Animal Farm


Jan 9, 2021
How many people have read the George Orwell novel Animal Farm? It is amazing how a political satire written in 1945 is still so relevant today. It should be mentioned that Orwell himself was a democratic socialist and he believed that Stalin had corrupted the socialist ideals.
How many people have read the George Orwell novel Animal Farm? It is amazing how a political satire written in 1945 is still so relevant today. It should be mentioned that Orwell himself was a democratic socialist and he believed that Stalin had corrupted the socialist ideals.
Luckily we dodged that bullet for now. We do have to be watchful, as something like the Patriot Party, should it materialize, reminds me that NK ironically calls itself a "Democratic Republic".
Which party always tries to make some people "more equal than the others"?
Which party plays the race card, and which is "color blind"?
Which party promotes the "Critical Race Theory"?
Which party tears down statues of the Founding Fathers?
Which party promotes "reparations"?
Which party promotes criminal behavior with zero cash bail?
Which party promotes it own riots but criticizes others when they riot?
Which party promotes "diversity" over knowledge and competence?

I could go on and on, but you get my drift...
I have read Animal Farm. Not 1984 yet.
I'll save you some time. In 1984 "big brother" controls everything, there is no independent thought, there must be conformity, big-tech cancels all accounts of independent thinkers, all opposition is crushed....
For as long as oligarchies and democracies exist, books like "Animal Farm" are relevant.

Republics are rare and usually fleeting beacons of liberty.
I'll save you some time. In 1984 "big brother" controls everything, there is no independent thought, there must be conformity, big-tech cancels all accounts of independent thinkers, all opposition is crushed....

Sad that nobody at Apple was out of the womb to see that commercial.

That's the only excuse a thinking person could accept as even approaching valid.
Which party promotes it own riots but criticizes others when they riot?
Republicans. It’s now been revealed that Trump paid $2.4 million to stage the Capital riot. But Republicans sure criticized those riots in Portland.
Which party always tries to make some people "more equal than the others"?
Which party plays the race card, and which is "color blind"?
Which party promotes the "Critical Race Theory"?
Which party tears down statues of the Founding Fathers?
Which party promotes "reparations"?
Which party promotes criminal behavior with zero cash bail?
Which party promotes it own riots but criticizes others when they riot?
Which party promotes "diversity" over knowledge and competence?

I could go on and on, but you get my drift...

We do. You're obsessed with "parties".
Hey! Looka this tree! What forest?
Which party always tries to make some people "more equal than the others"?
Republicans. They want a White country, where White people have all the power. Can’t get “more equal than others” than that.
Which party promotes "diversity" over knowledge and competence?
No Party does that. But Republicans just finished proving over the past four years that they do not care about knowledge or competence. They were perfectly fine with Betsy DeVos directing our children’s education, Rick Perry in charge of nukes, Jared Fucking Kushner in charge a multitude of things he knows nothing about, and so on, right down the line.
Which party promotes "reparations"?
A wing of the Democratic Party supports reparations, just like a wing of the Republican Party supports White Supremacy, Christian Nationalism, and authoritarian rule.
How many people have read the George Orwell novel Animal Farm? It is amazing how a political satire written in 1945 is still so relevant today. It should be mentioned that Orwell himself was a democratic socialist and he believed that Stalin had corrupted the socialist ideals.
Luckily we dodged that bullet for now. We do have to be watchful, as something like the Patriot Party, should it materialize, reminds me that NK ironically calls itself a "Democratic Republic".
And the Democrats call their party Democratic. See how this works?
How many people have read the George Orwell novel Animal Farm? It is amazing how a political satire written in 1945 is still so relevant today. It should be mentioned that Orwell himself was a democratic socialist and he believed that Stalin had corrupted the socialist ideals.
Luckily we dodged that bullet for now. We do have to be watchful, as something like the Patriot Party, should it materialize, reminds me that NK ironically calls itself a "Democratic Republic".
And the Democrats call their party Democratic. See how this works?
Yes, we all just saw how that works: Democrats are the Party of democracy. Republicans are the Party of dictatorship.
"Animal Farm" was mandatory reading when I was in sixth grade. It sort of separated the intelligent from the drones. The teacher (yes, there were teachers in those days) never criticized anyone's point of view when they wrote the book reports. She smiled more, though, when the slower ones obviously though of it as a cute story, possibly taken from a Disney cartoon. Then she made sure she spoke extra slowly when giving them the extra attention they so sorely needed.

After sixth grade the kids from about four elementary schools were shifted to a junior high school and I swear the 6th grade book reports played a part in the regroupings that happened.

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