And there we have it .. 16 Trillion

Wonder how many people will blame this on Bush when 5 trillion of it belongs to Obama? Come on, libs - speak up now.
This is NOT going to end well...

The government had closed Thursday with a debt of $15.991 trillion, but jumped to $16.016 trillion on Friday after a round of debt auctions.

Federal debt tops $16 trillion, Treasury Dept. says - Washington Times

Even worse, if the federal government handled regular accounting like every business in America is forced to, the debt would be more like $100 trillion+. Even by their accounting standards, every baby born here comes with at least $50,000 owed.

How is this shit in any way moral?

The Debt Clock website appears to be going batshit: U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Wonder how many people will blame this on Bush when 5 trillion of it belongs to Obama? Come on, libs - speak up now.

$5.4 trillion...

16,015,769,788,215.80 | The Weekly Standard

You think $16 trillion is bad, imagine if our President were to get his way:

Time to start selling off some assets:

Hawaii to Japan.

Alaska to either Canada or Russia (good bidding war potential)

Texas to Mexico.

Problem solved.
Time to start selling off some assets:

Hawaii to Japan.

Alaska to either Canada or Russia (good bidding war potential)

Texas to Mexico.

Problem solved.

Absurd examples aside, there sure as hell are PLENTY of assets we could and should sell off:

There are over 14,000 vacant buildings owned by the feds...VACANT for God's sake!

Millions being wasted on vacant government buildings | Power Players - Yahoo! News

Nobody's suggesting we sell Yosemite, but the feds own 30% of the land! The top ten states with federally owned land:
Nevada : 84.5%
Alaska: 69.1%
Utah: 57.4%
Oregon: 53.1%
Idaho: 50.2%
Arizona: 48.1%
California: 45.3%
Wyoming: 42.3%
New Mexico: 41.8%
Colorado: 36.6%

So hell yes, in addition to cutting spending so that we stop adding to the debt, we should sell some assets or in the case of land, at least make damn sure we're leasing it to it's full potential.

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