And so it begins. 2 black teens in Sanford FL attacks and almost kills a 50 year old

I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

That the facts are not thrown away because of race baiting idiots
I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

Bumped foir some answers.....
Not a big sayer of prayers for specific outcomes in life.

But what I do hope is that the integrity of the process is preserved. I also hope that the emotional basketcases about this will finally find their heads and realize that without the PROCESS, we are nothing.

And, whatever the outcome of the PROCESS, I will accept.
I can't believe you idiots are claiming this was done in retaliation. Thugs are thugs and act like thugs because they are THUGS not because they are black.

The OP just furthers the stereotype that all black people are criminals.

Neg on the way.
Right. It's just an assumption.

But another huge point of the OP is what the Orlando Sentinel does as far as editing out race when reporting on a crime, EXCEPT in the Zimmerman/Martin case.
1) The link in the OP claims that the perps pictures are not in the Orlando Sentinel article. They are.

2) The earliest Orlando Sentinel article I could find about the Martin case was dated 3/12 and it was reporting that Martin's parents were claiming their son was murdered because he was black. I could find nothing earlier on their website, leading me to believe that they had never reported on the incident before that....and there is nothing WRONG with reporting what Martin's parents think.

Jesus, must I even defend a right wing newspaper against lies???
And a scared kid who is being followed by a stranger in a world full of child abductees, pedophiles and other criminals isn't a case for his own self defense?

He was scared? If he was that scared why didn't he at least call 911 or his father? Nope I'm scared so I call my girlfriend who was in another town. Sure he was scared.

The possibility that he was scared and did react in an aggressive manner is as likely as all the other scenarios that either side has thrown out. He may very well have turned aggressive on Zimmerman thinking he was just following him for any number of reasons and maybe he didn't realize Zimmerman was armed.

All I'm saying is that if he was scared and was in fear for his life why did he call his girlfriend and not 911 or his father. The defense lawyer more than likely will point that out.
The Liberal Press is starting to get a bit pissy because they haven't gotten the riots they were hoping to incite. CNN & NBC are beside themselves. This brutal incident wont even cross their radar. Like i've said many times before, the Liberal Press is made up of dumb White Liberals and Racist Minority Democrats. So don't hold your breath waiting for journalistic integrity. It just aint gonna happen.

Except for the two black kids who beat a white elderly individual to death with a hammer...

Imagine the progressive outrage if the two races were reversed...
I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

My preferred outcome is that they throw out this stupid stand your ground law.
I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

Bumped foir some answers.....

I'm with ya man, I have no idea why people WANT deaths to be brought because of racism.

We don't know what happened, but best case scenario is Zimmerman was attacked and beat up and defended himself. I dunno why some ppl think the best case scenario is Zimmerman murdered a kid because he was black and that will help stir up more hate.
I* am open minded on this and have made noi judgement call....for therre is not nearly enough evidence to do so...

those who think Zimmerman is innocent? They WANT himn to bhe innocent.

Those that think Zimmerman is guilty? They WANT him to be guilty.

So, basic logic...those that see Zimmerman as guilty WANT the facts to be that an innocent kid died as a result of racism.

How sick is that?
They were arrested and will be tried for their crimes, as is proper. Zimmerman has not been, and may well not be. And you wingnuts are cheering for that injustice.
Right, of course knowing all the facts before acting stupid is always a plus. Zimmerman might deserve to be arrested, might not.
I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

My preferred outcome is that they throw out this stupid stand your ground law.

I will stand by your side with you on that one.
I can't believe you idiots are claiming this was done in retaliation. Thugs are thugs and act like thugs because they are THUGS not because they are black.

The OP just furthers the stereotype that all black people are criminals.

Neg on the way.
Right. It's just an assumption.

But another huge point of the OP is what the Orlando Sentinel does as far as editing out race when reporting on a crime, EXCEPT in the Zimmerman/Martin case.
1) The link in the OP claims that the perps pictures are not in the Orlando Sentinel article. They are.

2) The earliest Orlando Sentinel article I could find about the Martin case was dated 3/12 and it was reporting that Martin's parents were claiming their son was murdered because he was black. I could find nothing earlier on their website, leading me to believe that they had never reported on the incident before that....and there is nothing WRONG with reporting what Martin's parents think.

Jesus, must I even defend a right wing newspaper against lies???

So it does. Their pics are right there.

Still, until the arrest, the Sentinal is reported as not mentioning any race. Seems like the thing to do, especially if they are on the look out for the thugs.

And, I wonder why they quoted the Sentinal in what their policy is about mentioning race when reporting on a crime?
I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

Funny.... I just want the truth, no matter which side is the problem. One side cannot speak for themselves.... that's why we have a justice system in this country.
I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

My preferred outcome is that they throw out this stupid stand your ground law.
Two black teenage suspects have just been arrested for a horrific near fatal hammer attack on a fifty year-old white man.

Continue reading on Two teens arrested for gruesome hammer attack near Sanford, FL - Charleston Charleston Conservative | Two teens arrested for gruesome hammer attack near Sanford, FL - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

No trial by cop here?

Wonder why..

Because Zimmerman is white? :confused:
The biggest question is weather or not Zimmerman had the legal right to shoot Martin...

I don't think Zimmerman should have been following Martin whatsoever, but following a person isn't a crime...
In reality all the evidence supports Zimmermans claims...

And a scared kid who is being followed by a stranger in a world full of child abductees, pedophiles and other criminals isn't a case for his own self defense?

Yeah because 17-year-old males get abducted all the time by individuals on foot..

Dude, I'm not even trying to defend Zimmerman - I think he was looking for trouble. I think Zimmerman was dreaming of the day he could pull out his gun and shoot someone.

I cant blame Martin for beating Zimmermans ass either - I would have done the same thing when I was 17 if some strange dude was following me.

The facts are that Zimmerman has the wounds to back his story and there are no credible witnesses to confirm either side of the story...

Personally I feel Zimmerman didn't have to shoot Martin - if he had to he should have shot him in the legs.

Good points, I am glad these two suspects WERE arrested also.
Exactly. THAT is the topic

But, we don't know if the race baiting was the motive for these two black kids to brutally beat the white guy.

Of course it is.....

The NBP have been telling blacks to "act out" - so has Jesse and Al..

Besides how often do you see white teenagers beating elderly black people with hammers in the proximity of an area where a white kid was allegedly murdered, a few days after white activists called for white activism???

That's still an assumption. It's not an unreasonable one, but it's an assumption.

Of course it's an assumption...

It's up to the DA to prove motive and intent...

I just don't believe in coincidences - at least not when it comes to murder.
I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

Funny.... I just want the truth, no matter which side is the problem. One side cannot speak for themselves.... that's why we have a justice system in this country.

wanting the truth is a given. That was not my question.

Do you want the truth to be an innocent kid died as a result of racism...or do you want the truth to be that the kid unfortunately bit off more than he could chew and lost his life for it?

It seems MANY on the left are pushing for the first...and that is just plain old sick in my eyes.
I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

My preferred outcome is that they throw out this stupid stand your ground law.

Hell you would prefer that the second amendment be stricken down. Isn't that right Ravi?

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