Another 2017 LGBT Court Case, & Specifically Gay Adoption Of Unwanted Kids: A Poll

After reading the OP, do you believe that unwanted kids should be adopted out to gays or lesbians?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Still not sure

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Shame that the biological heterosexual parents of the children don't want them- and abandoned them.

Shame that you want to prevent these children from having families that do want them.
The only shame is that you must be a liar to advance your agenda. It is a shame you can not speak the truth. Sadly, you most likely believe the lies you repeat. Certainly they are not your orginal thought. You are a mimic, a copycat, nothing more, repeating what you hear. And then, with the strong arm of tyranny, you will force 3 year old boys to live in a homosexual lifestyle. This is a lifestyle they would never choose on their own freewill.

Funny thing is. I have seen many children who have seen man and man, or woman and woman kissing and holding hands. The children are always repulsed.

Kids don't give a damn about two men holding hands- teenagers and preteens have some issues with it- but that is because they are teenagers and everything bothers them.

I will not force anyone to 'live in a homosexual lifestyle'- but I will certainly advocate for good homes for the children that have been abandoned by their own heterosexual biological parents- and who wait- on average- 3 years to be adopted.

You prefer that those children never have any family- any parents- rather than have a gay man or two lesbian mom's as their parents.

No, pedophilia is found among homosexual and heterosexual populations almost equally.

The overwhelming vast majority of child molesters are male. Less than 4% of men are homosexual. Yet young boys are molested at a rate not far below that at which girls are molested..

Girls are the targets of molestation- depending on age- between 60%- to 95% of the time.

4% of the population do identify themselves as gay- but here is the kicker- the men who molest boys- usually don't. Jerry Sandusky didn't identify himself as gay- he was openly a practising heterosexual- and molested boys. Dennis Hastert- another openly practising heterosexual- who didn't identify himself as gay- who molested boys. They aren't part of the 4%- because the 4% only includes those who identify as being gay.

You bigots want to claim that gay men are more likely to be molesters- but the reality of course is that men are by far more likely to be molesters.

You want to protect kids from molesters- statistically that means keep them away from men.
Why is it your business to butt into other peoples lives?
Everyone is required by law to act to protect children. I don't have a choice. It's a mandate to go public when you see a problem.

LOL- no one is required by law to be an obsessive bigot like you are. There is no 'mandate' to go public with anything- IF you see the law being broken- you have the duty to report it to the police.

If you are posting here- instead of reporting a violation of the law to the police- well then you certainly are not protecting children.
I see so far that two people have read the OP and think gays in general can be trusted with what society considers unwanted/unlovable kids. I guess after weighing the evidence carefully, including the pride parades which go undenounced to this day by any gay person publicly that I can find online, these voters still believe unwanted kids will be just fine in private behind closed doors with LGBTers.

Fair enough.
You can find examples of bad parenting everywhere. It is not confined to gay parents. Abuse, emotional and physical, happens in birth families as well as adoptive ones. Adoption agencies go to great lengths to find good homes and good parents. If it doesn't work, it is in very limited cases and occurs with heterosexual adoptions as well.

What you are doing here is using two anecdotal situations to try to prove that gay adoptions are bad for the children. You are trying to incite fear and hatred of gays and gay adoption. And in fact, one of your examples is not even of gay adoption but of a child with his natural parent.

Using anecdotal situations is poor reasoning. Using a broad study to show the results for children of gay adoption is what you nee; otherwise, you are just proffering propaganda.

The science is clear: Children raised by same-sex parents are at no disadvantage

Gay Parents As Good As Straight Ones | BU Today | Boston University

"The study most often cited as evidence that children with same-sex parents fair just as well as children raised by heterosexual parents is a meta-analysis of 33 studies published in 2010. This study found children raised by same-sex parents fared equally as well as other children on a range of behavioural, educational, emotional and social outcomes.

subsequent studies, including a large Australian study, have replicated these findings.

However, some children raised by same-sex couples may experience
discrimination or isolation from their peers. They may also experience anxiety related to fear of discrimination."

Same-sex couples and their children: what does the evidence tell us?

It does seem suggested that the most hurtful thing for children with gay parents is 'discrimination or isolation from their peers.' So you need to stop discriminating against them and teach your children not to do it as well.

Stop it and grow up.
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I see so far that two people have read the OP and think gays in general can be trusted with what society considers unwanted/unlovable kids. I guess after weighing the evidence carefully, including the pride parades which go undenounced to this day by any gay person publicly that I can find online, these voters still believe unwanted kids will be just fine in private behind closed doors with LGBTers.

Fair enough.

Pride parades are such a tiny part of these people's lives. To suggest that a 2 hour parade by others disqualifies these people from adopting children no one else wants, and taking care of the 24/7/365 is simply ridiculous.
No, pedophilia is found among homosexual and heterosexual populations almost equally.

The overwhelming vast majority of child molesters are male. Less than 4% of men are homosexual. Yet young boys are molested at a rate not far below that at which girls are molested..

Girls are the targets of molestation- depending on age- between 60%- to 95% of the time.

4% of the population do identify themselves as gay- but here is the kicker- the men who molest boys- usually don't. Jerry Sandusky didn't identify himself as gay- he was openly a practising heterosexual- and molested boys. Dennis Hastert- another openly practising heterosexual- who didn't identify himself as gay- who molested boys. They aren't part of the 4%- because the 4% only includes those who identify as being gay.

You bigots want to claim that gay men are more likely to be molesters- but the reality of course is that men are by far more likely to be molesters.

You want to protect kids from molesters- statistically that means keep them away from men.

By definition, a man who is interested in sexually-molesting boys is not heterosexual. By definition, a heterosexual person is only sexually interested in those of the opposite sex. You cannot change or hide an obvious reality by trying to change the definitions of words.
No, pedophilia is found among homosexual and heterosexual populations almost equally.

The overwhelming vast majority of child molesters are male. Less than 4% of men are homosexual. Yet young boys are molested at a rate not far below that at which girls are molested..

Girls are the targets of molestation- depending on age- between 60%- to 95% of the time.

4% of the population do identify themselves as gay- but here is the kicker- the men who molest boys- usually don't. Jerry Sandusky didn't identify himself as gay- he was openly a practising heterosexual- and molested boys. Dennis Hastert- another openly practising heterosexual- who didn't identify himself as gay- who molested boys. They aren't part of the 4%- because the 4% only includes those who identify as being gay.

You bigots want to claim that gay men are more likely to be molesters- but the reality of course is that men are by far more likely to be molesters.

You want to protect kids from molesters- statistically that means keep them away from men.

By definition, a man who is interested in sexually-molesting boys is not heterosexual. By definition, a heterosexual person is only sexually interested in those of the opposite sex. You cannot change or hide an obvious reality by trying to change the definitions of words.

It is not changing the definition if there is an accepted word that describes what is happening.

Psychologists and medical professionals to not consider men who molest prepubescent boys to be homosexuals. These pedophiles are not interested in adult males, as is the case for homosexuals.

And FYI, the FBI uses the same standard.
Psychologists and medical professionals to not consider men who molest prepubescent boys to be homosexuals. These pedophiles are not interested in adult males, as is the case for homosexuals.

And FYI, the FBI uses the same standard.

Words have meanings. “Heterosexual” means that one is only sexually interested in those of the opposite sex. “Homosexual” means that one is sexuallyinterested in those o the same sex. “Bisexual” m,enas one is sexually interested in both sexes.

A man who is sexually interested in boys is not heterosexual. Any “expert” who claims otherwise is being dishonest, in order to promote some unseemly agenda.

You on the left wrong are doing what Orwell predicted when he wrote of “newspeak”. You're trying to corrupt the language in order to control thought. You're trying to change the meanings of the words I just enumerated, as well as words pertaining to the sexes, and to marriage. You're trying to change the word “marriage” to include vile, homosexualmockeries of genuien marriage. You're trying to change the word “woman” to include mentally-ill, morally-degenerate freaks like Bruce Jenner. You're trying to change the word “homosexual” to exclude men who molest boys.

Yours is an agenda of social chaos and disorder, promoted by trying to corrupt the language to prevent it from being used in an orderly manner to describe biological realities.
Psychologists and medical professionals to not consider men who molest prepubescent boys to be homosexuals. These pedophiles are not interested in adult males, as is the case for homosexuals.

And FYI, the FBI uses the same standard.

Words have meanings. “Heterosexual” means that one is only sexually interested in those of the opposite sex. “Homosexual” means that one is sexuallyinterested in those o the same sex. “Bisexual” m,enas one is sexually interested in both sexes.

A man who is sexually interested in boys is not heterosexual. Any “expert” who claims otherwise is being dishonest, in order to promote some unseemly agenda.

You on the left wrong are doing what Orwell predicted when he wrote of “newspeak”. You're trying to corrupt the language in order to control thought. You're trying to change the meanings of the words I just enumerated, as well as words pertaining to the sexes, and to marriage. You're trying to change the word “marriage” to include vile, homosexualmockeries of genuien marriage. You're trying to change the word “woman” to include mentally-ill, morally-degenerate freaks like Bruce Jenner. You're trying to change the word “homosexual” to exclude men who molest boys.

Yours is an agenda of social chaos and disorder, promoted by trying to corrupt the language to prevent it from being used in an orderly manner to describe biological realities.

Mine is an agenda of accuracy. A prepubescent boy is not the same as a developed teen or a man.

Not sure why all this got started, other than an attempt to derail the thread. The idea that sexual orientation should automatically disqualify someone from adopting is ridiculous. Basing it on pride parades or the lack of condemnation of pride parades is simply stupid.
Mine is an agenda of accuracy. A prepubescent boy is not the same as a developed teen or a man.

A prepubescent boy is still male; therefore, a heterosexual man would not find him to be of any sexual interest. You are only able to argue otherwise by trying to twist the meanings of such words as “homosexual” and “heterosexual” away from the meanings that these words legitimately have. To make such an argument puts the lie to any claim that you make to be at all concerned with accuracy. You cannot support accuracy with lies and deception.
Mine is an agenda of accuracy. A prepubescent boy is not the same as a developed teen or a man.

A prepubescent boy is still male; therefore, a heterosexual man would not find him to be of any sexual interest. You are only able to argue otherwise by trying to twist the meanings of such words as “homosexual” and “heterosexual” away from the meanings that these words legitimately have. To make such an argument puts the lie to any claim that you make to be at all concerned with accuracy. You cannot support accuracy with lies and deception.

A pedophile will often take prepubescent boys because they are accessible. They want children. Gender is less important.
Blaylock's agenda stinks. Tell that to the FBI and modern psychologists who are right and left him the wrong.
A pedophile will often take prepubescent boys because they are accessible. They want children. Gender is less important.
Such a person is not heterosexual. You cannot change reality by trying to change the meanings of words used to describe that reality.

The reality is that a disproportionate portion of child molesters are homosexual or bisexual; and not heterosexual. Homosexual and bisexual men do not make up even a tenth of the male population, but they do make up almost half of all child molesters.
It is a fact. The 2007 Mayo Clinic special article on pedophiles found that up to 40% of all molestation is gay men preying on boys. Yet gay men are around 5% of the population.

That clearly demonstrates that gay men are inclined to molest boys & underage youth. And the article from 2005 's Psychology Today says that among gay men, their having been molested as boys is "epidemic".

Returning back to the Mayo Clinic article, it says that men who were molested as boys carries the highest predictor of they themselves molesting. And the article says this is due to imprinting/learned social behavior.
If you can't post the article, Sil, we know you are messing with the documents again.

Your analysis cannot be trusted.
Gays make great parents

This thread is 25 years too late
I see so far that two people have read the OP and think gays in general can be trusted with what society considers unwanted/unlovable kids. I guess after weighing the evidence carefully, including the pride parades which go undenounced to this day by any gay person publicly that I can find online, these voters still believe unwanted kids will be just fine in private behind closed doors with LGBTers.

Fair enough.

Pride parades are such a tiny part of these people's lives. To suggest that a 2 hour parade by others disqualifies these people from adopting children no one else wants, and taking care of the 24/7/365 is simply ridiculous.

Well its even more ridiculous than that- Silhouette wants to disqualify gay parents from adoption- because they might take the kids to a Pride Parade- even if there isn't one within 1,000 miles- but is fine with straight parents adopting kids- even if they live in San Francisco or New York and could possibly take them to a Pride Parade.

As with everything Silhouette- these are all just rationalizations for her obsessive and continual jihad against gay Americans.

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