And so it begins. 2 black teens in Sanford FL attacks and almost kills a 50 year old

White man.. This is just the beginning if the media keeps up Race rhetoric on the news

Two teens arrested for gruesome hammer attack near Sanford, FL - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

Stupid Teens don't know enough to declare Stand your Ground immunity
Neither do thugs who drag a man from his vehicle, beat him almost to death with a hammer, and then steal his car.


What these thugs need to realize is they need to declare themselves as neighborhood watchmen and the guy they pulled from the car was "suspicious"
You didn't drag him from the car because you were robbing him. You dragged him from the car because you feared for your life
I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

My preferred outcome is that they throw out this stupid stand your ground law.

That is a wrong headed attitude. Even without the stand your ground law Zimmerman was justified to shoot because he was trying to retreat.

If you take away stand your ground then when someone pulls a gun on you, you must retreat instead of disarming them or returning fire.

Stand your ground law is not the issue in this case. The anti gun crowd want it to be the issue & the democrats want to inject racism into the campaign.
I can't believe you idiots are claiming this was done in retaliation. Thugs are thugs and act like thugs because they are THUGS not because they are black.

The OP just furthers the stereotype that all black people are criminals.

Neg on the way.

where the fuck is Al Sharpton and the lame stream media? this is a black on white crime and you should be outraged. just fucking outraged.

Should I be more outraged by black on white crime, white on white crime, black on black crime, or white on black crime?

Please do tell.
Stupid Teens don't know enough to declare Stand your Ground immunity
Neither do thugs who drag a man from his vehicle, beat him almost to death with a hammer, and then steal his car.


What these thugs need to realize is they need to declare themselves as neighborhood watchmen and the guy they pulled from the car was "suspicious"
You didn't drag him from the car because you were robbing him. You dragged him from the car because you feared for your life

I'm NOT seeing that from the Zimmerman defenders.
Race-Baiting division. It's every White Liberal and Racist Minority Democrats' wet dream. They absolutely love it.
They were arrested and will be tried for their crimes, as is proper. Zimmerman has not been, and may well not be. And you wingnuts are cheering for that injustice.

Zimmerman should and will be given the Congressional Medal of Honor for his selfless act of bravery and the only thing lacking is that he did not also use a flamethrower. Additionally, he should also have finished it with 30 pounds of PENTEX so there would only be a pink mist left.

I am love,

Stupid Teens don't know enough to declare Stand your Ground immunity
Neither do thugs who drag a man from his vehicle, beat him almost to death with a hammer, and then steal his car.


What these thugs need to realize is they need to declare themselves as neighborhood watchmen and the guy they pulled from the car was "suspicious"
You didn't drag him from the car because you were robbing him. You dragged him from the car because you feared for your life

I lol'd
Terrific point. The only person I've seen linking these two incidents is this conservative activist blogger that the OP quoted and linked.


I don't have all the facts of the case but I'm not dumb enough to believe two black teens just happened to have a hammer and found themselves in a life or death situation involving a white elderly individual around the time the blacks went batshit over an alleged racial murder..

So your position is that thugs never carry around blunt objects that they can use to commit violent crimes with unless they've been driven into a frenzy by the media?

Interesting position - completely inconsistent with reality - but interesting in that it reveals a lot about the mind that concocted it.

No, I find it odd that two black teenagers beat an elderly white individual to death and there is some sort of logical reason behind it - especially after this Martin bullshit. Not to mention it being in the proximity of the Martin case - in which Jesse, Al, the New Black Panthers called for an uprising...

And yes, carrying a hammer around is odd. It's not like you reach in your pocket and say "oops I'm carrying my hammer."

Not to mention a hammer isn't the best tool for "spur of the moment" self defense.

A blunt object is used in rage crimes...

A hammer is used when your intent is to mob/kill/seriously injure an individual via a surprise attack.
This seemingly has nothing to do with anything other than typical violent crimes committed by thugs. I fail to see any link to politics or race baiting. I suspect he was a target of convienyence and simply a victim of wrong place wrong time. And these kids should face harsh sentences for their brutality.

Ultimately this does not belong in this forum.
Without the media, Zimmerman would have gotten away with murder. He may well do that yet. But the whole nation will know about it and understand the reason.

And the ignorance continues. The prosecutor was ready to send the case to the grand jury until the race baiters jumped in. The special prosecutor started all over and due to the media and race baiters, justice is delayed.

And how is the race baiting helping the innocent people getting hurt?

Any evidence of that? The thought crossed my mind Wolfinger may have still been working on the case. I posted this once.

It was an article you posted, it said they were ready to send it to the grand jury.

I don't have all the facts of the case but I'm not dumb enough to believe two black teens just happened to have a hammer and found themselves in a life or death situation involving a white elderly individual around the time the blacks went batshit over an alleged racial murder..

So your position is that thugs never carry around blunt objects that they can use to commit violent crimes with unless they've been driven into a frenzy by the media?

Interesting position - completely inconsistent with reality - but interesting in that it reveals a lot about the mind that concocted it.

No, I find it odd that two black teenagers beat an elderly white individual to death and there is some sort of logical reason behind it - especially after this Martin bullshit. Not to mention it being in the proximity of the Martin case - in which Jesse, Al, the New Black Panthers called for an uprising...

And yes, carrying a hammer around is odd. It's not like you reach in your pocket and say "oops I'm carrying my hammer."

Not to mention a hammer isn't the best tool for "spur of the moment" self defense.

A blunt object is used in rage crimes...

A hammer is used when your intent is to mob/kill/seriously injure an individual via a surprise attack.

Dude these types of criminals don't need logic or reason to commit a crime. Many times its nothing more than a need for drugs or attention. They're kids without any purpose. To read more into it than that is unnecessary.
Stupid Teens don't know enough to declare Stand your Ground immunity
Neither do thugs who drag a man from his vehicle, beat him almost to death with a hammer, and then steal his car.


What these thugs need to realize is they need to declare themselves as neighborhood watchmen and the guy they pulled from the car was "suspicious"
You didn't drag him from the car because you were robbing him. You dragged him from the car because you feared for your life

The only comparison worthy of being made is that there are two cases where someone died and the evidence of both are being collected and analyzed to deem if prosecution is required.

So tell me RW....

I am curious.....if y9ou had the chance to prove the truth.....

Do you prefer the truth about the Zimmerman/Maritn scenario to be that an innocent child lost his life or do you prefer the truth to be that he was by no means innocent and was actually up to no good and lost his life due to an unecessary attack on a community watchman?

I is a loaded question....but ANYONE who has already found Zimmerman to be in the wrong despite not nearly enough evidence to do so, obviously is allowing their preferences to say Zimmerman was in the wrong...and I want all to see that.

I don't have all the facts of the case but I'm not dumb enough to believe two black teens just happened to have a hammer and found themselves in a life or death situation involving a white elderly individual around the time the blacks went batshit over an alleged racial murder..

So your position is that thugs never carry around blunt objects that they can use to commit violent crimes with unless they've been driven into a frenzy by the media?

Interesting position - completely inconsistent with reality - but interesting in that it reveals a lot about the mind that concocted it.

No, I find it odd that two black teenagers beat an elderly white individual to death and there is some sort of logical reason behind it - especially after this Martin bullshit. Not to mention it being in the proximity of the Martin case - in which Jesse, Al, the New Black Panthers called for an uprising...

And yes, carrying a hammer around is odd. It's not like you reach in your pocket and say "oops I'm carrying my hammer."

Not to mention a hammer isn't the best tool for "spur of the moment" self defense.

A blunt object is used in rage crimes...

A hammer is used when your intent is to mob/kill/seriously injure an individual via a surprise attack.

Six miles away is "in the vicinity" ??? Young thugs attacking an old person and stealing their car is unheard of without media race-baiting? What has self-defense got to do with it? Is anyone suggesting that these two young criminals were engaged in self defense? Is a hammer an unsual burglary tool?
You're just making way too many assumptions without any logical support.
So your position is that thugs never carry around blunt objects that they can use to commit violent crimes with unless they've been driven into a frenzy by the media?

Interesting position - completely inconsistent with reality - but interesting in that it reveals a lot about the mind that concocted it.

No, I find it odd that two black teenagers beat an elderly white individual to death and there is some sort of logical reason behind it - especially after this Martin bullshit. Not to mention it being in the proximity of the Martin case - in which Jesse, Al, the New Black Panthers called for an uprising...

And yes, carrying a hammer around is odd. It's not like you reach in your pocket and say "oops I'm carrying my hammer."

Not to mention a hammer isn't the best tool for "spur of the moment" self defense.

A blunt object is used in rage crimes...

A hammer is used when your intent is to mob/kill/seriously injure an individual via a surprise attack.

Dude these types of criminals don't need logic or reason to commit a crime. Many times its nothing more than a need for drugs or attention. They're kids without any purpose. To read more into it than that is unnecessary.

you have evidence that they are guilty?
This seemingly has nothing to do with anything other than typical violent crimes committed by thugs. I fail to see any link to politics or race baiting. I suspect he was a target of convienyence and simply a victim of wrong place wrong time. And these kids should face harsh sentences for their brutality.

Ultimately this does not belong in this forum.

Believe what you like - either way it's first degree murder.

I find hate crimes illogical and the reasoning behind killing another individual is irrelevant.

Throw them in a cage and throw away the key...
Obama & Holder raid and arrest the Black Panthers yet? Probably not huh?

Nope. They are not even being investigated for their crime that5 THEY ADMIT they committed.

And yes...inciting violence by putting a bounty on the head of an man IS a crime...and they admit they did it.

What I dont get is WHY they felt they could do it....I mean......NO ONE ever does it publicly...yet they had no problem doing it.....almost like they knew they were immune....
This seemingly has nothing to do with anything other than typical violent crimes committed by thugs. I fail to see any link to politics or race baiting. I suspect he was a target of convienyence and simply a victim of wrong place wrong time. And these kids should face harsh sentences for their brutality.

Ultimately this does not belong in this forum.

Believe what you like - either way it's first degree murder.

I find hate crimes illogical and the reasoning behind killing another individual is irrelevant.

Throw them in a cage and throw away the key...

did the victim die?

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