Ann Coulter on "The Compromise"

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
By Ann Coulter
June 1, 2005

Let's not put the seven Republican senators who engineered the "compromise" deal with the Democrats in charge of negotiations with North Korea. I would sooner trust the North Koreans to keep their word than the Democrats.

The North Koreans at least waited for the ink to dry on Clinton's 1996 "peace" deal before they set to work violating it by feverishly building nuclear weapons. After hoodwinking seven Republicans into a "compromise" deal, Senate Democrats waited exactly seven seconds before breaking it.

The deal was this: Senate Republicans would not use their majority status to win confirmation votes. In return, the Democrats promised to stop blocking nominees supported by a majority of senators — except in "extraordinary circumstances." Thus, a minority of senators in the party Americans keep trying to throw out of power will now be choosing federal judges with the advice and consent of the president.

The seven Republicans we're not leaving in charge of the national treasury believed they could trust the Democrats to interpret "extraordinary circumstances" fairly. And why not? It's not as if the Democrats have behaved outrageously for the past four years using their minority status to block Bush's nominees. Oh wait — no, I have that wrong. The Democrats have behaved outrageously for the past four years using their minority status to block Bush's nominees.

Hmmm. Well, at least the Democrats didn't wait until Trent Lott foolishly granted them an equal number of committee chairmanships following the 2000 election to seize illegitimate control of the Senate by getting future Trivial Pursuit answer Jim Jeffords to change parties after being elected as a Republican. Oops, no — they did that, too.

The seven Republican "mavericks," as The New York Times is wont to call them, had just signed off on this brilliant compromise when the Democrats turned around and filibustered John Bolton, Bush's nominee to be ambassador to the United Nations.

At least it wasn't an important job. But even so, didn't we win the last election? Why, yes, we did! And didn't we win a majority in the Senate? Yes, we did! To be precise, Republicans have won a majority of Senate seats the past six consecutive elections. (And the last six consecutive elections in the House of Representatives, too!)

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IControlThePast said:
Hmmmm, I'm suprised. I never figured Coulter was the whining type.

Pffft! All she's doing is underscoring the fury many of us conservatives feel towards our backasswards Senators who stupidly deal with the devil. :mad:
"No wonder Democrats were so testy about bringing democracy to Iraq: They can't bear democracy in America."

The Dems are going to live to regret these refusals to vote. If, and it's a huge stretch to consider it given their election failures, the Dems are ever in power again the precedent has been set for the Repubs to dig in their heels and refuse to vote for Dem appointees or policies.
ThomasPaine said:
"No wonder Democrats were so testy about bringing democracy to Iraq: They can't bear democracy in America."

The Dems are going to live to regret these refusals to vote. If, and it's a huge stretch to consider it given their election failures, the Dems are ever in power again the precedent has been set for the Repubs to dig in their heels and refuse to vote for Dem appointees or policies.

That was the precedent already. Reps filibustered over 60 judicial nominees by Clinton. It's always been like this. That's why I don't really care about the whole judge filibustering situation. Keep the filibuster as a minority protection, for both parties.
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IControlThePast said:
That was the precedent already. Reps filibustered over 60 judicial nominees by Clinton. It's always been like this. That's why I don't really care about the whole judge filibustering situation. Keep the filibuster as a minority protection, for both parties.

The Republican-controlled Senate blocked approximately 60 Clinton nominees through other means.
IControlThePast said:
That was the precedent already. Reps filibustered over 60 judicial nominees by Clinton. It's always been like this. That's why I don't really care about the whole judge filibustering situation. Keep the filibuster as a minority protection, for both parties.

There is no Constitutional need to have "minority protection" in the Senate.

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