Andrew Breitbart is Dead

I agree about Kennedy. He got off that incident because of his family.... anyone else would have gone to prison. But it is what it is. I don't expect the left to behave any better than the right do.

I suspect there is a lot of relief on the left today... they'll figure that, with his death, there's no one to expose them.... they are, of course, wrong. :lol:
I have been in a car accident, released from the hospital that day but was dazed for a couple hours. That noted, Kennedy not calling rescue once he regained his senses was inexcusable. THAT disqualified him from the Presidency in my view, despite the good he did for the elderly, disabled, and poor. Breitbart was an entertainer, though many took him seriously, many did not. His passing at such a young age, with four children, is sad. Speculation about murder is an insult, be that Obama had him killed or Drudge did. His "secret tapes" may have true, as where the allegations against the HAPPILY removed Weiner, or false such as those involving Sherrod.

Leaving Someone trapped in a car partially submerged at low tide, should disqualify One from running for President.

Indirectly it did. Even his name didn't help him in that regard.
nothing that stood out. So, what did you mean?

Well, if nothing stood out, what makes you think that anything I say will help you?

wow thats your deflection from lying. How pathetic!

My friend, I have been MOST clear. You, however, seem to want to fluxuate back and forth between ME doing your work for you and YOU putting words in my mouth.

Forgive me if I had trouble taking you seriously when you do that.

^That is also NOT Bodecea. :thup:



Is it her partner? :lol:

In the Cause?... I'm Certain.

She and her Ilk should stay the Fuck away from the Catholic Church if they don't want to Follow the Rules and Laws that are in the Bible that they use.

Go start your own fucking Religion. :thup:


Indirectly it did. Even his name didn't help him in that regard.

It would qualify most people for a LONG prison term.

The party elite though, dey special....

One law for the commoner, one law for the Kennedy - never the twixt shall meet.

Well, money and fame changes everything. We all know that. But I sure as hell would never have voted for the guy.
A democrat targeted assassination.

The Clinton's were famous for taking out their opposition. Obama must have asked Hillary for one of her hit-men. They use a hard to trace poison so it looks like a heart attack. Just coat the inside of his drinking glass with snake venom & they will never find it. Hemotoxic snake venom is designed to assault the cardiovascular system. Cytotoxic venom targets that specific muscle group. Hemotoxic venom typically acts to lower blood pressure and encourage blood clotting. Dart Frogs contain a nerve poison Batrachotoxin. If only a drop of this substance entered the victim’s body it can block the transmission of nerve impulses and the heart may stop functioning.

Those poisons break down & will not be discovered unless the coroner knew what he was looking for & took his blood right away & refrigerated it.
Ah, you are working on your Imaginary Enemy again, aren't you?

I was watching a TV show called "Southland." A wino runs into the street and the cops go to arrest him, he holds his hand over his head and screams "Poof, I'm invisible."

They could still see him.

You're not imaginary, Shortbus...... We can still see you.
Ah, you are working on your Imaginary Enemy again, aren't you?

I was watching a TV show called "Southland." A wino runs into the street and the cops go to arrest him, he holds his hand over his head and screams "Poof, I'm invisible."

They could still see him.

You're not imaginary, Shortbus...... We can still see you.

I like the "Shortbus" comments. It fits you pretty well, I must say.
Showcasing the nastiness of some is just SOOOOO easy sometimes. :lol::lol::lol:
True, Sherrod did not do so however:

This is what Shirley Sherrod, the Georgia woman who was inadvertently made infamous -- then famous -- by Andrew Breitbart, had to say on the conservative media figure’s unexpected death Thursday:

“The news of Mr. Breitbart’s death came as a surprise to me when I was informed of it this morning. My prayers go out to Mr. Breitbart’s family as they cope during this very difficult time.”

^That is also NOT Bodecea. :thup:



What Fucking Douchers some on the Left are being today.

Speaking of Fucking Douchers..... you seem to be having a ball today making fun of less-than-attractive over-weight women who fit your perceived notion of what a lesbian should look like.

Is it because these women aren't presumedly dead which leads you to believe you can continue to ride your moral high-road?

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