And what is wrong with Trump telling Comey to drop the Flynn investigation?

It's called OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE--meaning no--one including the President can interfere into an ongoing investigation. A President can order an investigation into something serious like Obama did in his final days (the Russian investigation)--but he can't take one off the books.

HAHAHA. Are you saying there's a law that says that? Show it to us.
It's called OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE--meaning no--one including the President can interfere into an ongoing investigation. A President can order an investigation into something serious like Obama did in his final days (the Russian investigation)--but he can't take one off the books.

HAHAHA. Are you saying there's a law that says that? Show it to us.

WHAT EXACTLY IS obstruction of justice? And has President Donald Trump engaged in it, by reportedly telling FBI Director James Comey that he hoped Comey would “let go” of the bureau’s investigation of Trump’s National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and then firing Comey months later?

The answer to the first question is: Criminal obstruction of justice is broadly defined, and according to 18 U.S. Code § 1503, includes “any threatening letter or communication [which] influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.”
A Short History of Presidential Obstruction of Justice

There are only so many hours in the day and the FBI can't investigate every allegation, so if Trump did in fact tell comey to drop the flynn investigation, what of it.? The FBI is an executive agency and Trump is their boss and it's trump's call which accusations are worthy of pursuit.
Arrogant people filled with confidence who don't know anything always amaze me.
And what is wrong with Trump telling Comey to drop the Flynn investigation?
A complete answer to that question is the stuff of several courses/texts on American history, legal and political ethics, and philosophy.
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There are only so many hours in the day and the FBI can't investigate every allegation, so if Trump did in fact tell comey to drop the flynn investigation, what of it.? The FBI is an executive agency and Trump is their boss and it's trump's call which accusations are worthy of pursuit.
It compromises our system of checks and balances.
There are only so many hours in the day and the FBI can't investigate every allegation, so if Trump did in fact tell comey to drop the flynn investigation, what of it.? The FBI is an executive agency and Trump is their boss and it's trump's call which accusations are worthy of pursuit.
Wow. Ok.....try to think of it in a way that relates to you. You have a thing against drunken drivers, right?

So, a guy is driving drunk and he does a hit and run resulting in a person being seriously injured. It turns out the suspect is a good friend of the mayor of the city where this crime occurred. The mayor goes to the police chief and says, "Listen, this is a sensitive matter. He's a good guy. He made a mistake. We don't need to take this any further, do we? I hope you'll see things my way and see to it that this investigation is steered away from my good friend".

How would you feel about that? Is it acceptable for the mayor to use his office to influence a criminal investigation that he has a personal interest in?
WHAT EXACTLY IS obstruction of justice? And has President Donald Trump engaged in it, by reportedly telling FBI Director James Comey that he hoped Comey would “let go” of the bureau’s investigation of Trump’s National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and then firing Comey months later?

The answer to the first question is: Criminal obstruction of justice is broadly defined, and according to 18 U.S. Code § 1503, includes “any threatening letter or communication [which] influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.”

And WTF is "due administration of justice.”??????

Do you really think a boss telling an underling what to do qualifies??? A much better example is obama giving millions of illegals a certificate saying they can live and work here even though the LAW says they can't. THINK
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So, a guy is driving drunk and he does a hit and run resulting in a person being seriously injured. It turns out the suspect is a good friend of the mayor of the city where this crime occurred. The mayor goes to the police chief and says, "Listen, this is a sensitive matter. He's a good guy. He made a mistake. We don't need to take this any further, do we? I hope you'll see things my way and see to it that this investigation is steered away from my good friend".

How would you feel about that? Is it acceptable for the mayor to use his office to influence a criminal investigation that he has a personal interest in?

That depends on whether the police dept. is under legal authority of the mayor. THINK, trump-hater,
There are only so many hours in the day and the FBI can't investigate every allegation, so if Trump did in fact tell comey to drop the flynn investigation, what of it.? The FBI is an executive agency and Trump is their boss and it's trump's call which accusations are worthy of pursuit.
It compromises our system of checks and balances.

HAHAHA The FBI is under control of the president. It's an executive agency. If trump told Sean Spicer what to do, would that compromise our system of checks and balances?? THINK

You are embarrassing all of USMB.
So, a guy is driving drunk and he does a hit and run resulting in a person being seriously injured. It turns out the suspect is a good friend of the mayor of the city where this crime occurred. The mayor goes to the police chief and says, "Listen, this is a sensitive matter. He's a good guy. He made a mistake. We don't need to take this any further, do we? I hope you'll see things my way and see to it that this investigation is steered away from my good friend".

How would you feel about that? Is it acceptable for the mayor to use his office to influence a criminal investigation that he has a personal interest in?

That depends on whether the police dept. is under legal authority of the mayor. THINK, trump-hater,
Well I tried. Never mind. You're just a fucking idiot
There are only so many hours in the day and the FBI can't investigate every allegation, so if Trump did in fact tell comey to drop the flynn investigation, what of it.? The FBI is an executive agency and Trump is their boss and it's trump's call which accusations are worthy of pursuit.

Comey testified on May 3rd that he was never asked to drop an he was either lying when under oath or he is lying now........besides, as far as I know? Russia is no enemy of mine and Flynn didn't sign off on a uranium sell in exchange for a hefty donation to a slush fund cleverly disguised as a "charitable foundation"....that would have been Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and I am sure that the Barrypuppet got a piece of that action as well..........D.C is nothing but a huge trough where the pigs feed. Corrupt and compromised agents of USA.INC that steal, rape, pillage and plunder due to the sweat equity of their serfs.....
It's semantics. There's nothing wrong with Trump asking Comey if he can let it go after Flynn was fired. The AG, DOJ and even the exec discuss where to put resources. And Comey may be telling the truth about Trump creeping him out by calling him out, or blowing air kisses, or hugging him. It would creep out all normal people.

Comey deserved to be fired after his October premature ejaculation. And while Rosenstein likely is a brown nosing little asshole, there's really nothing in writing a memo to that effect, even if it's not the whole reason Comey got fired.

And while Trump is a totally unwitting fool to say it to the Russians, or anyone else who possibly could leak it, there's nothing wrong with firing Comey if he thought Comey was leaking or grandstanding ... so long as Trump wasn't really trying to shut down the "russiagate" investigation.
WHAT EXACTLY IS obstruction of justice? And has President Donald Trump engaged in it, by reportedly telling FBI Director James Comey that he hoped Comey would “let go” of the bureau’s investigation of Trump’s National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, and then firing Comey months later?

The answer to the first question is: Criminal obstruction of justice is broadly defined, and according to 18 U.S. Code § 1503, includes “any threatening letter or communication [which] influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.”

And WTF is "due administration of justice.”??????

Do you really think a boss telling an underling what to do qualifies??? A much better example is obama giving millions of illegals a certificate saying they can live and work here even though the LAW says they can't. THINK

I can't help you to interpret written law--but this has nothing to do with executive orders. You're not a spin master--this is the law--and Presidents are held accountable to the law just as any other ordinary citizen.

We already had a President that was very close to impeachment and resigned (Watergate)--and I imagine that is what is coming down the pipeline with Trump. There comes a point where even a Republican Senate and Congress plus the American public get tired of defending the indefensible. This will be your life until Donald Trump is removed from office.

This has now turned into a CRIMINAL investigation and is no longer a Congressional investigation.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on Thursday said it’s clear that after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed the Senate on the investigation into Russian involvement in the presidential election that it has become a criminal probe.

“The shock to the body is that this is now a criminal investigation,” Graham (R-SC) told reporters moments after he exited the Senate chamber.

He said now that it has become a criminal investigation instead of an counterintelligence probe Congress may be impeded in carrying out its own examinations.

“You’ve got a special counsel who has prosecutorial powers now, and I think we in Congress have to be very careful not to interfere,” Graham said. “Public access" to this is probably going to be very limited now. It’s going to really limit what the public will know about this.”
I can't help you to interpret written law--but this has nothing to do with executive orders. You're not a spin master--this is the law--and Presidents are held accountable to the law just as any other ordinary citizen.

What law is that? Nobody can find it but you say it's there!!!

The FBI is an executive agency and comey answers to trump. There may be an ethical issue in what trump did but there is no legal one. THINK

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