Another 2017 LGBT Court Case, & Specifically Gay Adoption Of Unwanted Kids: A Poll

After reading the OP, do you believe that unwanted kids should be adopted out to gays or lesbians?

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If you can't post the article, Sil, we know you are messing with the documents again.

Your analysis cannot be trusted.
The thing is Jakey, even though your cult tried to bury the links, the Mayo Clinic's 2007 report exists and can be subpeoned. As does the 2005, I think February, but maybe January issue of Psychology Today with the "epidemic" statistics on gay men having been molested as boys (trained up). People can google and see what I mean with the dead links. Even when you find links to the articles which these quotes were copied and pasted from, they're only abstracts and you have to subscribe to get the articles which used to be viewable by the public. I get the Psychology Today doing that because it's a profit business. But not the Mayo Clinic who is supposed to be writing these articles to inform the public as to how to better protect children from sexual predators.

Mayo Clinic Special Article 2007

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range
and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles
by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual
pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia),
or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia).
The percentage of homosexual pedophiles
ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20
times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other
adult men
From the same article:

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child.
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abusedabusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place
And from the CDC info publish in Clinical Psychiatry News, 2005:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...
No, pedophilia is found among homosexual and heterosexual populations almost equally.

The overwhelming vast majority of child molesters are male. Less than 4% of men are homosexual. Yet young boys are molested at a rate not far below that at which girls are molested..

Girls are the targets of molestation- depending on age- between 60%- to 95% of the time.

4% of the population do identify themselves as gay- but here is the kicker- the men who molest boys- usually don't. Jerry Sandusky didn't identify himself as gay- he was openly a practising heterosexual- and molested boys. Dennis Hastert- another openly practising heterosexual- who didn't identify himself as gay- who molested boys. They aren't part of the 4%- because the 4% only includes those who identify as being gay.

You bigots want to claim that gay men are more likely to be molesters- but the reality of course is that men are by far more likely to be molesters.

You want to protect kids from molesters- statistically that means keep them away from men.

By definition, a man who is interested in sexually-molesting boys is not heterosexual. By definition, a heterosexual person is only sexually interested in those of the opposite sex. You cannot change or hide an obvious reality by trying to change the definitions of words.

By definition a man who is interested in having sex with his wife is not a homosexual. By definition a homosexual is only interested sexually interested in those of the same sex. Again- Jerry Sandusky and Dennis Hastert were openly heterosexual- married- with children- who molested boys.

You can't change or hide the obvious reality just because you want to blame child sexual molestation on gays.

Again though- IF you want to claim that only 4% of the population is gay- that is entirely based upon people telling surveyers that they are gay. Neither Sandusky or Hastert identified themselves as gay. They identified themselves as straight.

Why your obsession with labeling gays as child molesters is so dangerous to children is because parents who think like you do- end up leaving their boys with good safe heterosexuals like Hastert and Sandusky- confident that the boys are safe because neither of them are flaming queers.

Your lies about gays puts children at risk. Do you care?
By definition, an adult male bending little boys over his coffee table while his wife-disguise is out shopping somewhere, is still a gay male. Nice try though.
Psychologists and medical professionals to not consider men who molest prepubescent boys to be homosexuals. These pedophiles are not interested in adult males, as is the case for homosexuals.

And FYI, the FBI uses the same standard.

Words have meanings. “Heterosexual” means that one is only sexually interested in those of the opposite sex. “Homosexual” means that one is sexuallyinterested in those o the same sex. “Bisexual” m,enas one is sexually interested in both sexes.

A man who is sexually interested in boys is not heterosexual. Any “expert” who claims otherwise is being dishonest, in order to promote some unseemly agenda..

Lets review what you claimed before:

Bob: If heterosexuals and homosexuals were equally likely to molest children, then fewer than 4% of molested children would be boys. That boys are molested at a much higher rate than that, proves that a much higher proportion of child molesters are homosexuals. A heterosexual who was also a child molester would only be interested in molesting girls, not boys.

Here you claim that homosexual men are more likely to molest children than heterosexual men.

Yet I have pointed out to you that the men who molest boys generally do not identify themselves as homosexual- and often have wives and children- hell a significant number of the molesters are fathers, grandfathers or stepfathers themselves. They are not part of that 4%- because they never tell pollsters they are gay.

Words do have meaning. You blame homosexuals for molestation- when these same 'homosexuals' have wives and their own children. Are they homosexuals? To you they are homosexuals regardless of whether they have sex with with adult women.

Why? Because it fits with your narrative- regardless of how much that puts children at risk.
Mine is an agenda of accuracy. A prepubescent boy is not the same as a developed teen or a man.

A prepubescent boy is still male; therefore, a heterosexual man would not find him to be of any sexual interest. You are only able to argue otherwise by trying to twist the meanings of such words as “homosexual” and “heterosexual” away from the meanings that these words legitimately have. To make such an argument puts the lie to any claim that you make to be at all concerned with accuracy. You cannot support accuracy with lies and deception.

Pot Kettle Black.

An adult woman is still a woman- therefore a homosexual man would not find her of any sexual interest- yet most of the molesters of boys do. You are only able to argue otherwise by trying to twist the meanings of 'homosexual' and 'heterosexual' away from the meanings that those words legitimately have. To man such an argument puts the lie to any claim that you make to be at all concerned with accuracy. You cannot support accuracy with your lies and deception.
A pedophile will often take prepubescent boys because they are accessible. They want children. Gender is less important.
The reality is that a disproportionate portion of child molesters are homosexual or bisexual; and not heterosexual. Homosexual and bisexual men do not make up even a tenth of the male population, but they do make up almost half of all child molesters.

Oh now you blame homosexuals and bisexuals- you know the bisexuals with wives and children.

How much of the population of males do they make up? We don't know- since they do not identify themselves to pollsters as gay- they tell pollsters that they are straight.

But we do know that some 90-95% of all molesters are men.

You seem to want to blame gays because you believe that more of them are molesters than straights.

Do you apply that same standard to men- since men are vastly more likely to molest children than women?
It is a fact. The 2007 Mayo Clinic special article on pedophiles found that up to 40% of all molestation is gay men preying on boys. Yet gay men are around 5% of the population..

If Silhouette couldn't lie- she wouldn't be able to post at USMB.

There is no 2007 Mayo Clinic article- I have pointed this out to her for years and she still insists on identifying this article as being part of the Mayo Clinic- she just lies.

Now the actual article- which is a very good article and I suggest that everyone who is interested in the actual facts read it. (pretty sure this means Bob will never read it)

Silhouette always lies about this article- what she never prints- even when she prints the words immediately preceeding them- is this statement from the article:


Of course this is too nuanced for the homosexual bigots- yet oddly enough they are willing to take info from this article to blame homosexuals while ignoring the very specific qualifier by Dr. Hall

Once again-

I know it upsets you that the Mayo Clinic 2007 special article on pedophilia says what it says. And I know it upsets you that the Psychology Today 2005 article says what it says; and that both are subject to subpoena. :itsok:

Spam a few more posts dear, bury the page and hope I don't repost the data again (don't worry, I will)
Mine is an agenda of accuracy. A prepubescent boy is not the same as a developed teen or a man.

A prepubescent boy is still male; therefore, a heterosexual man would not find him to be of any sexual interest. You are only able to argue otherwise by trying to twist the meanings of such words as “homosexual” and “heterosexual” away from the meanings that these words legitimately have. To make such an argument puts the lie to any claim that you make to be at all concerned with accuracy. You cannot support accuracy with lies and deception.

A pedophile will often take prepubescent boys because they are accessible. They want children. Gender is less important.

I strongly suggest you read this article

The article Silhouette cites is actually very informative- she just lies about it.

About 7% of pedophiles are exclusively attracted to children- and not to adults at all. Some pedophiles target exclusively boys or girls- and others target both.
I know it upsets you that the Mayo Clinic 2007 special article on pedophilia says what it says. Al)

Here is what the article from the Mayo Clinic Proceedings- written by Dr. Hall and Hall says- I know you don't want anyone to read what it actually says
By definition, an adult male bending little boys over his coffee table while his wife-disguise is out shopping somewhere, is still a gay male. Nice try though.

By definition- if a man is having sex with a woman- he is not a homosexual. If that same man is molesting boys- he is a pedophile- a heterosexual, and a homosexual pedophile.

You can find out more about that in this article

If you can't post the article, Sil, we know you are messing with the documents again.

Your analysis cannot be trusted.
The thing is Jakey, even though your cult tried to bury the links, the Mayo Clinic's 2007 report exists and can be subpeoned. As does the 2005, I think February, but maybe January issue of Psychology Today with the "epidemic" statistics on gay men having been molested as boys (trained up). People can google and see what I mean with the dead links. Even when you find links to the articles which these quotes were copied and pasted from, they're only abstracts and you have to subscribe to get the articles which used to be viewable by the public. I get the Psychology Today doing that because it's a profit business. But not the Mayo Clinic who is supposed to be writing these articles to inform the public as to how to better protect children from sexual predators.

Mayo Clinic Special Article 2007

Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range
and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles
by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual
pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia),
or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia).
The percentage of homosexual pedophiles
ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20
times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other
adult men.

Want to know how dishonest Silhouette is? She cut off the very next sentence above


Why did she cut that out?

Because she didn't want anyone to see what Dr. Halls had to say about her claims.
It is a fact. The 2007 Mayo Clinic special article on pedophiles found that up to 40% of all molestation is gay men preying on boys. Yet gay men are around 5% of the population.

That clearly demonstrates that gay men are inclined to molest boys & underage youth.

The article says exactly the opposite of that

The article NEVER says gay men are preying on boys- nor are your numbers correct- according to the article between 69% and 91% of all victims are girls.

Ah but yes- you don't care about the victims when they are girls....
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By definition, an adult male bending little boys over his coffee table while his wife-disguise is out shopping somewhere, is still a gay male. Nice try though.
No, he is hetereosexual with bi-perversion. Notice also how Sil perverts the clear msg of the quote that she cut out and then was forced to acknowledge by Syriously.
Funny how that part always is omitted from Sil's posts. It's almost like she might have an agenda aganist gay people or something. :lol:
By definition, an adult male bending little boys over his coffee table while his wife-disguise is out shopping somewhere, is still a gay male. Nice try though.
No, he is hetereosexual with bi-perversion. Notice also how Sil perverts the clear msg of the quote that she cut out and then was forced to acknowledge by Syriously.
Most women who marry these gay pedophiles report that the sex almost never happened and that it just stopped at a given point. That's a gay man trying to do his best to wing it and make the ruse look legit while he goes out stalking little boys to fuck.
You just keep blabbing without links to support your blabbing most of the time.

And then when you do, your likes, Big Reb like, shoot your arguments down.

How do we take you seriously, Sil?
You just keep blabbing without links to support your blabbing most of the time.

And then when you do, your likes, Big Reb like, shoot your arguments down.

How do we take you seriously, Sil?
It's not important that you take me seriously. It's important that lawyers do and use the information to perform searches to get relevant documents to build a case. I know that you can't convert people faithful to a cult. I've never endeavored here to try to change any of your minds. I do enjoy your comments though, because as full of holes as your positions are, they are excellent fodder for building cases.

So thanks!
The lawyers, wanna bet, do not take you seriously. And your comments as false as they are make it so easily to invalidate your positions, Sil, so thanks.

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