And so it begins. 2 black teens in Sanford FL attacks and almost kills a 50 year old

I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

Funny.... I just want the truth, no matter which side is the problem. One side cannot speak for themselves.... that's why we have a justice system in this country.

wanting the truth is a given. That was not my question.

Do you want the truth to be an innocent kid died as a result of racism...or do you want the truth to be that the kid unfortunately bit off more than he could chew and lost his life for it?

It seems MANY on the left are pushing for the first...and that is just plain old sick in my eyes.

And I see many on the right ASSUMING the latter...which is equally sick.
I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

My preferred outcome is that they throw out this stupid stand your ground law.

Hell you would prefer that the second amendment be stricken down. Isn't that right Ravi?
I'll let Ravi speak for herself, but my impression is that she has no issue with laws that allow folks to defend themselves with deadly force when there is no opportunity to safely retreat.

But, Ravi certainly can speak for herself.
I can't believe you idiots are claiming this was done in retaliation. Thugs are thugs and act like thugs because they are THUGS not because they are black.

The OP just furthers the stereotype that all black people are criminals.

Neg on the way.
Right. It's just an assumption.

But another huge point of the OP is what the Orlando Sentinel does as far as editing out race when reporting on a crime, EXCEPT in the Zimmerman/Martin case.
1) The link in the OP claims that the perps pictures are not in the Orlando Sentinel article. They are.

2) The earliest Orlando Sentinel article I could find about the Martin case was dated 3/12 and it was reporting that Martin's parents were claiming their son was murdered because he was black. I could find nothing earlier on their website, leading me to believe that they had never reported on the incident before that....and there is nothing WRONG with reporting what Martin's parents think.

Jesus, must I even defend a right wing newspaper against lies???

That's what happens when you trust activists to give you the "news" as the OP did.
And more and more that is exactly what we are seeing. We do not live in the "Information Age." We live in the "Disinformation Age."
It is all too easy for people to cocoon themselves into a world view that is fed by activist "journalists" so they only get their information from highly biased sources that are not reporting the news they are slanting it to fit their own agenda. People simply seek out sources that support their own preconceived notions rather than challenging and questioning their notions.
If your world view cannot stand up to some critical evaluations from time to time, then it's not really worth much is it?
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My preferred outcome is that they throw out this stupid stand your ground law.

Hell you would prefer that the second amendment be stricken down. Isn't that right Ravi?
I'll let Ravi speak for herself, but my impression is that she has no issue with laws that allow folks to defend themselves with deadly force when there is no opportunity to safely retreat.

But, Ravi certainly can speak for herself.

That's just my opinion
Anyone with common sense understands who it is pushing all the Race-Baiting incitement in the MSM. Dumb White Liberals & Racist Minority Democrats always instigate racial division. It's straight out of Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' They have to keep the races bitterly divided in order to exploit and win Elections. They've been doing it for decades.

The last thing a dumb White Liberal and Racist Minority Democrat wants, is racial peace & harmony. How many Elections do you think they would win if that happened? They certainly can't win on their political beliefs. And they know that more than anyone does. The Liberal Press needs the riots to begin over this awful Martin tragedy. They desperately want their Rodney King Redux. CNN & NBC wont be satisified until that happens. It is very sad but it is what it is.
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I'm not reading all these pages. Did these kids say the attack was retribution? Or was this just a couple of thugs acting normally?
White man.. This is just the beginning if the media keeps up Race rhetoric on the news

Two teens arrested for gruesome hammer attack near Sanford, FL - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

Stupid Teens don't know enough to declare Stand your Ground immunity
Neither do thugs who drag a man from his vehicle, beat him almost to death with a hammer, and then steal his car.


This makes the case for being armed. If he had gun maybe they would not have succeeded in beating him to death (he's as good as dead right now) and then the racists on the other side could cry about these poor innocent thugs who only want to steal from him, take his car and beat him to death, they surely didn't deserve to die for that.
I'm not reading all these pages. Did these kids say the attack was retribution? Or was this just a couple of thugs acting normally?
There is no mention of the motive being a result of the race baiting.

These thugs dragged a 50 yo man from his vehicle, almost beat him to death with a hammer (he is currently on life support, so he may not make it), and stole his vehicle.

One of the thugs has a gang name, and that's how the cops were able to track him down.

So, to me, it looks like nasty-ass gang thugs doing the nasty-ass gang thug thing.
I'm not reading all these pages. Did these kids say the attack was retribution? Or was this just a couple of thugs acting normally?

Terrific point. The only person I've seen linking these two incidents is this conservative activist blogger that the OP quoted and linked.
Funny.... I just want the truth, no matter which side is the problem. One side cannot speak for themselves.... that's why we have a justice system in this country.

wanting the truth is a given. That was not my question.

Do you want the truth to be an innocent kid died as a result of racism...or do you want the truth to be that the kid unfortunately bit off more than he could chew and lost his life for it?

It seems MANY on the left are pushing for the first...and that is just plain old sick in my eyes.

And I see many on the right ASSUMING the latter...which is equally sick.

anyone making a judgment call on this at this poiint is acting immature.

But I disagree....

I dont see it sick if one HOPES the kid was up to no good and earned the loss of his life.

I am hoping that is the case. Not for Zimmerman...I could give two shits about Zimmerman....but I tear up at the thought that a klid may have lost his life for no reason other than race.

I DO SEE IT AS SICK if one hopes an innocent kid lost his life to a racist for no other reason than his race.
I'm not reading all these pages. Did these kids say the attack was retribution? Or was this just a couple of thugs acting normally?

Yeah right, these black teens just happened to have a hammer to defend themselves from an old white elderly individual??

Blunt objects are usually connected with rage crimes.

It's not exactly like people carry hammers around - unless you're a contractor..

This is without question a hate crime and first degree murder.

They're also cowards for them to take it out on an elderly person...
I'm not reading all these pages. Did these kids say the attack was retribution? Or was this just a couple of thugs acting normally?

Yeah right, these black teens just happened to have a hammer to defend themselves from an old white elderly individual??

Blunt objects are usually connected with rage crimes.

It's not exactly like people carry hammers around - unless you're a contractor..

This is without question a hate crime and first degree murder.

They're also cowards for them to take it out on an elderly person...
Gang thugs are political activists, too?

Who knew?
Without the media, Zimmerman would have gotten away with murder. He may well do that yet. But the whole nation will know about it and understand the reason.

And the ignorance continues. The prosecutor was ready to send the case to the grand jury until the race baiters jumped in. The special prosecutor started all over and due to the media and race baiters, justice is delayed.
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Without the media, Zimmerman would have gotten away with murder. He may well do that yet. But the whole nation will know about it and understand the reason.

And the ignorance continues. The prosecutor was ready to send the case to the grand jury until the race baiters jumped in. The special prosecutor started all over and due to the media and race baiters, justice is delayed.

And how is the race baiting helping the innocent people getting hurt?

Any evidence of that? The thought crossed my mind Wolfinger may have still been working on the case. I posted this once.
I'm not reading all these pages. Did these kids say the attack was retribution? Or was this just a couple of thugs acting normally?

Terrific point. The only person I've seen linking these two incidents is this conservative activist blogger that the OP quoted and linked.


I don't have all the facts of the case but I'm not dumb enough to believe two black teens just happened to have a hammer and found themselves in a life or death situation involving a white elderly individual around the time the blacks went batshit over an alleged racial murder..
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I'm not reading all these pages. Did these kids say the attack was retribution? Or was this just a couple of thugs acting normally?

Yeah right, these black teens just happened to have a hammer to defend themselves from an old white elderly individual??

Blunt objects are usually connected with rage crimes.

It's not exactly like people carry hammers around - unless you're a contractor..

This is without question a hate crime and first degree murder.

They're also cowards for them to take it out on an elderly person...
Gang thugs are political activists, too?

Who knew?

Gang thugs are when Jesse and Al start bitching about "injustices."

Gangs are actually really political - hell gangs were founded on the basis of politics.
I'm not reading all these pages. Did these kids say the attack was retribution? Or was this just a couple of thugs acting normally?

Terrific point. The only person I've seen linking these two incidents is this conservative activist blogger that the OP quoted and linked.


I don't have all the facts of the case but I'm not dumb enough to believe two black teens just happened to have a hammer and found themselves in a life or death situation involving a white elderly individual around the time the blacks went batshit over an alleged racial murder..

So your position is that thugs never carry around blunt objects that they can use to commit violent crimes with unless they've been driven into a frenzy by the media?

Interesting position - completely inconsistent with reality - but interesting in that it reveals a lot about the mind that concocted it.
I can't believe you idiots are claiming this was done in retaliation. Thugs are thugs and act like thugs because they are THUGS not because they are black.

The OP just furthers the stereotype that all black people are criminals.

Neg on the way.

where the fuck is Al Sharpton and the lame stream media? this is a black on white crime and you should be outraged. just fucking outraged.
I can't believe you idiots are claiming this was done in retaliation. Thugs are thugs and act like thugs because they are THUGS not because they are black.

The OP just furthers the stereotype that all black people are criminals.

Neg on the way.

where the fuck is Al Sharpton and the lame stream media? this is a black on white crime and you should be outraged. just fucking outraged.

Al Sharpton is an admitted BLACK activist for black causes.

Why would he intervene here?

As for the media?

They have no interest in black on white crime. It is not deemed as newsworthy.

Not sure why....but it isnt.

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