Andrew Breitbart is Dead

Seriously..I don't know what your fixation with me is..I ain't good looking and it ain't worth it.

Helpful advice: Go for someone that actually thinks your a babe..otherwise it makes you look like a sloppy whore.

I responded to your whining.... that's not a 'fixation', little man... that's a message board.

Still not helping yourself with the drunken posting, sad boy. We may need to call you a waaaaabulance soon.

See that's part of your many problems. You make the mistake of confusing "whining" with geniune caring.

I feel bad you are such a pathetic, desperate and flawed person. So much so..that all I am doing is pointing out what a wretch you are..and'll will help.

Now..go tidy up. And for pete's sake..take a bath. You european girls think perfume covers up all that nasty stink.

Pro tip: It don't. :thup:

Ahhhh, that's cute.... you think you know all about me... no doubt this is due to the alcoholism.... creating your own version of reality is fine.... as long as you don't expect others to believe it too. You do realize we've never actually met, right? And... God Willing, we never will.

You're embarrassing yourself. Seriously.

^That is also NOT Bodecea. :thup:


I agree about Kennedy. He got off that incident because of his family.... anyone else would have gone to prison. But it is what it is. I don't expect the left to behave any better than the right do.

I suspect there is a lot of relief on the left today... they'll figure that, with his death, there's no one to expose them.... they are, of course, wrong. :lol:
I have been in a car accident, released from the hospital that day but was dazed for a couple hours. That noted, Kennedy not calling rescue once he regained his senses was inexcusable. THAT disqualified him from the Presidency in my view, despite the good he did for the elderly, disabled, and poor. Breitbart was an entertainer, though many took him seriously, many did not. His passing at such a young age, with four children, is sad. Speculation about murder is an insult, be that Obama had him killed or Drudge did. His "secret tapes" may have true, as where the allegations against the HAPPILY removed Weiner, or false such as those involving Sherrod.

Leaving Someone trapped in a car partially submerged at low tide, should disqualify One from running for President.

It should disqualify them from running or holding any public office. :eusa_eh:
I agree about Kennedy. He got off that incident because of his family.... anyone else would have gone to prison. But it is what it is. I don't expect the left to behave any better than the right do.

I suspect there is a lot of relief on the left today... they'll figure that, with his death, there's no one to expose them.... they are, of course, wrong. :lol:
I have been in a car accident, released from the hospital that day but was dazed for a couple hours. That noted, Kennedy not calling rescue once he regained his senses was inexcusable. THAT disqualified him from the Presidency in my view, despite the good he did for the elderly, disabled, and poor. Breitbart was an entertainer, though many took him seriously, many did not. His passing at such a young age, with four children, is sad. Speculation about murder is an insult, be that Obama had him killed or Drudge did. His "secret tapes" may have true, as where the allegations against the HAPPILY removed Weiner, or false such as those involving Sherrod.

Leaving Someone trapped in a car partially submerged at low tide, should disqualify One from running for President.

I hate to remind you, but Teddy Kennedy wasn't driving across the ocean but a bridge. The Oldsmobile landed, not in the Atlantic but Poucha Pond. The question was why was he on that bridge in the first place since it was far from the place where he said he was going to take her.

Low tide in the pond. He never reported the accident, not until his car with the body inside was discovered. He should have gotten life, at least, but then again murderers run in the Kennedy family.
"Why do you grant a BULLY special status upon his death?"~ Breitbart, on Kennedy's death.

Kennedy was a chicken shit that killed a young woman in a drunken stupor and stayed drunk his entire lousy life, he didn't even need to be embalmed, the alcohol is still preserving his disgusting body and killing all plant life above his grave. There was thought of cremating his remains but OSHA wouldn't allow the workers to be exposed to that kind of a risk, they were afraid of an explosion that would destroy a 2 block radius.
I notice how you just accept that Breitbart did actually say these things.... if that was a right winger making that claim about the left, you would be demanding proof.


I remember it.

how is remembering his cruel treatment of someone elses family being hypocritical?

That's not why I called you a hypocrite. I called you a hypocrite for accepting it instead of demanding a source - like you would if it was a right wing claim.

You are a hypocritical hack.... that's not news to anyone.... except you. idiot.

lol, this from the person who tells people to do their own research.
When Salon, Daily Kos, Huff Post, and even Media Matters were able to find something nice to say about Breitbart and be gracious, I am dismayed that some of my fellow USMB members are acting like twerps.

Whatever your political leanings, and whatever you thought of his style, Breitbart was one of the last few remaining brilliant investigative reporters with the courage to go after the stories the rest of the media wouldn't otherwise touch for ideological or political reasons. Just like the Drudge Report, most didn't share his politics or world view, but no media source failed to check his website every day to pick up on what the breaking stories were likely to be.

The nation is poorer for his passing and is likely to be less well educated.

Brietbart was a sleaze and a propagandist.

I wish that it were legal to kill his type. Because I would of in a heartbeat.

Fuck Brietbart.

Y'know what we got here? Motherfuckin' Charlie Bronson. Mr. Majestyk...... :thup:
She was insinuating that they were gay...shes just being a sly bitch about it and fooling no one.

Actually, I asked people to google Venice Beach. You're the fun ones who plugged in "Teh Ghey". :clap2::clap2::clap2:

But, of course, you don't take ownership of what you yourselves ASSUMED...(and we all know what THAT means, don't we?)

Shh go get back in your pickup, comb out your mullett and get back in the hunt.

:lol::lol::lol: My, my....struck a nerve there, haven't I? :lol::lol::lol:
You kidding? For the tenth time....What did you mean?

I have no problem with anyone making fun of gays, I was just pointing out the hypocrisy with the left.

Did you google Venice Beach yet like I suggested? Come back after that. Unless really finding out is not what you're after. :eusa_whistle:

I did. What did you mean????????

And what did you find when you googled it? (Are you so lazy I have to do everything for you? )

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