And So WW111 Begins

No, a bunch of bigots like yourself marching through a Muslim neighborhood to purposely antagonize them does not a world war make.
Lol, yeah, right, defending your own country, culture and religion makes you a bigot only if you are white, Christian and Western.

Parading through a majority Muslim neighborhood with the sole purpose of antagonizing the residents by obnoxiously flaunting your beliefs makes you a bigot.

But you already knew that.
Notice in the video when someone even mentions the name of the fucking filthy pedophile these zombies worship. They just about feel over! Then a little fucking rag head rat comes up and literally threatens the demonstrator with death for daring to even mention the name of the fucking pedophile. It's near the end of the video.
Some rag head is going to jerk off on a little White ten year old girl and the girl's father will be there.
WWIII will be the result.
Notice in the video when someone even mentions the name of the fucking filthy pedophile these zombies worship. They just about feel over! Then a little fucking rag head rat comes up and literally threatens the demonstrator with death for daring to even mention the name of the fucking pedophile. It's near the end of the video.
Some rag head is going to jerk off on a little White ten year old girl and the girl's father will be there.
WWIII will be the result.

The muslims who think they can invade a country and bully and intimidate the rightful owners of the country are once again , historically making another mistake. It's what they always do throughout history.
British Patriots are standing up and are prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat the fucking rag heads
The US will have to do the same if the country is to survive.

I fail to see how a bunch of people walking around purposely antagonizing different people and being assholes to them is a good thing. Apparently being an asshole is deemed being a patriot to some.

I agree that radicals need to be stood up to, but not by just having different radicals be assholes.
Like the mooooslims being assholes to start with.
Parading through a majority Muslim neighborhood with the sole purpose of antagonizing the residents by obnoxiously flaunting your beliefs makes you a bigot.

Again, no, the exercise of free speech to march and protest does not make anyone a bigot except for ass hats like you you want to silence the Christian majority as you try to destroy our civilization and culture.

But you already knew that.

I know that the incredibly stupid efforts of libtards to destroy us has become plain to just about everyone, while you shill for corporate cheap labor.

Do know that, fool.
It looked like the flagellates during the black plague at the beginning carrying the crosses.

It is free speech. And Muslims are not free to threaten people who deride their god. It's Britain not Bahrain. The same in Paris with Charlie Hebdo. Freedom of speech and you don't get to threaten or kill people because your religion is easily offended. Same in the US.

I do think if Muslims in any of these European countries attempt to start voting in and implementing religious law will see violent resistance.

Some of them do seem to believe their religion is taking over the world, and any inclination towards this whether it is by religion or Nazi dogma or any other mental disorder, it will be and rightfully should be opposed, with force if neccessary.

You worship in peace and follow the laws of the land you move to, no problem. You start forcing everyone else to live your religion and you will soon find the Western democracies DO talk softly but carry a big stick.
It looked like the flagellates during the black plague at the beginning carrying the crosses.

It is free speech. And Muslims are not free to threaten people who deride their god. It's Britain not Bahrain. The same in Paris with Charlie Hebdo. Freedom of speech and you don't get to threaten or kill people because your religion is easily offended. Same in the US.

I do think if Muslims in any of these European countries attempt to start voting in and implementing religious law will see violent resistance.

Some of them do seem to believe their religion is taking over the world, and any inclination towards this whether it is by religion or Nazi dogma or any other mental disorder, it will be and rightfully should be opposed, with force if neccessary.

You worship in peace and follow the laws of the land you move to, no problem. You start forcing everyone else to live your religion and you will soon find the Western democracies DO talk softly but carry a big stick.
------------------------------ your rules and comments are only accepted and followed by civilized people so they won't be accepted by 'muslims' Issac !!
It looked like the flagellates during the black plague at the beginning carrying the crosses.

It is free speech. And Muslims are not free to threaten people who deride their god. It's Britain not Bahrain. The same in Paris with Charlie Hebdo. Freedom of speech and you don't get to threaten or kill people because your religion is easily offended. Same in the US.

I do think if Muslims in any of these European countries attempt to start voting in and implementing religious law will see violent resistance.

Some of them do seem to believe their religion is taking over the world, and any inclination towards this whether it is by religion or Nazi dogma or any other mental disorder, it will be and rightfully should be opposed, with force if neccessary.

You worship in peace and follow the laws of the land you move to, no problem. You start forcing everyone else to live your religion and you will soon find the Western democracies DO talk softly but carry a big stick.
------------------------------ your rules and comments are only accepted and followed by civilized people so they won't be accepted by 'muslims' Issac !!

...hence the mention of the use of force. See?
The muslims who think they can invade a country and bully and intimidate the rightful owners of the country are once again , historically making another mistake. It's what they always do throughout history.
British Patriots are standing up and are prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat the fucking rag heads
The US will have to do the same if the country is to survive.

I fail to see how a bunch of people walking around purposely antagonizing different people and being assholes to them is a good thing. Apparently being an asshole is deemed being a patriot to some.

I agree that radicals need to be stood up to, but not by just having different radicals be assholes.
Like the mooooslims being assholes to start with.

So every Muslim is an asshole?
The muslims who think they can invade a country and bully and intimidate the rightful owners of the country are once again , historically making another mistake. It's what they always do throughout history.
British Patriots are standing up and are prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat the fucking rag heads
The US will have to do the same if the country is to survive.

I fail to see how a bunch of people walking around purposely antagonizing different people and being assholes to them is a good thing. Apparently being an asshole is deemed being a patriot to some.

I agree that radicals need to be stood up to, but not by just having different radicals be assholes.
Like the mooooslims being assholes to start with.

So every Muslim is an asshole?
Every muslim must follow the teachings of the Koran. Whatever the koran teaches.
Do you know another (cough) religion that commands that anyone who rejects being a muslim must be killed?
The muslims who think they can invade a country and bully and intimidate the rightful owners of the country are once again , historically making another mistake. It's what they always do throughout history.
British Patriots are standing up and are prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat the fucking rag heads
The US will have to do the same if the country is to survive.

I fail to see how a bunch of people walking around purposely antagonizing different people and being assholes to them is a good thing. Apparently being an asshole is deemed being a patriot to some.

I agree that radicals need to be stood up to, but not by just having different radicals be assholes.
Like the mooooslims being assholes to start with.

So every Muslim is an asshole?
------------------------------- yes , thankyou DA !!
The muslims who think they can invade a country and bully and intimidate the rightful owners of the country are once again , historically making another mistake. It's what they always do throughout history.
British Patriots are standing up and are prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat the fucking rag heads
The US will have to do the same if the country is to survive.

I fail to see how a bunch of people walking around purposely antagonizing different people and being assholes to them is a good thing. Apparently being an asshole is deemed being a patriot to some.

I agree that radicals need to be stood up to, but not by just having different radicals be assholes.
Like the mooooslims being assholes to start with.

So every Muslim is an asshole?
Every muslim must follow the teachings of the Koran. Whatever the koran teaches.
Do you know another (cough) religion that commands that anyone who rejects being a muslim must be killed?

You obviously don't know any Muslims if you spout that shit. You do know what the word "context" means right? Let me give you a hint, it doesn't mean you cherry pick certain phrases out of the Koran and then put them out of context that they are. Try to actually talk to a Muslim personally and then get back with me. Having Muslim neighbors it only shows YOUR ignorance about Muslims and their religion.
It looked like the flagellates during the black plague at the beginning carrying the crosses.

It is free speech. And Muslims are not free to threaten people who deride their god. It's Britain not Bahrain. The same in Paris with Charlie Hebdo. Freedom of speech and you don't get to threaten or kill people because your religion is easily offended. Same in the US.

I do think if Muslims in any of these European countries attempt to start voting in and implementing religious law will see violent resistance.

Some of them do seem to believe their religion is taking over the world, and any inclination towards this whether it is by religion or Nazi dogma or any other mental disorder, it will be and rightfully should be opposed, with force if neccessary.

You worship in peace and follow the laws of the land you move to, no problem. You start forcing everyone else to live your religion and you will soon find the Western democracies DO talk softly but carry a big stick.

I guess Christians now know how everyone else has felt for centuries.
The muslims who think they can invade a country and bully and intimidate the rightful owners of the country are once again , historically making another mistake. It's what they always do throughout history.
British Patriots are standing up and are prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat the fucking rag heads
The US will have to do the same if the country is to survive.

I fail to see how a bunch of people walking around purposely antagonizing different people and being assholes to them is a good thing. Apparently being an asshole is deemed being a patriot to some.

I agree that radicals need to be stood up to, but not by just having different radicals be assholes.
Like the mooooslims being assholes to start with.

So every Muslim is an asshole?
------------------------------- yes , thankyou DA !!

Such ignorance on your part. Really sad you can't think for yourself and actually LEARN what you are talking about.
thing is that if you get a muslim that's trying to be civilized by Western ways he will be taken care of by observant muslims D.A. !!
It looked like the flagellates during the black plague at the beginning carrying the crosses.

It is free speech. And Muslims are not free to threaten people who deride their god. It's Britain not Bahrain. The same in Paris with Charlie Hebdo. Freedom of speech and you don't get to threaten or kill people because your religion is easily offended. Same in the US.

I do think if Muslims in any of these European countries attempt to start voting in and implementing religious law will see violent resistance.

Some of them do seem to believe their religion is taking over the world, and any inclination towards this whether it is by religion or Nazi dogma or any other mental disorder, it will be and rightfully should be opposed, with force if neccessary.

You worship in peace and follow the laws of the land you move to, no problem. You start forcing everyone else to live your religion and you will soon find the Western democracies DO talk softly but carry a big stick.

I guess Christians now know how everyone else has felt for centuries.
---------------------------- time to bring the good old days back TazBro !!
Parading through a majority Muslim neighborhood with the sole purpose of antagonizing the residents by obnoxiously flaunting your beliefs makes you a bigot.

Again, no, the exercise of free speech to march and protest does not make anyone a bigot except for ass hats like you you want to silence the Christian majority as you try to destroy our civilization and culture.

But you already knew that.

I know that the incredibly stupid efforts of libtards to destroy us has become plain to just about everyone, while you shill for corporate cheap labor.

Do know that, fool.

You make the same xenophobic argument that white Christians have made towards every other ethnic or religious group that has migrated to this country for the past 150 years. The Irish will ruin America, the Asians will ruin America, the Jews will ruin America, the Italians will ruin America, the Hispanics will ruin America.....

Blah blah blah blah blah.........
The muslims who think they can invade a country and bully and intimidate the rightful owners of the country are once again , historically making another mistake. It's what they always do throughout history.
British Patriots are standing up and are prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat the fucking rag heads
The US will have to do the same if the country is to survive.

I fail to see how a bunch of people walking around purposely antagonizing different people and being assholes to them is a good thing. Apparently being an asshole is deemed being a patriot to some.

I agree that radicals need to be stood up to, but not by just having different radicals be assholes.
Like the mooooslims being assholes to start with.

So every Muslim is an asshole?
Every muslim must follow the teachings of the Koran. Whatever the koran teaches.
Do you know another (cough) religion that commands that anyone who rejects being a muslim must be killed?

You obviously don't know any Muslims if you spout that shit. You do know what the word "context" means right? Let me give you a hint, it doesn't mean you cherry pick certain phrases out of the Koran and then put them out of context that they are. Try to actually talk to a Muslim personally and then get back with me. Having Muslim neighbors it only shows YOUR ignorance about Muslims and their religion.
-------------------------------------- I look at muslim history from its very start in the 700s [about] and see one of their very first organized acts being the invasion and conquering of Spain from about 700 to 1492 D.A. !!
I fail to see how a bunch of people walking around purposely antagonizing different people and being assholes to them is a good thing. Apparently being an asshole is deemed being a patriot to some.

I agree that radicals need to be stood up to, but not by just having different radicals be assholes.
Like the mooooslims being assholes to start with.

So every Muslim is an asshole?
Every muslim must follow the teachings of the Koran. Whatever the koran teaches.
Do you know another (cough) religion that commands that anyone who rejects being a muslim must be killed?

You obviously don't know any Muslims if you spout that shit. You do know what the word "context" means right? Let me give you a hint, it doesn't mean you cherry pick certain phrases out of the Koran and then put them out of context that they are. Try to actually talk to a Muslim personally and then get back with me. Having Muslim neighbors it only shows YOUR ignorance about Muslims and their religion.
-------------------------------------- I look at muslim history from its very start in the 700s [about] and see one of their very first organized acts being the invasion and conquering of Spain from about 700 to 1492 D.A. !!

And I look in the U.S. how religious nutjob Christians fought against interracial marriage by claiming that God wanted the races separated. Guess all Christians are racists then using your logic.

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