AND So, It Begins.... WINTER 2022-23

Yes, no one denies that, and that's your only claim.
But you know that from the same data and scientists who are showing us the Evidence why this warming is Human caused.
I've explained it to you in detail with links and in my own words.
But you are a Mentally ill one-line repeat Troll with no game.
Incorrect. My claim is that they have mistakenly attributed CO2 as the cause of the recent warming trend.
The geese are heading south and east the last week.

Mother Nature is dropping some intel on them ...
And they are trying to get through my neck of the woods before November ... :auiqs.jpg:

About 25 Greater Canadas flew over my house today, low enough to shoot ... Lucky Bastards.
It's just teal season here now ... And I am already seeing big ducks too, on the migration.

Hey Denier guy/clown!
The OP Link (and after all You people pointing to "No Hurricanes" as evidence it's Not warming!
Half you don't know a Typhoon IS a hurricane, the other half claim to be physicists, but no one can write a paragraph)

""..The storm is the remnants of what was Typhoon Merbok, which University of Alaska Fairbanks climate specialist Rick Thoman said is also influencing weather patterns far from Alaska — a rare late-summer storm now is expected to bring rain this weekend to drought-stricken parts of California.
“All this Warm Air that’s been brought north by this ex-typhoon is basically inducing a chain reaction in the jet stream downstream from Alaska,” he said.
“It’s a historic-level storm,” Thoman said of the system steaming toward Alaska. “In 10 years, people will be referring to the September 2022 storm as a benchmark storm.”..​

So now "warm air" moving North/stirring it up (and a 'missing' hurricane) signals Winter!


Why would warm air move towards the equator? ... this isn't a casual mistake, this shows incompetence at even basic physics ... the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics requires warm air to be moved to the poles ... thus tropical cyclones are created ... along the other convergence zone forms cold-core cyclones that move cold air towards the equator ...

Yes ... both Billy and I understand this typhoon has already transitioned into a extra-tropical storm ... why do you think we're using upper level charts? ... dumbass ...

Meteorology 201 ... just like Doctor Liar, you believe commercial media without question ... without understanding ... and apparently without the rainfall we've been seeing here ... entire hundredths of inches ... crazy crazy weather today ...
Why would warm air move towards the equator? ... this isn't a casual mistake, this shows incompetence at even basic physics ... the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics requires warm air to be moved to the poles

I'm genuinely curious how you can draw that conclusion. The Second Law ONLY applies to closed systems. ON a "UNIVERSAL" level, yes entropy always increases. But in an open system (like the atmosphere which has ways to shuttle energy INTO and OUT of it) the second law doesn't seem to apply.

Would you care to explain it?


Mother Nature is dropping some intel on them ...
And they are trying to get through my neck of the woods before November ... :auiqs.jpg:

About 25 Greater Canadas flew over my house today, low enough to shoot ... Lucky Bastards.
It's just teal season here now ... And I am already seeing big ducks too, on the migration.


Looks like the turkey vultures have beat it for California ... so the bald eagles will come down out of the mountains again ... the forests fires die down a bit with the moist airflow ...

The land surfaces of the Northern Hemisphere are cooling now at the equinox ... just another month and the land will have cooled to below the ocean temperature ... so the "hot-to-cold" vector is reversed and weather starts flow in directly from the West, instead of arching up and over the pressure ridge that develops just off-shore ...

It took a remnant typhoon to bust the ridge to smitherines ... see how much rain San Francisco got? ... this happens in September every five to fifteen years ...
I'm genuinely curious how you can draw that conclusion. The Second Law ONLY applies to closed systems. ON a "UNIVERSAL" level, yes entropy always increases. But in an open system (like the atmosphere which has ways to shuttle energy INTO and OUT of it) the second law doesn't seem to apply.

Would you care to explain it?

Equal Partition Theorum ... if energy has a pathway to follow, it will follow that pathway ... in an AMOUNT proportional to the FORCE moving the energy ....

Let's assume EM is 200 times stronger than gravity at the 20ºC equator ... then 99.5% of the solar energy deposited at the equator is being radiated out into the -225ºC interplanetary space using the EM force ... that leaves 0.5% of the energy to be convected to the -25ºC poles ...

Maybe if you explained why you think these laws only apply to closed systems we could come to a better understanding ... the Sun warms us because we're colder than the Sun ... this should be self-evident ...
I'm genuinely curious how you can draw that conclusion. The Second Law ONLY applies to closed systems. ON a "UNIVERSAL" level, yes entropy always increases. But in an open system (like the atmosphere which has ways to shuttle energy INTO and OUT of it) the second law doesn't seem to apply.

Would you care to explain it?
Energy has an absolute unfailing tendency to go from "more concentrated" to "less concentrated."

Energy flows from a higher temperature to a lower temperature (heat flow).
Energy flows from a higher pressure to a lower pressure (expansion).
Energy flows from a higher voltage potential to a lower voltage potential (electric current).
Energy flows from a higher gravitational potential to a lower gravitational potential (falling objects).
Marbles and trucks roll downhill.
Water flows and falls from higher elevation to a lower elevation (downhill).
And last, but not least, chemical reactions proceed from higher concentrations of molecular bond energy to lower bond energies.
Thermal energy flows from more concentrated high temperature to less concentrated low temperature.

In each of those cases, we can think of the energy in the higher level as being more concentrated. Energy inevitably moves to a less and less concentrated condition.
Less concentrated = less useful.

For anything to happen, energy has to move or flow or change. Energy will keep flowing or changing from a higher concentration to a lower concentration until the concentrations are equal (not necessarily more disordered). We call that condition, cleverly enough, equilibrium.

So that's one part of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Energy will flow to a more "spread out" or "less concentrated" condition. It stops flowing when there is no longer a difference in concentration levels - when things have reached the great state of equilibrium.

Simple enough, eh?

Equal Partition Theorum ... if energy has a pathway to follow, it will follow that pathway ... in an AMOUNT proportional to the FORCE moving the energy ....

Let's assume EM is 200 times stronger than gravity at the 20ºC equator ... then 99.5% of the solar energy deposited at the equator is being radiated out into the -225ºC interplanetary space using the EM force ... that leaves 0.5% of the energy to be convected to the -25ºC poles ...

Maybe if you explained why you think these laws only apply to closed systems we could come to a better understanding ... the Sun warms us because we're colder than the Sun ... this should be self-evident ...

But how does this utilize the Second Law? The Second Law is ONLY applicable to closed systems. You said the Second Law was integral to this and I'm curious how you utilize the Second law.

LOCALLY entropy can and often DOES decrease (that's how you can grow ice crystals in your fridge spontaneously). The system is NOT closed.
Maybe if you explained why you think these laws only apply to closed systems we could come to a better understanding ... the Sun warms us because we're colder than the Sun ... this should be self-evident ...

The atmosphere is an open system. The sun provides energy into it and energy can freely leave at the top of atmosphere. It is, by pretty much every single defintion, an "open system".

As you know the Second Law ONLY applies to closed systems.
The atmosphere is an open system. The sun provides energy into it and energy can freely leave at the top of atmosphere. It is, by pretty much every single defintion, an "open system".

As you know the Second Law ONLY applies to closed systems.
So heat can move from cold to hot?
We are going to have the third straight El Nina winter. Not common to have three in a row but not unheard of. Caused by cooler than normal water in the Pacific.

Cold and wet in the north and dry and warmer in the south.
Why do you believe this? ...

That is the way it has always been presented. In a closed system.

As I noted it is possible to have a spontaneous reaction occur even if the entropy term is positive so long as the enthalpy term is such that the Gibbs Free Energy is negative.

I can create a crystal spontaneously in my freezer which is a decrease in entropy of the water. But it only works because the system is NOT closed, that I can move energy into and out of the system freely.

The Second Law simply states that in a closed system the entropy will increase.
That is the way it has always been presented. In a closed system.

As I noted it is possible to have a spontaneous reaction occur even if the entropy term is positive so long as the enthalpy term is such that the Gibbs Free Energy is negative.

I can create a crystal spontaneously in my freezer which is a decrease in entropy of the water. But it only works because the system is NOT closed, that I can move energy into and out of the system freely.

The Second Law simply states that in a closed system the entropy will increase.

"One simple statement of the law is that heat always moves "downhill", that is, from hotter objects to colder objects, unless energy is supplied to reverse the direction of heat flow. Another definition is: "Not all heat energy can be converted into work in a cyclic process."" --- Wikipedia

"It is impossible for any cyclical machine to produce no other effect than to convey heat continuously from one body to another at a higher temperature" -- Clausius

Nothing about a closed system ... do you a citation? ...

It's cold in your freezer because it's hot at the compressor ... look around your unit, there's a round thing that has warning stickers on it ... it WILL burn your fingers ...

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