Andrew Brunson , the fake pastor in Turkey is now released.

he should rot in jail. After all he and his family have lived in Turkey for 22 years and his 2 our of 3 kids were born there, they went to Turkey schools.

His church was probably a front for a coup. He is not an American, he loves Turkey. Now he will be popular with the right because he is part of the Trump Cult now.

Same with NK, 3 evangelicals.

The evangelicals cost the US so much money.

An adult should take care of themselves. If they wanted to go to those countries they should get back to the US the same way they went out of the US.
-------------------------------------------- i lean to that hard hearted position but politically speaking its a good deal for your and my President Trump Penny . Christians will hopefully get whipped up for the coming Elections and YOU guys may become depressed and disheatened as you say to yourselves , hey , whats the use Eh . --------------- Good Morning and --- Go TRUMP --- Penny .
he should rot in jail. After all he and his family have lived in Turkey for 22 years and his 2 our of 3 kids were born there, they went to Turkey schools.

His church was probably a front for a coup. He is not an American, he loves Turkey. Now he will be popular with the right because he is part of the Trump Cult now.

Same with NK, 3 evangelicals.

The evangelicals cost the US so much money.

An adult should take care of themselves. If they wanted to go to those countries they should get back to the US the same way they went out of the US.

Does the same hold true for Khashoggi the reporter suspected of being murdered by Saudi Arabia, that as an adult he should take care of himself?

Its different for journalist. this guy lived 22 years in Turkey.

Why is it different for the fake journalist who wasn't a US citizen?
The case against Pastor Brunson had nothing to do with Sharia law.

He was charged and subsequently convicted with helping a terrorist organization in a plot against the Turkish government. .... :cool:
The pastor was arrested, charged, found guilty in a public trial, and then sentenced to prison.

I fail to see why the U.S. government became involved? ... :dunno:

Thank you for showing us what your first allegiance is..

Not that this is surprising to many of us, mind you.
The pastor is credentialed, degreed and ordained in my denomination. The Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Even the witnesses finally fessed up that they made it all up. He was guilty of being a Christian in a Muslim country. That's it.
I have no doubt that he was a real pastor, but the CIA is well known for recruiting average people with ties to the local community to work for the agency.
Also, there is still a significant Christian and Jewish presence that has been part of Turkish culture for centuries. ... :cool:

Yes Fetullah Gulen is now in the US, and the CIA insisted he stay here. They know who is there and the CIA probably used them to try and do a coup. Maybe Israel tried to do a coup.
--------------------------------- concerning a possible COUP . What is wrong with a Coup in Turkey ??
he should rot in jail. After all he and his family have lived in Turkey for 22 years and his 2 our of 3 kids were born there, they went to Turkey schools.

His church was probably a front for a coup. He is not an American, he loves Turkey. Now he will be popular with the right because he is part of the Trump Cult now.

Same with NK, 3 evangelicals.

The evangelicals cost the US so much money.

An adult should take care of themselves. If they wanted to go to those countries they should get back to the US the same way they went out of the US.

Uh-huh, a pastor was going to launch a coup against Erdogan.
concerning a possible COUP . What is wrong with a Coup in Turkey ??

That whoever might take over would be worse.

Here's the thing, Turkey has since WWI, been a secular state. There have been numerous military coups whenever the popularly elected government got too religious, and that's what they tried to do against Erogdan and failed.

Once again, this is another example of how we keep sticking our hands in the hornet's nest and complain about getting stung by the bigger, meaner hornet.
The pastor is credentialed, degreed and ordained in my denomination. The Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Even the witnesses finally fessed up that they made it all up. He was guilty of being a Christian in a Muslim country. That's it.
I have no doubt that he was a real pastor, but the CIA is well known for recruiting average people with ties to the local community to work for the agency.
Also, there is still a significant Christian and Jewish presence that has been part of Turkish culture for centuries. ... :cool:

Yes Fetullah Gulen is now in the US, and the CIA insisted he stay here. They know who is there and the CIA probably used them to try and do a coup. Maybe Israel tried to do a coup.
--------------------------------- concerning a possible COUP . What is wrong with a Coup in Turkey ??

Penny worships Muslim dictatorships.
Thank you for showing us what your first allegiance is..
Not that this is surprising to many of us, mind you.
I am an American citizen born and raised, as were my parents and grandparents, and I am also a U.S. Army veteran as was my father.

Just because I don't feel that our government shouldn't be involved in another country's internal domestic affairs doesn't make me any less of a loyal American citizen than you. .... :cool:
The pastor is credentialed, degreed and ordained in my denomination. The Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Even the witnesses finally fessed up that they made it all up. He was guilty of being a Christian in a Muslim country. That's it.
I have no doubt that he was a real pastor, but the CIA is well known for recruiting average people with ties to the local community to work for the agency.
Also, there is still a significant Christian and Jewish presence that has been part of Turkish culture for centuries. ... :cool:

Yes Fetullah Gulen is now in the US, and the CIA insisted he stay here. They know who is there and the CIA probably used them to try and do a coup. Maybe Israel tried to do a coup.
--------------------------------- concerning a possible COUP . What is wrong with a Coup in Turkey ??

Penny worships Muslim dictatorships.

If liberals could think better they wouldn't be liberals.

They always imagine themselves as the Overlords, never the slaves. That's how dull they are.
Thank you for showing us what your first allegiance is..
Not that this is surprising to many of us, mind you.
I am an American citizen born and raised, as were my parents and grandparents, and I am also a U.S. Army veteran as was my father.

Just because I don't feel that our government shouldn't be involved in another country's internal domestic affairs doesn't make me any less of a loyal American citizen than you. .... :cool:

I believe you.

But when it comes to it look what comes out.
concerning a possible COUP . What is wrong with a Coup in Turkey ??

That whoever might take over would be worse.

Here's the thing, Turkey has since WWI, been a secular state. There have been numerous military coups whenever the popularly elected government got too religious, and that's what they tried to do against Erogdan and failed.

Once again, this is another example of how we keep sticking our hands in the hornet's nest and complain about getting stung by the bigger, meaner hornet.
------------------------------------------ thing is that Edrojen has been going 'muslim' [or nonsecular] for awhile now from what i read and hear. Agree about the secular up until 'edrojen' but i think thats changing . Just my opinion but the 'turks' shouldn't be in 'nato' Joe B .
The case against Pastor Brunson had nothing to do with Sharia law.

He was charged and subsequently convicted with helping a terrorist organization in a plot against the Turkish government. .... :cool:

He was convicted with no creditable evidence and was under house arrest.
gotta agree and while i don't TRUST the 'turk' justice system whatever it is i think its alright to mention that Americans better make sure that they keep the American Justice System clean and not corrupted as some Special Interests in the USA want to corrupt it . ---------- just a comment .
thing is that Edrojen has been going 'muslim' [or nonsecular] for awhile now from what i read and hear. Agree about the secular up until 'edrojen' but i think thats changing . Just my opinion but the 'turks' shouldn't be in 'nato' Joe B .

Maybe.. except they've been loyal members for a long time. I think the real issue is what is the purpose of NATO at this point, 30 years after the USSR collapsed?

The thing is, Turkey has lived up to every commitment in NATO. They even went along with Afghanistan. They didn't go along with Iraq, but neither did NATO and everyone agrees now that was a horrible idea.

The real problem is that the "War on Terror" has kind of morphed into a "War on Islam", and the average Turk says, "Hey, wait, we're Muslims!"
Just my opinion but the 'turks' shouldn't be in 'nato'
Why shouldn't Turkey be a member of NATO ?? ... :dunno:
-------------------------------------------------- Just my opinion , they are 'muslim' with a different world view of the world then the West . And as i told JoeB i have read in the last few years that 'edrogen' wants to do away with a non secular 'turkey' . And even if they were to continue as secular , well , they are still yuge majority 'muslim' so unsuitable for 'nato' Sunni .
he should rot in jail. After all he and his family have lived in Turkey for 22 years and his 2 our of 3 kids were born there, they went to Turkey schools.

His church was probably a front for a coup. He is not an American, he loves Turkey. Now he will be popular with the right because he is part of the Trump Cult now.

Same with NK, 3 evangelicals.

The evangelicals cost the US so much money.

An adult should take care of themselves. If they wanted to go to those countries they should get back to the US the same way they went out of the US.
You do realize Muslims cannot tolerate any other people that disagree with them

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