And So WW111 Begins

trying to change SUBJECTS ehh D.A. ?? muslim long History of aggression , murder , mayhem has nothing to do with American or any racism in the USA D.A..
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The muslims who think they can invade a country and bully and intimidate the rightful owners of the country are once again , historically making another mistake. It's what they always do throughout history.
British Patriots are standing up and are prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat the fucking rag heads
The US will have to do the same if the country is to survive.

I fail to see how a bunch of people walking around purposely antagonizing different people and being assholes to them is a good thing. Apparently being an asshole is deemed being a patriot to some.

I agree that radicals need to be stood up to, but not by just having different radicals be assholes.
Like the mooooslims being assholes to start with.

So every Muslim is an asshole?
He said nothing of the sort, ass hole.
And I look in the U.S. how religious nutjob Christians fought against interracial marriage by claiming that God wanted the races separated. Guess all Christians are racists then using your logic.
And Christians also fought FOR racial integration/marriage, moron.
Parading through a majority Muslim neighborhood with the sole purpose of antagonizing the residents by obnoxiously flaunting your beliefs makes you a bigot.

Again, no, the exercise of free speech to march and protest does not make anyone a bigot except for ass hats like you you want to silence the Christian majority as you try to destroy our civilization and culture.

But you already knew that.

I know that the incredibly stupid efforts of libtards to destroy us has become plain to just about everyone, while you shill for corporate cheap labor.

Do know that, fool.

You make the same xenophobic argument that white Christians have made towards every other ethnic or religious group that has migrated to this country for the past 150 years. The Irish will ruin America, the Asians will ruin America, the Jews will ruin America, the Italians will ruin America, the Hispanics will ruin America.....

Blah blah blah blah blah.........
--------------------------------------------------- the good things about the groups you mention is that at least they were / are primarly Christian Bro !!
The muslims who think they can invade a country and bully and intimidate the rightful owners of the country are once again , historically making another mistake. It's what they always do throughout history.
British Patriots are standing up and are prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat the fucking rag heads
The US will have to do the same if the country is to survive.

Such is the stupidity of bigotry and hate.
The muslims who think they can invade a country and bully and intimidate the rightful owners of the country are once again , historically making another mistake. It's what they always do throughout history.
British Patriots are standing up and are prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat the fucking rag heads
The US will have to do the same if the country is to survive.

I fail to see how a bunch of people walking around purposely antagonizing different people and being assholes to them is a good thing. Apparently being an asshole is deemed being a patriot to some.

I agree that radicals need to be stood up to, but not by just having different radicals be assholes.

So when a bunch of immigrants tell you they're taking over you're just fine with that?

Didn't say that. But purposely being an asshole to ALL of them isn't the solution either.

How about they stop trying to take over their host country and assimilate?
Just like illegals here in the states who make the same claims and even have a political/racist movement to achieve those goals.

People like you are dangerous to our sovereignty ....

Now, point to where I said radicals shouldn't be stood up to. Go right ahead you idiot. Not EVERY Muslim is trying to take over and being an asshole to ALL of them like this group is doing helps NOONE.

People like you are idiots and should not be allowed to breed.
Hmmm. Into naziesque eugenics. Noted.
No, they are not defending their own nation, they are being assholes to ALL of the Muslims. That makes you an idiot.
The Christians were doing a march as they have every right to do and you call that 'being ass holes' simply because they are Christian Brits and not immigrants.

So once again YOU are the one being a stupid ass and coward.

First of all, I NEVER said they weren't ALLOWED to. But they are passing around pamphlets and being assholes to ALL of the Muslims. Going into a Muslim area of town and marching through like idiots is not helping anybody.

I guarantee if a Muslim group did this in a Christian area, you would be saying how they are trying to take over. Yet again, you prove yourself to be the idiot. Do yourself a favor and walk into moving traffic, the world would be a better place.
IDIOT. They are doing it in response to Muslim shariah gangs who've been going around the streets assaulting and intimidating people saying they are in a shariah zone. And there should be no MUSLIM AREAS in Europe. Why do you defend the notion that Muslims have there own areas that non Muslims should not enter? Appeasing dhimwit.
That is your opinion. They do have the right to march and protest, and that is helping a great number of people, twatface.

Point to where I said they didn't have that right twatface.
Disgruntled: " Goinginto (sic)a Muslim area of town and marching through like idiots is not helping anybody."
Coming close to saying they don't have the right, and it seems you support Muslims stealing areas and claiming them for their own. Your slip is showing, disgruntled.
I guess Christians now know how everyone else has felt for centuries.
Oh, you mean the Muslim refugees are going to lift us up out of the shitstan national cultures and bring us advanced math and science?

lol cant wait

I'm talking about having someone push their religion on you.

But you already knew that too

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