Ann Coulter Calls Trump a Liar, a Con Man and a Grifter!

Trumpsters know he's a liar and a bullshitter. They don't care. He's their last-ditch bludgeon.
Liberals praise honesty. Ann Coulter decided to be honest for once.
Liberals obviously don’t praise honesty. They accept the babbling BULLSHIT of the DNC and of morons like Brandon.

Ann Coulter didn’t decide to be honest. She expressed a changed view which this time you happen to share. So in your eyes she went from Man Coulter to a revered and quoted authority.

You liberals are hostile to honesty.
Another of your brilliant zingers..."I know you are but am I?!"
You are the ones who project your cult like adherence to the media and the narrative on others. Start thinking for yourself, it doesn't hurt. And it does not cause Covid, yet.

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