Andrew Tate’s big return


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

3.2 million views in 14 hours and that’s just one YouTube video.

recall a few months ago, and some of the far left was saying Tate will go to jail for the rest of his life …. For the cancel culture warriors It wasn’t just a matter of them saying they think Tate is a dumb….. No they’re bloodthirsty they want innocent people to suffer. .

What Andrew Tate represents is something new. 10 years ago it would’ve been normal for a boxer or basketball player to tell young men to get off drugs , stop the porn and meet a women in real life. Exercise be healthy go get a job work be able to take care of yourself ….don’t rely on government handouts. Reject weakness…

That message from Tate angered a lot of people in power, who wanna keep down the working class from achieving a growth into the middle class or higher.

It’s no different than saying Tucker Carlson or Donald Trump or Barack Obama should go to jail. “I don’t like them so they should suffer”. Come on now..

Great see Andrew Tate back great to see him out of jail !!! Freedom man.

I think we have a good summer ahead of us
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Don't know him but I have heard his name. What is his story?
He’s very very popular among young men who are trying to live a better life. He’s helped millions of young men across the world get off drugs, get off the computer and video games and get healthy.

why are people like Cardi B and Kim Kardashian allowed to be popular among young ladies , but people like Andrew Tate are not supposed to be popular among young men?

Come on now. See this is the problem that the far left doesn’t see.

here’s a great way to look at the story. There was a very popular journalist with a BBC news who back in the 1980s had groomed boys and had sexual relations with young boys. ….

…He came out recently and said “oh I’m homosexual. I shouldn’t be picked on.“. So the BBC gave him a softball interview….

Contrast that with how the BBC and much of the mass media in the west treats Andrew Tate. And the journalist from the BBC from the 1980s was proven to be guilty, Andrew Tate is innocent he’s done nothing there’s no evidence against him…..

Take a look at the 25 minute mark of the above Pbd podcast video ….sometime around then PBD explains how the BBC is clearly and unequivocally engaging in biased reporting. So is practically every western news outlet like CNN and MSNBC when it comes to their incorrect reporting on Andrew Tate.

That’s the world we live in that’s what the west has become. For whatever reason many people in the media give a pass to far left wingers who do bad things…. but if they see a conservative like Tate who is not doing bad things… but who is doing something that the far left doesn’t like ….they will try and cancel him.
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He seems to have a good opinion of his own intelligence. The real matter is that he's a complete arsehole.
According to who? Look at all of the characters in our world. You’re gonna tell me that they are worse or better than Tate. Sure I Andrew Tate is a big colorful, but let’s be honest you’re mad there’s not a lot of people to look up to in the west.

There’s not as many man to look up to in the west today compared to the 1990s. How about that at least give me that.
Lots of people are attracted to arrogance masquerading as confidence.
Well, I would say that if you think that Tate is guilty that you have been misled. Correct me if I’m wrong but you’re a Trump supporter and a conservative, right?

There are plenty of Democrats and Republicans who come of as sleaze bags. I think you’re getting this wrong.

I think you use brash language as well, so what exactly don’t you like about Andrew Tate. You don’t like that he’s been with multiple women, don’t you use the word faggot…. Brother don’t mistake any of my posts. I’m not trying to talk down to you or anything like that and I don’t care about insult over the Internet. I’m just explaining to you that I’m not trying to insult you because often there’s a misunderstanding on communication on the Internet.

I think the other thread you were notified that the charges against Tate are nonsense … do you know that the women who the Romanian court said were assaulted have already come out and said nothing happened. Brother there’s no crime here.

Who do we expect young men to look up to in America? Come on …Dylan Mulvaney? Hollywood ? Some big time blm person

No… young man today don’t have the opportunities that you had going on brother in your day …They’re being robbed blind and it’s people like Andrew Tate that are standing up to the matrix that are standing up to the corruption.
In the interview above Tate expressed admiration for Donald Trump… saying he’s the first president in a while to try and stand up to the machine or the matrix if you will

Trump, Tucker and Tate the ts!! If you will these are great man and they could be a colorful attimes. Let’s be honest they get positive results.

Like I said the other thread, I think we’re gonna have a good summer. I think that this summer will be one where America fight back against cancel culture. We’re gonna have some victories here and in the end, freedom will win over cancel culture.
Here is probably one of the greatest examples We can see of the hypocrisy from the media. So the BBC sat down with Andrew Tate for 40 minutes but they released to the public a nine minute edited video of their interview with Tate. Here is the full 40 minute video but the funny thing is you could watch the nine minute edited water down version from the BBC and the BBC still looks bad.

I've been subscribed to Andrew Tate on Rumble for a year or less. He is a powerful man, looks like one would imagine Adonis.

It's easy to understand why the powers-that-be want to get rid of him.
For the Tate brothers to be able to defeat three months in solitary confinement with no charges, which is what the Romanian jail was effectively just goes to show how stoic these guys are.
Tristan Tate provides his post jail interview

Good reminder for folks to keep their eyes on the prize. The message is often simple…stay focused, stay determined and reject laziness..
Well, I would say that if you think that Tate is guilty that you have been misled. Correct me if I’m wrong but you’re a Trump supporter and a conservative, right?

There are plenty of Democrats and Republicans who come of as sleaze bags. I think you’re getting this wrong.

I think you use brash language as well, so what exactly don’t you like about Andrew Tate. You don’t like that he’s been with multiple women, don’t you use the word faggot…. Brother don’t mistake any of my posts. I’m not trying to talk down to you or anything like that and I don’t care about insult over the Internet. I’m just explaining to you that I’m not trying to insult you because often there’s a misunderstanding on communication on the Internet.

I think the other thread you were notified that the charges against Tate are nonsense … do you know that the women who the Romanian court said were assaulted have already come out and said nothing happened. Brother there’s no crime here.

Who do we expect young men to look up to in America? Come on …Dylan Mulvaney? Hollywood ? Some big time blm person

No… young man today don’t have the opportunities that you had going on brother in your day …They’re being robbed blind and it’s people like Andrew Tate that are standing up to the matrix that are standing up to the corruption.
I'm not your brother

My statement you quoted stands
"I'm not a great admirer of pimps"

Jordan Peterson on Andrew Tate worship

He compares Tates appeal among young "men" to a violent rapper. He puts into words my feelings about this man. I'm not a fan. Pick better role models

I'm not your brother

My statement you quoted stands
Many young men in this country are killing themselves. Huge numbers of young men have no sexual relations with women. Nobody in this country in a leadership role is doing a thing about it. Andrew Tate is out there telling young men to work out, be good to others, treat women with respect.

Those who believe that Donald Trump is innocent, but Andrew Tate is not …. I mean that makes no sense whatsoever.

Oh, I forget you’re a woman. Carlin is a ladies name.

That makes you my sister in humanity. Those are my core views I won’t have a hard-core leftist. Tell me how to think. I’m here for a conversation with you. You don’t tell me how to think. I don’t tell you how to think.

You’re not aware of the charges that’s the problem. Don’t believe what you’re told by the media by Fox News , bbc or CNN. The charges suggest that while the Tates were worth over $100 million they were stealing tiny amount of money from WebCam girls on TikTok. The court case against Tristan Tate has nothing to do with human trafficking. At this point he’s facing a charge that suggests that while he was worth $100 million that he forced women to perform sex type acts on TikTok and got small money from them. So it’s ridiculous. The Chargers make no sense.

something like 50% of Andrew Tate’s love letters that were sent to him while in jail were from women.

you support trump who is being accused of more sexual crimes then tate. Well it makes no sense for you to say the things you say about tate.

It makes no sense whatsoever that we have something like 2% of all Republicans in America, who take Andrew Tate is a bad guy. Absolutely makes no sense whatsoever.
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I don't worship the guy or gush all over him like a young school girl Sorry if that bothers you. Despite what the lefties here like to believe, I don't do cults.

But I will grant you this, THIS was class


3.2 million views in 14 hours and that’s just one YouTube video.

recall a few months ago, and some of the far left was saying Tate will go to jail for the rest of his life …. For the cancel culture warriors It wasn’t just a matter of them saying they think Tate is a dumb….. No they’re bloodthirsty they want innocent people to suffer. .

What Andrew Tate represents is something new. 10 years ago it would’ve been normal for a boxer or basketball player to tell young men to get off drugs , stop the porn and meet a women in real life. Exercise be healthy go get a job work be able to take care of yourself ….don’t rely on government handouts. Reject weakness…

That message from Tate angered a lot of people in power, who wanna keep down the working class from achieving a growth into the middle class or higher.

It’s no different than saying Tucker Carlson or Donald Trump or Barack Obama should go to jail. “I don’t like them so they should suffer”. Come on now..

Great see Andrew Tate back great to see him out of jail !!! Freedom man.

I think we have a good summer ahead of us

Andrew Tate will have a great summer, you said. Then he got indicted.
A man with problems
BBC News in Bucharest and London

Controversial influencer Andrew Tate has been charged in Romania with rape, human trafficking and forming an organised crime group to sexually exploit women.
His brother Tristan and two associates also face the same charges. All have denied the allegations.

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