And so it begins. 2 black teens in Sanford FL attacks and almost kills a 50 year old

And the ignorance continues. The prosecutor was ready to send the case to the grand jury until the race baiters jumped in. The special prosecutor started all over and due to the media and race baiters, justice is delayed.

And how is the race baiting helping the innocent people getting hurt?

Any evidence of that? The thought crossed my mind Wolfinger may have still been working on the case. I posted this once.

It was an article you posted, it said they were ready to send it to the grand jury.

I read it more as stating no decision had been made. Wolfinger may have been ready before the hoopla began. We'll see about Corey.
Two black teenage suspects have just been arrested for a horrific near fatal hammer attack on a fifty year-old white man.

Continue reading on Two teens arrested for gruesome hammer attack near Sanford, FL - Charleston Charleston Conservative | Two teens arrested for gruesome hammer attack near Sanford, FL - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

No trial by cop here?

Wonder why..

that's because you're a moron.
Right. It's just an assumption.

But another huge point of the OP is what the Orlando Sentinel does as far as editing out race when reporting on a crime, EXCEPT in the Zimmerman/Martin case.
1) The link in the OP claims that the perps pictures are not in the Orlando Sentinel article. They are.

2) The earliest Orlando Sentinel article I could find about the Martin case was dated 3/12 and it was reporting that Martin's parents were claiming their son was murdered because he was black. I could find nothing earlier on their website, leading me to believe that they had never reported on the incident before that....and there is nothing WRONG with reporting what Martin's parents think.

Jesus, must I even defend a right wing newspaper against lies???

So it does. Their pics are right there.

Still, until the arrest, the Sentinal is reported as not mentioning any race. Seems like the thing to do, especially if they are on the look out for the thugs.

And, I wonder why they quoted the Sentinal in what their policy is about mentioning race when reporting on a crime?
Who knows if they knew the race or if they did, maybe they don't want to be responsible for any vigilante bullshit.

The article linked contains one lie, it is hard to tell if anything in it is true.
Because the dumb asses need something to be outraged about. To think, that someone would actually be charged for gunning down an unarmed teenager that has a bag of skittles and a can of iced tea. Capital crime.

As more facts come out, it's apparent it is not so cut and dried. I know some still repeat the first story put out by the family's lawyers, but evidence is showing things a bit differently. I know some blame police for being racist, but the witnesses and evidence supported Zimmerman's account, so they had to let him go.

He did not have candy and tea on him that anyone can remember seeing. I think that is what he told his dad's girlfriend's son that he would go get. No video released of him being in the 7-11, which was a 2 mile walk.

Too much missing info and the investigation had never closed. TM's girlfriend never gave any statements to police, though later claimed through the Martin family's lawyer that she had damaging info.

In the other case, the guys just chose a victim and brutally beat him. I am glad they got caught, but curious as to the motive. They left the man's vehicle a few blocks away. They could have robbed the man and taken his vehicle without beating him nearly to death with a hammer, so robbery wasn't the motive. Do you suppose they should be charged with a hate crime?
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I will ask again...

What is the preferred outcome of this investigation.

An innocent child lost his life to a racist


The teenager was the one who prompted the altercation and attacked first...and as a result lost his life.


I am praying an innocent kid did not lose his life to a racist.

Anyone else?

My preferred outcome is that they throw out this stupid stand your ground law.

Hell you would prefer that the second amendment be stricken down. Isn't that right Ravi?
Not at all, retard.
No, I find it odd that two black teenagers beat an elderly white individual to death and there is some sort of logical reason behind it - especially after this Martin bullshit. Not to mention it being in the proximity of the Martin case - in which Jesse, Al, the New Black Panthers called for an uprising...

And yes, carrying a hammer around is odd. It's not like you reach in your pocket and say "oops I'm carrying my hammer."

Not to mention a hammer isn't the best tool for "spur of the moment" self defense.

A blunt object is used in rage crimes...

A hammer is used when your intent is to mob/kill/seriously injure an individual via a surprise attack.

Dude these types of criminals don't need logic or reason to commit a crime. Many times its nothing more than a need for drugs or attention. They're kids without any purpose. To read more into it than that is unnecessary.

you have evidence that they are guilty?

No but I now have evidence you're trying to nitpick. Obviously a trial will determine their guilt or innocence. I'm merely assuming the outcome.
Race-Baiting division. It's every White Liberal and Racist Minority Democrats' wet dream. They absolutely love it.

who knew the KKK were liberals????

What a stupid thing to say. Is it hard to walk around with your head buried in the sand 24/7?

Ok - so unless I agree that race-baiting and using racial division for political purposes is solely a liberal method, then I "have my head in the sand"?

Because there have never ever been right wing race baiters, segregationists, "reverse" discrimination baiters, white supremists, neo-nazi's, etc ????

Yeah, OK - I see your point. Boy am I blushing right now.....
1) The link in the OP claims that the perps pictures are not in the Orlando Sentinel article. They are.

2) The earliest Orlando Sentinel article I could find about the Martin case was dated 3/12 and it was reporting that Martin's parents were claiming their son was murdered because he was black. I could find nothing earlier on their website, leading me to believe that they had never reported on the incident before that....and there is nothing WRONG with reporting what Martin's parents think.

Jesus, must I even defend a right wing newspaper against lies???

So it does. Their pics are right there.

Still, until the arrest, the Sentinal is reported as not mentioning any race. Seems like the thing to do, especially if they are on the look out for the thugs.

And, I wonder why they quoted the Sentinal in what their policy is about mentioning race when reporting on a crime?
Who knows if they knew the race or if they did, maybe they don't want to be responsible for any vigilante bullshit.

The article linked contains one lie, it is hard to tell if anything in it is true.


When NBC played the 911 tape...and edited out the part where the operator asked if the kid was white, black or hispanic...and instead allowed the viewers to hear the following...

"He looks like he is up to no good. He is black"

Do you consider that lying?
So your position is that thugs never carry around blunt objects that they can use to commit violent crimes with unless they've been driven into a frenzy by the media?

Interesting position - completely inconsistent with reality - but interesting in that it reveals a lot about the mind that concocted it.

No, I find it odd that two black teenagers beat an elderly white individual to death and there is some sort of logical reason behind it - especially after this Martin bullshit. Not to mention it being in the proximity of the Martin case - in which Jesse, Al, the New Black Panthers called for an uprising...

And yes, carrying a hammer around is odd. It's not like you reach in your pocket and say "oops I'm carrying my hammer."

Not to mention a hammer isn't the best tool for "spur of the moment" self defense.

A blunt object is used in rage crimes...

A hammer is used when your intent is to mob/kill/seriously injure an individual via a surprise attack.

Six miles away is "in the vicinity" ??? Young thugs attacking an old person and stealing their car is unheard of without media race-baiting? What has self-defense got to do with it? Is anyone suggesting that these two young criminals were engaged in self defense? Is a hammer an unsual burglary tool?
You're just making way too many assumptions without any logical support.

No I'm being extremely logical.

Of course 6 miles is in the vicinity..

Any burglar in the world would prefer a cowbar over a hammer, well unless they're blatant idiots - not to mention most thieves are not killers.

Killing someone and stealing their car is not something a typical thief would do...

This is clearly a rage crime.
Neither do thugs who drag a man from his vehicle, beat him almost to death with a hammer, and then steal his car.


What these thugs need to realize is they need to declare themselves as neighborhood watchmen and the guy they pulled from the car was "suspicious"
You didn't drag him from the car because you were robbing him. You dragged him from the car because you feared for your life

The only comparison worthy of being made is that there are two cases where someone died and the evidence of both are being collected and analyzed to deem if prosecution is required.

So tell me RW....

I am curious.....if y9ou had the chance to prove the truth.....

Do you prefer the truth about the Zimmerman/Maritn scenario to be that an innocent child lost his life or do you prefer the truth to be that he was by no means innocent and was actually up to no good and lost his life due to an unecessary attack on a community watchman?

I is a loaded question....but ANYONE who has already found Zimmerman to be in the wrong despite not nearly enough evidence to do so, obviously is allowing their preferences to say Zimmerman was in the wrong...and I want all to see that.

Frankly, I don't care

What I do care about is that justice be done in this case. From my initial readings about the case and the amount of police work involved, it does not seem to be of the fidelity normally expected in a homicide.

I would like to see all the evidence collected by independent investigators and presented to a Grand Jury. Beyond that, I am OK with whatever direction it goes

So it does. Their pics are right there.

Still, until the arrest, the Sentinal is reported as not mentioning any race. Seems like the thing to do, especially if they are on the look out for the thugs.

And, I wonder why they quoted the Sentinal in what their policy is about mentioning race when reporting on a crime?
Who knows if they knew the race or if they did, maybe they don't want to be responsible for any vigilante bullshit.

The article linked contains one lie, it is hard to tell if anything in it is true.


When NBC played the 911 tape...and edited out the part where the operator asked if the kid was white, black or hispanic...and instead allowed the viewers to hear the following...

"He looks like he is up to no good. He is black"

Do you consider that lying?
Dude these types of criminals don't need logic or reason to commit a crime. Many times its nothing more than a need for drugs or attention. They're kids without any purpose. To read more into it than that is unnecessary.

you have evidence that they are guilty?

No but I now have evidence you're trying to nitpick. Obviously a trial will determine their guilt or innocence. I'm merely assuming the outcome.

Well I'm assuming they have the evidence to convict considering they know the victim was beaten with a hammer and they have two teenage suspects in custody...
White man.. This is just the beginning if the media keeps up Race rhetoric on the news

Two teens arrested for gruesome hammer attack near Sanford, FL - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

You seem to want to show some causality here. The real story is how the media covers up black on white crime or otherwise distorts facts to fit a preconceived agenda.

Here's the Sentinel's first report. Race is not mentioned.

Sanford killing: One dead, one in custody in Sanford killing, police say - Orlando Sentinel
who knew the KKK were liberals????

What a stupid thing to say. Is it hard to walk around with your head buried in the sand 24/7?

Ok - so unless I agree that race-baiting and using racial division for political purposes is solely a liberal method, then I "have my head in the sand"?

Because there have never ever been right wing race baiters, segregationists, "reverse" discrimination baiters, white supremists, neo-nazi's, etc ????

Yeah, OK - I see your point. Boy am I blushing right now.....

Do you know the difference between race baiters and racist?
Two black teenage suspects have just been arrested for a horrific near fatal hammer attack on a fifty year-old white man.

Continue reading on Two teens arrested for gruesome hammer attack near Sanford, FL - Charleston Charleston Conservative | Two teens arrested for gruesome hammer attack near Sanford, FL - Charleston Charleston Conservative |

No trial by cop here?

Wonder why..

No trial and conviction by media, either.
Dude these types of criminals don't need logic or reason to commit a crime. Many times its nothing more than a need for drugs or attention. They're kids without any purpose. To read more into it than that is unnecessary.

you have evidence that they are guilty?

No but I now have evidence you're trying to nitpick. Obviously a trial will determine their guilt or innocence. I'm merely assuming the outcome.

I am not trying to nitpick.

Let me explain something to you. Thanks to the media...and thanks to people rushing to judgement...myself included......I cheated my son out of a great educationj.

He was a highly recruited lacrosse player and was oin the short list with Duke when he was a sophomore in high school. Whereas he was too young to sign a letter of intent, he did make a verbal to them...something he AND they can back out of at anytime until the letter of intent is signed, withiout any negative ramifications per NCAA regulations....

Then the Duke lacrosse issue came out...and I forbid him from playing for the team. I told him he could attend the school, but not be part of the lacrosse program...and of course, he would not get the 33% scholarship he was offered (assuming he signed the LoI)....

He wanted to play he backed out.

Then the truth came out...and although he had already signed the LoI elsewhere, he contacted Coach Danowski who told him there was no longer room for him on the roster....

I have learned....never...EVER rush to judgment.
you have evidence that they are guilty?

No but I now have evidence you're trying to nitpick. Obviously a trial will determine their guilt or innocence. I'm merely assuming the outcome.

Well I'm assuming they have the evidence to convict considering they know the victim was beaten with a hammer and they have two teenage suspects in custody...

they had 3 suspects in custody after the girl cried rape at Duke.
What these thugs need to realize is they need to declare themselves as neighborhood watchmen and the guy they pulled from the car was "suspicious"
You didn't drag him from the car because you were robbing him. You dragged him from the car because you feared for your life

The only comparison worthy of being made is that there are two cases where someone died and the evidence of both are being collected and analyzed to deem if prosecution is required.

So tell me RW....

I am curious.....if y9ou had the chance to prove the truth.....

Do you prefer the truth about the Zimmerman/Maritn scenario to be that an innocent child lost his life or do you prefer the truth to be that he was by no means innocent and was actually up to no good and lost his life due to an unecessary attack on a community watchman?

I is a loaded question....but ANYONE who has already found Zimmerman to be in the wrong despite not nearly enough evidence to do so, obviously is allowing their preferences to say Zimmerman was in the wrong...and I want all to see that.

Frankly, I don't care

What I do care about is that justice be done in this case. From my initial readings about the case and the amount of police work involved, it does not seem to be of the fidelity normally expected in a homicide.

I would like to see all the evidence collected by independent investigators and presented to a Grand Jury. Beyond that, I am OK with whatever direction it goes

Dude, this isn't a "who done it" case...

How can one investigate a "he said she said" case when the other individual in question is dead and the other admits to killing the individual but only in self defense with no witnesses to the event??

Break out your crystal ball Nostradamus....
No, I find it odd that two black teenagers beat an elderly white individual to death and there is some sort of logical reason behind it - especially after this Martin bullshit. Not to mention it being in the proximity of the Martin case - in which Jesse, Al, the New Black Panthers called for an uprising...

And yes, carrying a hammer around is odd. It's not like you reach in your pocket and say "oops I'm carrying my hammer."

Not to mention a hammer isn't the best tool for "spur of the moment" self defense.

A blunt object is used in rage crimes...

A hammer is used when your intent is to mob/kill/seriously injure an individual via a surprise attack.

Six miles away is "in the vicinity" ??? Young thugs attacking an old person and stealing their car is unheard of without media race-baiting? What has self-defense got to do with it? Is anyone suggesting that these two young criminals were engaged in self defense? Is a hammer an unsual burglary tool?
You're just making way too many assumptions without any logical support.

No I'm being extremely logical.

Of course 6 miles is in the vicinity..

Any burglar in the world would prefer a cowbar over a hammer, well unless they're blatant idiots - not to mention most thieves are not killers.

Killing someone and stealing their car is not something a typical thief would do...

This is clearly a rage crime.

Nah, you are clearly trying invent and stretch this into something that fits your preconceived notion. And you really don't have the facts. For example earlier you posted that this was clearly "first degree murder." But the victim is not dead. I'm not trying to be harsh, I'm just pointing out how little you really know about this case and how you are trying to use the very scant information that you do have to "connect the dots" into something that fits your world view. There is absolutely nothing logical about that.
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