Ann Coulter praises Joe Biden on Afghanistan?

I can't blame Coulter for jumping ship. She's an excellent writer who wasn't getting any love from the Rs and she definitely wanted to be in the spotlight. But I find Biden's execution of this withdraw to be a debacle. And all the Ds are still defending his action so I must assume they approve. Personally, I think what Biden did was like waking up, going to the bathroom and then getting out of bed. Or getting out of the shower, putting your clothes on, and then trying to get your underwear on. Total incompetence by him and especially his military appointees who are allegedly trained for this. None of these people would ever work for me.
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And all the Ds are still defending his action so I must assume they approve.
In reality, the general position of the Democrats is, "holy shit, that was bad, that was a mess, we need to find out what happened, but it sure is good that we finally got the fuck out of there."

Seems pretty logical and reasonable and big-picture and real-world to me. Biden got us out. Turns out the Taliban controlled everything that we didn't, so it was always going to be rough.
I can't blame Coulter for jumping ship. She's an excellent writer who wasn't getting any love from the Rs and she definitely wanted to be in the spotlight. But I find Biden's execution of this withdraw to be a debacle. And all the Ds are still defending his action so I must assume they approve. Personally, I think what Biden did was like waking up, going to the bathroom and then getting out of bed. Or getting out of the shower, putting your clothes on, and then trying to get your underwear on. Total incompetence by him and especially his military appointees who are allegedly trained for this. None of these people would ever work for me.

Other than the president the top military commander is Gen Milley. Gen Milley was appointed by Trump and as we know and he often said, Trump only hires/appoints the best.

Trump Appoints Gen. Mark Milley Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff
In reality, the general position of the Democrats is, "holy shit, that was bad, that was a mess, we need to find out what happened, but it sure is good that we finally got the fuck out of there."

Seems pretty logical and reasonable and big-picture and real-world to me. Biden got us out. Turns out the Taliban controlled everything that we didn't, so it was always going to be rough.
What we did there was like running from your burning house and leaving your children behind. Classless, cowardly, poorly planned and selfish. The ends don't nearly justify the means in this case.
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What we did there was like running from your burning house and leaving your children behind. Classless, cowardly, poorly planned and selfish. The ends don't nearly justify the means in this case.

Afghanistan was never our house.
In reality, the general position of the Democrats is, "holy shit, that was bad, that was a mess, we need to find out what happened, but it sure is good that we finally got the fuck out of there."

Seems pretty logical and reasonable and big-picture and real-world to me. Biden got us out. Turns out the Taliban controlled everything that we didn't, so it was always going to be rough.

Did he have to leave 10% of Americans behind and so much equipment? Seriously? The answer is a definitive NO. The getting out part was not hard, but controlling the aftermath was more difficult.

I am of the mindset to keep 2500 troops there along with the Afghan security forces and just hold steady. We have many more troops all over the world in less strategic locations. We now have zero control and no boots on the ground for intel anywhere near ground zero for terrorisms. What will we do when the Taliban decides to try to take nuclear Pakistan again?
Afghanistan was never our house.

No it is the training house of terrorists whose main goal is to harm the US. Since we can’t move to get away from them, the logical and pragmatic approach is to stop the training or endure their constant attacks.
No it is the training house of terrorists whose main goal is to harm the US. Since we can’t move to get away from them, the logical and pragmatic approach is to stop the training or endure their constant attacks.

To note, we did fund them to start with. This is how that always turns out but we just can't seem to learn.
To note, we did fund them to start with. This is how that always turns out but we just can't seem to learn.

And we just gave them some cool weapons and left. What could possibly go wrong?
Im glad we pulled out. The way it was done, was stupid, ignorant, and flat out ridiculous.
Too bad his stupidity cancels the good he did.
And we just gave them some cool weapons and left. What could possibly go wrong?

We should have NEVER sent those weapons there to start with. When you do stupid things, bad things happen.
It wasn't handled well, but given how the Taliban had pretty much taken back everything that our soldiers weren't protecting (how did our "intelligence" not know that?), it was never going to be pretty.

Biden got us out of that ugly, horribly wasteful, 20-year war, and a place we never should have occupied in the first fucking place, and no partisan bitching and finger-pointing can change that.
Like I said nobody was surprised even if they pretended to be surprised that the Afghan military fell overnight.
The graft, theft and corruption and lack oversight of the Pentagon procurements that fell off the edge into the black hole of thievery over there were bound to show themselves as a total military failure sooner or later.
Biden has kept 2 promises, he went ahead with getting out of Afghanistan and he flooded the border with illegals. Closing Bagram and leaving in the middle of the night was a disaster.
Was it correct to get out of Afghanistan?


Did Biden handle it correctly?

Oh no only Trump mishandles things.
Even when Biden pinched the congressman's daughter's nipples on stage.... He was handling everything correctly don't you know that?
We should have NEVER sent those weapons there to start with. When you do stupid things, bad things happen.
While Americans bicker about how this was done, the Afghan people will suffer even more from the heinous actions of the empire. Will Americans take notice or care?

Grants from the United States and other countries accounted for 75 percent of the Afghan government budget. That assistance has evaporated. Afghanistan’s reserves and other financial accounts have been frozen, meaning the new government cannot access some $9.5 billion in assets belonging to the Afghan central bank. Shipments of cash to Afghanistan have been stopped. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced that Afghanistan will no longer be able to access the lender’s resources.

Things are already dire. There are some 14 million Afghans – one in three – who lack sufficient food. There are two million Afghan children who are malnourished. There are 3.5 million people in Afghanistan who have been displaced from their homes. The war has wrecked infrastructure. A drought destroyed 40 percent of the nation’s crops last year. The assault on the Afghan economy is already seeing food prices skyrocket. The sanctions and severance of aid will force civil servants to go without salaries, and the health service, already chronically short of medicine and equipment, will collapse. The suffering orchestrated by the empire will be of biblical proportions. And this is what the empire wants.
The Revengeful Suffering Orchestrated by the American Empire on Afghans Will Be of Biblical Proportions - LewRockwell
While Americans bicker about how this was done, the Afghan people will suffer even more from the heinous actions of the empire. Will Americans take notice or care?

Grants from the United States and other countries accounted for 75 percent of the Afghan government budget. That assistance has evaporated. Afghanistan’s reserves and other financial accounts have been frozen, meaning the new government cannot access some $9.5 billion in assets belonging to the Afghan central bank. Shipments of cash to Afghanistan have been stopped. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced that Afghanistan will no longer be able to access the lender’s resources.

Things are already dire. There are some 14 million Afghans – one in three – who lack sufficient food. There are two million Afghan children who are malnourished. There are 3.5 million people in Afghanistan who have been displaced from their homes. The war has wrecked infrastructure. A drought destroyed 40 percent of the nation’s crops last year. The assault on the Afghan economy is already seeing food prices skyrocket. The sanctions and severance of aid will force civil servants to go without salaries, and the health service, already chronically short of medicine and equipment, will collapse. The suffering orchestrated by the empire will be of biblical proportions. And this is what the empire wants.
The Revengeful Suffering Orchestrated by the American Empire on Afghans Will Be of Biblical Proportions - LewRockwell

Personally I would do like China and open trade with whatever the new Afghanistan government looks like.

We will likely piss and moan when other countries do so.
Oh no only Trump mishandles things.
Even when Biden pinched the congressman's daughter's nipples on stage.... He was handling everything correctly don't you know that?
Trolling me never works but please know whatever Biden has done wrong I blame Adam because had Adam ignored Eve none of this would have happened!

Of course I could blame God but then who do I blame for God mistakes?

In the end Biden is the only one to blame for his mistakes with the withdrawal of Afghanistan but many on the left will disagree…

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