And so it begins. 2 black teens in Sanford FL attacks and almost kills a 50 year old

But Martin, being followed by a stranger has no right to feel threatened and act out of self preservation?

Oh... that's right... he "looked" suspicious.... black and wearing a hoodie.

The bottom line is that Zimmerman ignored police orders not to follow the kid, he ranted on the phone that "these (censored) get away with this all the time"(or something very close to that), and he followed and stalked what turned out to be a scared and INNOCENT kid with a bag of skittles.

But Zimmerman is the victim.... I love the mindset of the right.

The biggest question is weather or not Zimmerman had the legal right to shoot Martin...

I don't think Zimmerman should have been following Martin whatsoever, but following a person isn't a crime...

In reality all the evidence supports Zimmermans claims...
If Zimmerman disobeyed a police order not to follow Martin, that is probably an unlawful act in Florida.

If so then the stand your ground law doesn't apply:

2) The presumption set forth in subsection (1) does not apply if:

(c) The person who uses defensive force is engaged in an unlawful activity or is using the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle to further an unlawful activity;

What does Florida

He was told not to follow him.
Zimmerman claims he did not follow him once the 911 operator told him not to.

Maybe he did and maybe he didnt.

How do you know as fact that he continued to follow him?
First of all, what 911 operators say are not police orders. There is no legal obligation to follow suggestions, orders, or anything else a 911 operator says (other than what a court orders, such as stop calling with false or frivolous calls). It there were any legal obligation, a lot of folks would NEVER call 911 and put themselves immediately in a legally liable situation.

Secondly, the 911 operator did not tell or "order" Zimmerman not to follow:

911: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

911: OK. We don't need you to do that.​
this thread is about an old man who was beaten with a fucking hammer by two black cowardly thugs I guess as payback for Martin,, thanks the the race baiters and the media another innocent has lost his life.. does this make the black community feel better? or will they need more?

wow... the story I read was that it was a burglary... I think your whole premise that it was retaliatory is made up in your bigoted mind, and those who think like you...of course.
But Martin, being followed by a stranger has no right to feel threatened and act out of self preservation?

Oh... that's right... he "looked" suspicious.... black and wearing a hoodie.

The bottom line is that Zimmerman ignored police orders not to follow the kid, he ranted on the phone that "these (censored) get away with this all the time"(or something very close to that), and he followed and stalked what turned out to be a scared and INNOCENT kid with a bag of skittles.

But Zimmerman is the victim.... I love the mindset of the right.

how do you know this?

Zimmerman claimed he did not. guys are pathetic.

You want this to be a case of racism...of an innocent kid being murdered in cold blood.

And you know...maybe that will be the truth.

But one thing for sure....NONE OF YOU GUYS KNOWS YET



I pray to God an innocent kid didnt lose his life to a racist.

I am curtious as to why you are all hell bent on HOPING an innocent kid lost his life to a racist.
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this thread is about an old man who was beaten with a fucking hammer by two black cowardly thugs I guess as payback for Martin,, thanks the the race baiters and the media another innocent has lost his life.. does this make the black community feel better? or will they need more?

wow... the story I read was that it was a burglary... I think your whole premise that it was retaliatory is made up in your bigoted mind, and those who think like you...of course.

it was retaliatory..
this thread is about an old man who was beaten with a fucking hammer by two black cowardly thugs I guess as payback for Martin,, thanks the the race baiters and the media another innocent has lost his life.. does this make the black community feel better? or will they need more?
I asked for the actual law.

You DO know that what any lawmaker says AFTER the law is passed is just wind from a politician. That's all it is. It has nothing to do with the LAW and has zero probative value.

Now, you will quote the LAW that exempts Zimmerman, right? That's what you claimed, so I would like to see the law that exempts him from being covered.


The article cited quoted the law you moron.
It sure did. And nothing in the LAW exempts Zimmerman from it. And just because some writer says he is exempt, doesn't mean the LAW says he is exempt. The media is not the LAW.


Zimmerman may have disobeyed a police order not to follow Martin. He would thus be engaged in an unlawful act at the time of the incident;

the law does not protect him under that circumstance.
this thread is about an old man who was beaten with a fucking hammer by two black cowardly thugs I guess as payback for Martin,, thanks the the race baiters and the media another innocent has lost his life.. does this make the black community feel better? or will they need more?

I was just about to say this..

Thank you..

This thread is about a clear hate crime committed by two blacks - not Martin.

Progressives want to make it about Martin so they don't have to admit that this hate crime occurred because Jesse, Al and the New Black Panthers told blacks to commit disorderly acts.
If Zimmerman disobeyed a police order not to follow Martin, that is probably an unlawful act in Florida.

If so then the stand your ground law doesn't apply:

2) The presumption set forth in subsection (1) does not apply if:

(c) The person who uses defensive force is engaged in an unlawful activity or is using the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle to further an unlawful activity;

What does Florida

He was told not to follow him.
Zimmerman claims he did not follow him once the 911 operator told him not to.

Maybe he did and maybe he didnt.

How do you know as fact that he continued to follow him?

You know, I put the word 'IF' in that post intentionally to not have to deal with some idiot who was going to accuse me of assuming as fact something I didn't know as fact.

A lot of good that did me.

MY error.
I apologize.
You did the right thing and I overreacted.
Because the dumb asses need something to be outraged about. To think, that someone would actually be charged for gunning down an unarmed teenager that has a bag of skittles and a can of iced tea. Capital crime.
Well, there is a bit more to the case, but don't let any facts get in your way.

You haven't ever before, so it's not surprising that you fail now, too.

Dumb ass. Zimmerman followed the kid at night and had a gun. His comments on the recordings were a good indictation of his mindset. He confronted the kid and killed him. What else is there to say?

From the confrontation to when the police arrived, we have only Zimmerman's story. The kid is dead and cannot tell his side.

I hope that there is a hell of a lawsuit against the Home Owners Association, and that it results in one big settlement. In any sane Neighborhood Watch, the participants do not carry guns, and only report to the police what the see.

Generally you are pretty fair in your posts, but in this case, I believe you have let the media and a hell of a lot of unproven hearsay affect your judgment.

I don't know what happened on the night of February 26th except that a young man was tragically killed but then neither do you. Do I think Zimmerman should have been arrested? Yes, I do. I also believe that he should have received a fair trial. It seems the left believes it should have gone from arrest to execution without stopping for a damned trial as they have already convicted him three times over based on media reports.

Oh, I should correct that. Based on media reports and the presence of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Everyone knows they wouldn't be there if Zimmerman really were not guilty.

That's kind of scary if you ask me.

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If Zimmerman disobeyed a police order not to follow Martin, that is probably an unlawful act in Florida.

If so then the stand your ground law doesn't apply:

2) The presumption set forth in subsection (1) does not apply if:

(c) The person who uses defensive force is engaged in an unlawful activity or is using the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle to further an unlawful activity;

What does Florida

He was told not to follow him.
Zimmerman claims he did not follow him once the 911 operator told him not to.

Maybe he did and maybe he didnt.

How do you know as fact that he continued to follow him?
First of all, what 911 operators say are not police orders. There is no legal obligation to follow suggestions, orders, or anything else a 911 operator says (other than what a court orders, such as stop calling with false or frivolous calls). It there were any legal obligation, a lot of folks would NEVER call 911 and put themselves immediately in a legally liable situation.

Secondly, the 911 operator did not tell or "order" Zimmerman not to follow:

911: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

911: OK. We don't need you to do that.​

So... ignoring orders from a 911 operator... Dispatcher... Trained personnel, and stalking a young black kid in a hoodie is A-OK with you?
this thread is about an old man who was beaten with a fucking hammer by two black cowardly thugs I guess as payback for Martin,, thanks the the race baiters and the media another innocent has lost his life.. does this make the black community feel better? or will they need more?
Exactly. THAT is the topic

But, we don't know if the race baiting was the motive for these two black kids to brutally beat the white guy.
But Martin, being followed by a stranger has no right to feel threatened and act out of self preservation?

Oh... that's right... he "looked" suspicious.... black and wearing a hoodie.

The bottom line is that Zimmerman ignored police orders not to follow the kid, he ranted on the phone that "these (censored) get away with this all the time"(or something very close to that), and he followed and stalked what turned out to be a scared and INNOCENT kid with a bag of skittles.

But Zimmerman is the victim.... I love the mindset of the right.

The biggest question is weather or not Zimmerman had the legal right to shoot Martin...

I don't think Zimmerman should have been following Martin whatsoever, but following a person isn't a crime...
In reality all the evidence supports Zimmermans claims...

And a scared kid who is being followed by a stranger in a world full of child abductees, pedophiles and other criminals isn't a case for his own self defense?
He was told not to follow him.
Zimmerman claims he did not follow him once the 911 operator told him not to.

Maybe he did and maybe he didnt.

How do you know as fact that he continued to follow him?
First of all, what 911 operators say are not police orders. There is no legal obligation to follow suggestions, orders, or anything else a 911 operator says (other than what a court orders, such as stop calling with false or frivolous calls). It there were any legal obligation, a lot of folks would NEVER call 911 and put themselves immediately in a legally liable situation.

Secondly, the 911 operator did not tell or "order" Zimmerman not to follow:

911: Are you following him?

Zimmerman: Yeah.

911: OK. We don't need you to do that.​

So... ignoring orders from a 911 operator... Dispatcher... Trained personnel, and stalking a young black kid in a hoodie is A-OK with you?

2. When the dispatcher told him he did not need to follow Trayvon he stopped doing so.
But Martin, being followed by a stranger has no right to feel threatened and act out of self preservation?

Oh... that's right... he "looked" suspicious.... black and wearing a hoodie.

The bottom line is that Zimmerman ignored police orders not to follow the kid, he ranted on the phone that "these (censored) get away with this all the time"(or something very close to that), and he followed and stalked what turned out to be a scared and INNOCENT kid with a bag of skittles.

But Zimmerman is the victim.... I love the mindset of the right.

The biggest question is weather or not Zimmerman had the legal right to shoot Martin...

I don't think Zimmerman should have been following Martin whatsoever, but following a person isn't a crime...
In reality all the evidence supports Zimmermans claims...

And a scared kid who is being followed by a stranger in a world full of child abductees, pedophiles and other criminals isn't a case for his own self defense?
Who said it wasn't????
this thread is about an old man who was beaten with a fucking hammer by two black cowardly thugs I guess as payback for Martin,, thanks the the race baiters and the media another innocent has lost his life.. does this make the black community feel better? or will they need more?
Exactly. THAT is the topic

But, we don't know if the race baiting was the motive for these two black kids to brutally beat the white guy.

yeah well,, we don't know that in the other case do we.?. so let's pick a set of rules and play by them huh?
[Zip adds his usual delightful spice, insight, intuitive feel, and sarcasm to the report:
"There is a time for every purpose under Heaven.
A time to build up and a time to tear down
A time to dance and a time to mourn
A time to love and a time to hate
A time to be born and a time to die..."]

"Paging Race Hustlers: 50-Year-Old White Man On Life Support After Black Teens Beat Him With a Hammer, Same FL Town As Trayvon Martin Shooting…

Anyone know if Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are still in Sanford?

The below story doesn’t mention the victim’s race but another local station’s newscast identifies him as white.

(Orlando Sentinel) — A tip to Crimeline has led to the arrests of two men in a brutal beating that occurred a week ago in the Midway community east of Sanford.

Julius Ricardo Bender, 18, and Yahaziel Isaac Israel, 19, face charges of attempted first-degree murder, burglary with assault or battery and armed burglary.

The victim, a 50-year-old Winter Springs man whose name has not been released, is on life-support at Orlando Regional Medical Center."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Paging Race Hustlers: 50-Year-Old White Man On Life Support After Black Teens Beat Him With a Hammer, Same FL Town As Trayvon Martin Shooting…
this thread is about an old man who was beaten with a fucking hammer by two black cowardly thugs I guess as payback for Martin,, thanks the the race baiters and the media another innocent has lost his life.. does this make the black community feel better? or will they need more?
Exactly. THAT is the topic

But, we don't know if the race baiting was the motive for these two black kids to brutally beat the white guy.

Of course it is.....

The NBP have been telling blacks to "act out" - so has Jesse and Al..

Besides how often do you see white teenagers beating elderly black people with hammers in the proximity of an area where a white kid was allegedly murdered, a few days after white activists called for white activism???


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