Zone1 And you thought the Jehovah Witnesses (and / or...) were a cult!


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
I read this book, half way done, where this woman talks about being raised in a Baptist "church" .. the word Fundamentalist is in the title.. Oh, yeh, it was called Independent Fundamentalist Baptist..

Those folks are taught that parents have to discipline their children to the point of breaking their spirits. Her own father tried to break hteir bodies as well with beatings over the slightest "wrong doing." One time when she was, maybe 10? she was supposed to clean the kitchen. She did a great job bc she knew if she didn't, she'd get several wacks from a stick, which usually drew blood! But her father opened the washing machine and found crumbs on the door rim. She got a terrible beating for that. Her siblings were beaten. I have yet to read that the mother was abused, which is kind of odd. the father also killed the kids' cats and it was vicious how he did that..

I don't think I will ever complain about how my parents raised their kids EVER again! I mean, this story was outrageous. then both parents got a job and left their teen children alone w/ each other all the time. The brothers, probably acting out their anger at their father (?) molested the younger girls.

The book is called I Fired God almost didn't pick it up to read (library) because I figured someone was an atheist and... well, maybe that is the case, haven't finished it yet... She loved her NON-violent, caring grandparents, though, who were


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The Catechism never tells parents to beat their children

I'm very, very grateful I was "raised Catholic" even though not devoutly. In fact if my parents had been more devout, well... God knows..

but for one thing, I wouldn't have so much baggage from my past.

I've given that baggage to God, though. He's big enough to get rid of it, with lessons learned remaining :)
I read this book, half way done, where this woman talks about being raised in a Baptist "church" .. the word Fundamentalist is in the title.. Oh, yeh, it was called Independent Fundamentalist Baptist..

Those folks are taught that parents have to discipline their children to the point of breaking their spirits. Her own father tried to break hteir bodies as well with beatings over the slightest "wrong doing." One time when she was, maybe 10? she was supposed to clean the kitchen. She did a great job bc she knew if she didn't, she'd get several wacks from a stick, which usually drew blood! But her father opened the washing machine and found crumbs on the door rim. She got a terrible beating for that. Her siblings were beaten. I have yet to read that the mother was abused, which is kind of odd. the father also killed the kids' cats and it was vicious how he did that..

I don't think I will ever complain about how my parents raised their kids EVER again! I mean, this story was outrageous. then both parents got a job and left their teen children alone w/ each other all the time. The brothers, probably acting out their anger at their father (?) molested the younger girls.

The book is called I Fired God almost didn't pick it up to read (library) because I figured someone was an atheist and... well, maybe that is the case, haven't finished it yet... She loved her NON-violent, caring grandparents, though, who were



Watched a documentary on Fundamental Baptist Let US Pray. It was about 3 women who had been abused within the church.
Watched a documentary on Fundamental Baptist Let US Pray. It was about 3 women who had been abused within the church.
women are taught to be totally submissive to their husbands. The wife/mother in that book I am reading was not abused (or at least that hasn't been mentioned) but the children were brutalized and also, when animals were killed by the psycho father, she often laughed along w/ him!
Watched a documentary on Fundamental Baptist Let US Pray. It was about 3 women who had been abused within the church.
the creepy thing was that as adults, the abused children could do nothing about the abuse because everyone in the cult took the side of the abuser(s).

And the abuse of the children in the OP mentioned book was absolutely.. almost unbelievable.. And everyone else was taught that "spanking" your children until they bleed is OK (just don't let the authorities know!) so they all circled the wagons around these perverts..

THAT is the definition of a cult, when you have NO freedom to question abusers in charge... and no freedom FROM them, no way of escape (until adulthood--but really, not even then)
the creepy thing was that as adults, the abused children could do nothing about the abuse because everyone in the cult took the side of the abuser(s).

And the abuse of the children in the OP mentioned book was absolutely.. almost unbelievable.. And everyone else was taught that "spanking" your children until they bleed is OK (just don't let the authorities know!) so they all circled the wagons around these perverts..

THAT is the definition of a cult, when you have NO freedom to question abusers in charge... and no freedom FROM them, no way of escape (until adulthood--but really, not even then)

In 2018, an investigation by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram identified 412 abuse allegations in 187 independent fundamental Baptist (IFB) churches and institutions across in United States and Canada, with some cases reaching as far back as the 1970s.[13][14]

In November 2023, Investigation Discovery released Let Us Prey: A Ministry of Scandals, a 4 part documentary, highlighting sexual abuse and cover up within the Independent Baptist movement.[15]
it was really creepy how the woman in the book I Fired God couldn't get justice for what happened to her because all the cultists stood behind the abuser... mindlessly IMO

which is the definition of a cult.. going along w/ everything it teaches unthinkingly, as though Cult couldn't possibly be wrong about ANYTHING.

Catholics have never been taught that as a member of the RCC you should be punished and/or shunned for disagreeing with your priest or bishop or pope. If you disagree about dogma, well, you are just not Catholic. But you are not then punished for it (except by God? But you are not punished by clergy)
I read this book, half way done, where this woman talks about being raised in a Baptist "church" .. the word Fundamentalist is in the title.. Oh, yeh, it was called Independent Fundamentalist Baptist..

Those folks are taught that parents have to discipline their children to the point of breaking their spirits. Her own father tried to break hteir bodies as well with beatings over the slightest "wrong doing." One time when she was, maybe 10? she was supposed to clean the kitchen. She did a great job bc she knew if she didn't, she'd get several wacks from a stick, which usually drew blood! But her father opened the washing machine and found crumbs on the door rim. She got a terrible beating for that. Her siblings were beaten. I have yet to read that the mother was abused, which is kind of odd. the father also killed the kids' cats and it was vicious how he did that..

I don't think I will ever complain about how my parents raised their kids EVER again! I mean, this story was outrageous. then both parents got a job and left their teen children alone w/ each other all the time. The brothers, probably acting out their anger at their father (?) molested the younger girls.

The book is called I Fired God almost didn't pick it up to read (library) because I figured someone was an atheist and... well, maybe that is the case, haven't finished it yet... She loved her NON-violent, caring grandparents, though, who were



Cults usually consider education Jehovah's Witnesses.

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