AND So, It Begins.... WINTER 2022-23

This is a pant load of BS..

The internet rando is going to speak!

The power of the polar jet is caused by temperature imbalance. More precisely the thermal gradient. The air mass above the poles, in the mid troposphere is colder than it has been in about 450 years (since the little ice age). This means the heat is being released above the poles very quickly. This thermal gradient then drives the polar jet making it more powerful. The Lows generated are bigger and much more powerful. This increased power causes the polar jet to intrude on the median or Equitorial jet..

Take it up with the experts, Rando.

Your cause/effect is a load of horse manure.

It isn't mine, rando. It's people who study this for a living.

Do the math and follow the energy distribution within our atmosphere.

I'll let the professionals do that, rando.
Polar jet streams can cause hexigons ...


So far, this is inexplicable ... welcome to atmospheric science ...
Take it up with the experts
I do, every day.. Thats science... It's ok to disagree and its ok to discuss competing hypothesis. That is how science works. But we avoid calling each other names... Professionals act like professionals. Thanks for proving you are not a scientist, nor do you have a clue how our atmosphere works..

So you're claiming Winter started early because a Typhoon/HURRICANE drifted further North.
and this is evidence/proof of cooling/early winter?

So you're claiming Winter started early because a Typhoon/HURRICANE drifted further North.
and this is evidence/proof of cooling/early winter?

Yeah, it's called weather. Climate fluctuations and environmental uncertainty are hallmarks of our bipolar glaciated world.
Yeah, it's called weather. Climate fluctuations and environmental uncertainty are hallmarks of our bipolar glaciated world.

And we are not here discussing Weather except as some lame attempt to call it climate.
You, as usual, have contributed NOTHING to this thread or any other.
You're a one-line Troll.

If you just want to one-line/troll here don't you have anything better to do?
So you're claiming Winter started early because a Typhoon/HURRICANE drifted further North.
and this is evidence/proof of cooling/early winter?


Well ... no ... this is a winter weather pattern ... the first in three months here in The West ... if this is not notable to you, maybe keep your foul mouth shut ... not all environmental discussions revolved around some failed fantasy of predicting climate ...

... and it's fun to think about 106 mph winds blowing through downtown Portland again ... they'll shut the bridges down ... ha ha ha ha ha ...
Well ... no ... this is a winter weather pattern ... the first in three months here in The West ... if this is not notable to you, maybe keep your foul mouth shut ... not all environmental discussions revolved around some failed fantasy of predicting climate ...

... and it's fun to think about 106 mph winds blowing through downtown Portland again ... they'll shut the bridges down ... ha ha ha ha ha ...
Hey Denier guy/clown!
The OP Link (and after all You people pointing to "No Hurricanes" as evidence it's Not warming!
Half you don't know a Typhoon IS a hurricane, the other half claim to be physicists, but no one can write a paragraph)

""..The storm is the remnants of what was Typhoon Merbok, which University of Alaska Fairbanks climate specialist Rick Thoman said is also influencing weather patterns far from Alaska — a rare late-summer storm now is expected to bring rain this weekend to drought-stricken parts of California.
“All this Warm Air that’s been brought north by this ex-typhoon is basically inducing a chain reaction in the jet stream downstream from Alaska,” he said.
“It’s a historic-level storm,” Thoman said of the system steaming toward Alaska. “In 10 years, people will be referring to the September 2022 storm as a benchmark storm.”..​

So now "warm air" moving North/stirring it up (and a 'missing' hurricane) signals Winter!

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Hey Denier guy/clown!
The OP Link (and after all You people pointing to "No Hurricanes" as evidence it's Not warming!
Half you don't know a Typhoon IS a hurricane, the other half claim to be physicists, but no one can write a paragraph)

""..The storm is the remnants of what was Typhoon Merbok, which University of Alaska Fairbanks climate specialist Rick Thoman said is also influencing weather patterns far from Alaska — a rare late-summer storm now is expected to bring rain this weekend to drought-stricken parts of California.
“All this Warm Air that’s been brought north by this ex-typhoon is basically inducing a chain reaction in the jet stream downstream from Alaska,” he said.
“It’s a historic-level storm,” Thoman said of the system steaming toward Alaska. “In 10 years, people will be referring to the September 2022 storm as a benchmark storm.”..​

So now "warm air" moving North/stirring it up (and a 'missing' hurricane) signals Winter!

LOL... Down playing the significance of an early and powerful winter storm is the act of a fool.
I do, every day..


Thats science... It's ok to disagree and its ok to discuss competing hypothesis. That is how science works. But we avoid calling each other names... Professionals act like professionals. Thanks for proving you are not a scientist, nor do you have a clue how our atmosphere works..

Of course it's OK to disagree. But you don't provide any compelling evidence that your minority view has any bearing when put up against what the vast majority of the earth's ACTUAL experts think.

Since I'm not a climate scientist (and I suspect you aren't either) I am forced to go with the majority of the experts.

I genuinely am curious: clearly you hang in the company of many climate scientists. Like me you've probably met more than your fair share. Within the community, obviously, you are in the tiny minority. What is your most compelling bit of evidence you use to prove folks like Wally Broecker, Walter Munk and Roger Revelle "wrong"?
And we are not here discussing Weather except as some lame attempt to call it climate.
You, as usual, have contributed NOTHING to this thread or any other.
You're a one-line Troll.

If you just want to one-line/troll here don't you have anything better to do?
The geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that weren't caused by CO2 or orbital forces.

Of course it's OK to disagree. But you don't provide any compelling evidence that your minority view has any bearing when put up against what the vast majority of the earth's ACTUAL experts think.

Since I'm not a climate scientist (and I suspect you aren't either) I am forced to go with the majority of the experts.

I genuinely am curious: clearly you hang in the company of many climate scientists. Like me you've probably met more than your fair share. Within the community, obviously, you are in the tiny minority. What is your most compelling bit of evidence you use to prove folks like Wally Broecker, Walter Munk and Roger Revelle "wrong"?
If they believe the recent warming trend was caused by CO2, yes, I believe they are wrong. The geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that were not caused by CO2 or orbital forces.
The geologic record is littered with examples of warming and cooling trends that weren't caused by CO2 or orbital forces.
Yes, no one denies that, and that's your only claim.
But you know that from the same data and scientists who are showing us the Evidence why this warming is Human caused.
I've explained it to you in detail with links and in my own words.
But you are a Mentally ill one-line repeat Troll with no game.
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Since I'm not a climate scientist (and I suspect you aren't either) I am forced to go with the majority of the experts.

You've never demonstrated an ability to understand what experts say ... you admit blindly believing commercial media ... including hypercanes ...

And like the house cat who domesticated you, you'll never learn ...
You've never demonstrated an ability to understand what experts say ... you admit blindly believing commercial media ... including hypercanes ...

I don't recall saying anything about hypercanes.

You do a LOT of false accusations. You still haven't clarified your "thoughts" on the atmosphere as a "closed system" which is what you seem to think it is.

You really should try to be HONEST at some point.

Yes, no one denies that, and that's your only claim.
But you know that from the same data and scientists who are showing us the Evidence why this warming is Human caused.
I've explained it to you in detail with links and in my own words.
But you are a Mentally ill one-line repeat Troll with no game.

That particular poster doesn't understand the science. They claim to have some earth science association but clearly they never took a class.

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