was retribution? Or was this just a couple of thugs acting normally?

Terrific point. The only person I've seen linking these two incidents is this conservative activist blogger that the OP quoted and linked.


I don't have all the facts of the case but I'm not dumb enough to believe two black teens just happened to have a hammer and found themselves in a life or death situation involving a white elderly individual around the time the blacks went batshit over an alleged racial murder..

The victim is 50, hardly "elderly." Glad the police made an arrest, either way.
an old man beaten almost to death with a hammer by two black thugs and not one post of outrage by the libtards in this thread. not one.

No, they would rather divert this thread into another rant about Zimmerman. As we continue to see increased numbers of crimes like the one in the OP, the libs will only defend them by throwing Zimmerman into the mix. I'm not sure about you, but two wrongs do not make it right.
Oh, and in case no one read the piece in the OP, the Orlando Sentinel ONLY mentions race in the Zimmerman case. Their policy is to censor race out, otherwise. Otherwise their policy is to exclude race. In this case, the Orlando Sentinel even asked the public to be on the look out for the perps, but didn't describe their most obvious physical feature (they were avg. build and height) - that they are Black. They also failed to mention the race of the victim - almost beaten to death with a hammer - and he is white.

But, the paper talks about race in the Zimmerman case.

Great censoring, Orlando Sentinel! :rolleyes: I'd say they don't just censor, they also selectively edit.

The press in general is a disaster.

Kyle is wrong. The original article from the Sentinel about the Trayvon killing did not print the race of either Martin or Zimmerman. They did mention race in their March 8th article after Trayvon's parents had they're press confrence.
This seemingly has nothing to do with anything other than typical violent crimes committed by thugs. I fail to see any link to politics or race baiting. I suspect he was a target of convienyence and simply a victim of wrong place wrong time. And these kids should face harsh sentences for their brutality.

Ultimately this does not belong in this forum.
Well, the OP link quotes the Orlando Sentinel as saying their policy is not to report on the race of persons, except in the Zimmerman/Martin case.

Even when telling the public to be on the look out for perps - don't mention race.

Yeah, but the OP link also contained some inaccuracies like claiming a photo wasn't published when clearly it was. So if you show the picture, do you have to comment on the race? In Zimmerman the family was the one claiming it was racially motivated - not the paper.
Well, there is a bit more to the case, but don't let any facts get in your way.

You haven't ever before, so it's not surprising that you fail now, too.

The number one most important FACT of the whole case is the FACT that Zimmerman wasn't arrested for gunning down a 17 year old kid. If he had, no one would have ever known about this case on a national level, period.
Actually, that is NOT a fact. He was arrested, but not charged. The law in Florida prevented that.

No, he wasn't arrested, Si modo.
The only comparison worthy of being made is that there are two cases where someone died and the evidence of both are being collected and analyzed to deem if prosecution is required.

So tell me RW....

I am curious.....if y9ou had the chance to prove the truth.....

Do you prefer the truth about the Zimmerman/Maritn scenario to be that an innocent child lost his life or do you prefer the truth to be that he was by no means innocent and was actually up to no good and lost his life due to an unecessary attack on a community watchman?

I is a loaded question....but ANYONE who has already found Zimmerman to be in the wrong despite not nearly enough evidence to do so, obviously is allowing their preferences to say Zimmerman was in the wrong...and I want all to see that.

Frankly, I don't care

What I do care about is that justice be done in this case. From my initial readings about the case and the amount of police work involved, it does not seem to be of the fidelity normally expected in a homicide.

I would like to see all the evidence collected by independent investigators and presented to a Grand Jury. Beyond that, I am OK with whatever direction it goes

Dude, this isn't a "who done it" case...

How can one investigate a "he said she said" case when the other individual in question is dead and the other admits to killing the individual but only in self defense with no witnesses to the event??

Break out your crystal ball Nostradamus....

it is done in just about every murder case.

When the victim is not there to testiufy, the police/prosecution rely on 3 things....

Physical evidence
Eye and ear witnesses
INCONSITANCIES in the suspects story

What physical evindedndce is there?

Bruises on the suspect.
Bruiuses on the victim...such as hands if he were punching...knuckle scratches if he were banging his head on concrete.
Was the victim where he was supposed to be....for example...was there a known shortcut through that development to his dads house....or did he know someone in the development.
Was the suspects car where it would have been if he were makingt his normal rounds or is there proof he deviated form his path so he can chase the kid

This, like most other cases, will be solved....
Because the dumb asses need something to be outraged about. To think, that someone would actually be charged for gunning down an unarmed teenager that has a bag of skittles and a can of iced tea. Capital crime.

hey Rocks when that White guy was beat to a pulp by the Cops out here in Fullerton,and then some of it was covered come you were not in that thread acting like you are in the Florida case thread?....cant be Politically Correct if the victim is White,so why bother?....

I live in SoCal...that one has been on the news and the outrage is pretty strong around here....btw, the cops involved HAVE been arrested and HAVE been charged. But it took a while and some public outrage to get it to happen.
The number one most important FACT of the whole case is the FACT that Zimmerman wasn't arrested for gunning down a 17 year old kid. If he had, no one would have ever known about this case on a national level, period.
Actually, that is NOT a fact. He was arrested, but not charged. The law in Florida prevented that.

No, he wasn't arrested, Si modo.

he was arrested and released with no charges.
This seemingly has nothing to do with anything other than typical violent crimes committed by thugs. I fail to see any link to politics or race baiting. I suspect he was a target of convienyence and simply a victim of wrong place wrong time. And these kids should face harsh sentences for their brutality.

Ultimately this does not belong in this forum.
Well, the OP link quotes the Orlando Sentinel as saying their policy is not to report on the race of persons, except in the Zimmerman/Martin case.

Even when telling the public to be on the look out for perps - don't mention race.

Yeah, but the OP link also contained some inaccuracies like claiming a photo wasn't published when clearly it was. So if you show the picture, do you have to comment on the race? In Zimmerman the family was the one claiming it was racially motivated - not the paper.
Nah, you don't have to, obviously.

The point was, if you are asking the public to be on the look out for perps - before they were caught and before they had pics - and you omit an obvious descriptor - their color, white or black - what's the point of asking for folks to look out for them? Simply because you have and alleged policy of not mentioning color?

Seems useless to even report on it.
Six miles away is "in the vicinity" ??? Young thugs attacking an old person and stealing their car is unheard of without media race-baiting? What has self-defense got to do with it? Is anyone suggesting that these two young criminals were engaged in self defense? Is a hammer an unsual burglary tool?
You're just making way too many assumptions without any logical support.

No I'm being extremely logical.

Of course 6 miles is in the vicinity..

Any burglar in the world would prefer a cowbar over a hammer, well unless they're blatant idiots - not to mention most thieves are not killers.

Killing someone and stealing their car is not something a typical thief would do...

This is clearly a rage crime.

Nah, you are clearly trying invent and stretch this into something that fits your preconceived notion. And you really don't have the facts. For example earlier you posted that this was clearly "first degree murder." But the victim is not dead. I'm not trying to be harsh, I'm just pointing out how little you really know about this case and how you are trying to use the very scant information that you do have to "connect the dots" into something that fits your world view. There is absolutely nothing logical about that.

The article I read reported the individual as dead...

Of course the media isn't exactly the best source for information.

At least the victim (if they ever fully recover) can now tell their side of the story or at least give a synopsis of what occurred.

Of course I have nothing more than an opinion, but I find it odd two black teens beat an elderly individual with a hammer a few days after blacks threaten violence and rage against white people only 6 miles from where the Martin shooting occurred.

What are you going to say next - there wasn't a call for violence over this Zimmerman/Martin case???

Of course I'm only speculating on this case but you do know I can put 2 and 2 together.
The number one most important FACT of the whole case is the FACT that Zimmerman wasn't arrested for gunning down a 17 year old kid. If he had, no one would have ever known about this case on a national level, period.
Actually, that is NOT a fact. He was arrested, but not charged. The law in Florida prevented that.

No, he wasn't arrested, Si modo.
While no charges were pressed, he was arrested. He was disarmed, put in cuffs, and taken to the station for questioning.
Terrific point. The only person I've seen linking these two incidents is this conservative activist blogger that the OP quoted and linked.


I don't have all the facts of the case but I'm not dumb enough to believe two black teens just happened to have a hammer and found themselves in a life or death situation involving a white elderly individual around the time the blacks went batshit over an alleged racial murder..

The victim is 50, hardly "elderly." Glad the police made an arrest, either way.

This fifty-something would like to thank you from the bottom of my elderly little heart!

I don't have all the facts of the case but I'm not dumb enough to believe two black teens just happened to have a hammer and found themselves in a life or death situation involving a white elderly individual around the time the blacks went batshit over an alleged racial murder..

The victim is 50, hardly "elderly." Glad the police made an arrest, either way.

This fifty-something would like to thank you from the bottom of my elderly little heart!

same here!
this thread is about an old man who was beaten with a fucking hammer by two black cowardly thugs I guess as payback for Martin,, thanks the the race baiters and the media another innocent has lost his life.. does this make the black community feel better? or will they need more?

Yes, it is. I suppose that if the race of attackers and victim remain unspoken, there is not "hate" crime? Like I've said before, people don't beat other people with hammers, shoot them, or otherwise do harm to them out of love and concern for their victims. "Hate" crime is a construct invented so that factors that can not otherwise be determined can be brought into legal play.
an old man beaten almost to death with a hammer by two black thugs and not one post of outrage by the libtards in this thread. not one.

Come to think of it, Willow...where's YOUR post of outrage at this horrible attack? Seems to me, all you are doing is talking about "libtards" and their perceived lack of outrage? You wouldn't by any chance be USING this attack to score political points would you? You wouldn't by any chance be behaving just like Sharpton and Jackson, would you? :eusa_whistle:

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