Angry Trump Tweet:"So Flynn lies to the FBI &his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary goes free"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
justice...for all or for some?

Donald, the system will come for you, too, and you can join Flynn, Manafort, Papawhatever, Cage, and eventually Donny Jr and Jared.

Yes, your time is coming as well.
If only Trump could order his AG to appoint a Special Counsel investigation concerning Hillary. If only...
I think that his AG is too busy looking for a hole to hide in to consider other investigations.
Mueller’s eventual interview with President Trump will be a spectacle, should be broadcast live!
Donald, the system will come for you, too, and you can join Flynn, Manafort, Papawhatever, Cage, and eventually Donny Jr and Jared.

Yes, your time is coming as well.

The FBI is a joke and a gatekeeper for the deep state which is why the elite pedophiles get away with no justice. I will make a bet with you, Jake Smarmy.......give a timeline for when you believe that Trump will be gone and if you are right? I'll leave the forum and if it doesn't happen? You
Donald, the system will come for you, too, and you can join Flynn, Manafort, Papawhatever, Cage, and eventually Donny Jr and Jared.

Yes, your time is coming as well.

The FBI is a joke and a gatekeeper for the deep state which is why the elite pedophiles get away with no justice. I will make a bet with you, Jake Smarmy.......give a timeline for when you believe that Trump will be gone and if you are right? I'll leave the forum and if it doesn't happen? You
He wouldn't honor that deal anyway.
Dale Smith is a sovereign citizen crazy, so we can leave his analytical skills in the gutter, where they belong.

Never ever bet with a person like Dale who will never keep a promise he does not like. :)
Dale Smith is a sovereign citizen crazy, so we can leave his analytical skills in the gutter, where they belong.

Never ever bet with a person like Dale who will never keep a promise he does not like. :)

Nope, not a sovereign citizen as there is no such thing. I simply reclaimed my pre-14th amendment status and got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. I am sure that it galls you a lot that I know, understand and comprehend the nature of the cage while you haven't the slightest clue. So? Is it a wager???? You seem so sure of yourself.........put up or STFU......
Yup, Dale denies what he is. The law makes the definitions, not Dale. He understands nothing. I am not wagering with a liar and a dupe like Dale.
I simply reclaimed my pre-14th amendment status and got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code.

You'll have to explain what pre-14th amendment status means.

Look up what the 14th amendment means and when it was passed and how the jurisdiction of said "citizens" was transferred to the federal government instead of the states. Look at the part about "involuntary servitude" as well......

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