Another active shooter

Like drugs, guns in the wrong hands are dangerous.
Liberal policies are inconsistent by legalizing drugs while banning guns.

If you are going to trust people with drugs, then we need to go after the addictions and abuse; and this approach of identifying mental and criminal disorders would solve BOTH problems with abuse of either drugs or guns falling into criminal hands.

The reason Liberal policy is inconsistent is trying to substitute external govt for the internal process of resolving the ROOT causes of mental, criminal and social ills that belong to the PEOPLE on local levels outside govt jurisdiction.

You cannot substitute for parenting and personal changes in attitude, relations or behavior by legislating mandates through govt.

But since the Liberal "secular" approach is to substitute Govt in place of spiritual or church authority, this approach seeks to compete politically AGAINST the effective practices of screening out and correcting abuses DIRECTLY by actually ENFORCING and applying existing laws and practices used effecticely by Christians and Constitutionalists. Instead of uniting on these solutions, the Liberal political bias is to oppose this way of invoking authority by trying to undercut this, and replace it with dependence on Partisan control of Govt, moving the source of authority away from people empowering themselves directly and instead shifting that power to centralized authority in Federal Govt where only the Corporate elite can access representation in decisions.

Again, the real solutions are accessible to all people DIRECTLY by exercising Christian and Constitutional practices and policies on a LOCAL level. That doesn't require going through govt, much less depend on federal govt. People have this power directly, but Liberals without this faith keep teaching the people are helpless and need to donate to Parties to get help through Govt.

* Christian spiritual healing is used to break the cycle of drug abuse, addiction and even criminal mental disorders and free people's minds to be able to comply with authorities and return to normal relations in society.
But Liberals want to demonize and censor Christians, then rely on govt programs when social problems escalate because of the lack of people getting help to solve their own problems with poverty and mental illness.

* Constitutional law enforcement and teaching all citizens to live by the laws, the way police and military veterans do by taking oaths to defend the laws and public as sacred duty, would screen out those who seek to violate laws or have criminal disabilities. But again, Liberals want to blame all police, defund them, and shift control to Federal Govt instead of shifting that power back to people to police our own communities by enforcing the same Constitutional standards directly ourselves. Which empowers us equally as govt, as military and police invoke authority of law by adopting and committing to uphold and defend these laws.

I wish we could discuss and resolve all policy issues over guns and drugs, abortion and mask mandates, in an environment where EVERYONE feels equally empowered to represent themselves in govt, either directly or through their party or media of choice.

If we come at each other as unequal, where some people depend on one party being in govt or others depend on another group to defend and represent their interests, we will only fight over which group will dominate.

We can never freely discuss the problems or solutions, out of fear that more power or influence will go to a competing group.

If we can agree to recognize each party or group as having sovereign jurisdiction over their members obky

This is no place to start with the religious superstitious bullshit Emily. Baby jesus isn't going to intervene and take American gun nuts under control.

No, little sociopath you thinks you're going to do it.

Like drugs, guns in the wrong hands are dangerous.
Liberal policies are inconsistent by legalizing drugs while banning guns.

If you are going to trust people with drugs, then we need to go after the addictions and abuse; and this approach of identifying mental and criminal disorders would solve BOTH problems with abuse of either drugs or guns falling into criminal hands.

The reason Liberal policy is inconsistent is trying to substitute external govt for the internal process of resolving the ROOT causes of mental, criminal and social ills that belong to the PEOPLE on local levels outside govt jurisdiction.

You cannot substitute for parenting and personal changes in attitude, relations or behavior by legislating mandates through govt.

But since the Liberal "secular" approach is to substitute Govt in place of spiritual or church authority, this approach seeks to compete politically AGAINST the effective practices of screening out and correcting abuses DIRECTLY by actually ENFORCING and applying existing laws and practices used effecticely by Christians and Constitutionalists. Instead of uniting on these solutions, the Liberal political bias is to oppose this way of invoking authority by trying to undercut this, and replace it with dependence on Partisan control of Govt, moving the source of authority away from people empowering themselves directly and instead shifting that power to centralized authority in Federal Govt where only the Corporate elite can access representation in decisions.

Again, the real solutions are accessible to all people DIRECTLY by exercising Christian and Constitutional practices and policies on a LOCAL level. That doesn't require going through govt, much less depend on federal govt. People have this power directly, but Liberals without this faith keep teaching the people are helpless and need to donate to Parties to get help through Govt.

* Christian spiritual healing is used to break the cycle of drug abuse, addiction and even criminal mental disorders and free people's minds to be able to comply with authorities and return to normal relations in society.
But Liberals want to demonize and censor Christians, then rely on govt programs when social problems escalate because of the lack of people getting help to solve their own problems with poverty and mental illness.

* Constitutional law enforcement and teaching all citizens to live by the laws, the way police and military veterans do by taking oaths to defend the laws and public as sacred duty, would screen out those who seek to violate laws or have criminal disabilities. But again, Liberals want to blame all police, defund them, and shift control to Federal Govt instead of shifting that power back to people to police our own communities by enforcing the same Constitutional standards directly ourselves. Which empowers us equally as govt, as military and police invoke authority of law by adopting and committing to uphold and defend these laws.

I wish we could discuss and resolve all policy issues over guns and drugs, abortion and mask mandates, in an environment where EVERYONE feels equally empowered to represent themselves in govt, either directly or through their party or media of choice.

If we come at each other as unequal, where some people depend on one party being in govt or others depend on another group to defend and represent their interests, we will only fight over which group will dominate.

We can never freely discuss the problems or solutions, out of fear that more power or influence will go to a competing group.

If we can agree to recognize each party or group as having sovereign jurisdiction over their members obky

This is no place to start with the religious superstitious bullshit Emily. Baby jesus isn't going to intervene and take American gun nuts under control.
I'd like to see you leading an entry team.
The statistics are violent third world gangsters are killing violent third world gangsters. What YOU can't deny is that the progressive left is importing these violent gangsters into our country to prey on the innocent. What YOU can't deny is this is a political ploy, and the PEOPLE have figured it out. Which is why millions new gun owners exist. Thanks to YOUR violent attacks on the innocent, the innocent are now arming themselves in huge numbers.

YOU have lost.

You just haven't figured it out yet, because you're stupid.

Westwall my friend, I can't lose, I'm not an American. It's your gun violence problem and so only Americans can lose.

You really do want me to be an evil librul don't you. Fwiw, by American standards, you would be correct.

By Canadian standards and world standards, you would have a hard time convincing any rational person that I'm a leftist. By world standards in the world's leading democracies, Canada is right of center. But let's not get too deep into that when you most likely have long ago lost track of the ideals of the left or the right and what each stand for.

America is simply a fkd up basket case in which Americans are slaughtering each other with their guns. There's no urgency to look for solutions. Establishing the facts is needed first.

I'm stupid? Am I missing something? Do we disagree on something? What is it that you think I haven't figured out yet?

note: This is about when the Trumpers run for cover.
I'm stupid

Am I missing something
Yes. Facts.

What is it that you think I haven't figured out yet?
I'm not an American
Thank God.

leftist stupid.jpg
I'd like to see you leading an entry team.
I don't know what the hell that's supposed to mean but I wouldn't enter that trailor trash slut with an American's equipment.

Trumpism and it's ilk has passed.
The statistics are violent third world gangsters are killing violent third world gangsters. What YOU can't deny is that the progressive left is importing these violent gangsters into our country to prey on the innocent. What YOU can't deny is this is a political ploy, and the PEOPLE have figured it out. Which is why millions new gun owners exist. Thanks to YOUR violent attacks on the innocent, the innocent are now arming themselves in huge numbers.

YOU have lost.

You just haven't figured it out yet, because you're stupid.

Westwall my friend, I can't lose, I'm not an American. It's your gun violence problem and so only Americans can lose.

You really do want me to be an evil librul don't you. Fwiw, by American standards, you would be correct.

By Canadian standards and world standards, you would have a hard time convincing any rational person that I'm a leftist. By world standards in the world's leading democracies, Canada is right of center. But let's not get too deep into that when you most likely have long ago lost track of the ideals of the left or the right and what each stand for.

America is simply a fkd up basket case in which Americans are slaughtering each other with their guns. There's no urgency to look for solutions. Establishing the facts is needed first.

I'm stupid? Am I missing something? Do we disagree on something? What is it that you think I haven't figured out yet?

note: This is about when the Trumpers run for cover.

Yes, you ARE stupid. Once again, you are not my friend. And yes, as a Canadian, you have already lost. Violent crime is on the increase in your country as you import these violent third world gangsters into your country. The same as is happening in Europe. Your idiot trudeau is the worst head of State that Canada has ever had to endure.

America isn't fucked up. Fucked up people, like you, who resort to violence to assuage their deficiencies, ARE the problem.
I'd like to see you leading an entry team.
I don't know what the hell that's supposed to mean but I wouldn't enter that trailor trash slut with an American's equipment.

Trumpism and it's ilk has passed.

Trump was the benefactor of American PATRIOTISM. It isn't Trumpism, it is AMERICANISM. Learn the difference. The progressive lefts attempt to turn this country into yet another third world shithole will fail.
I'm stupid

Am I missing something
Yes. Facts.

What is it that you think I haven't figured out yet?
I'm not an American
Thank God.

View attachment 473141

The Trumpers are running for cover because they have no answers. just as well because that's your sister/wife calling you.

We aren't running, save toward the sound of battle. Moron.
I'm stupid

Am I missing something
Yes. Facts.

What is it that you think I haven't figured out yet?
I'm not an American
Thank God.

View attachment 473141

The Trumpers are running for cover because they have no answers. just as well because that's your sister/wife calling you.
I have an answer, liar. Stop releasing violent criminals and arm yourself so when some wacked out pos starts shooting, kill them. As far as you, and the rest of the faggot Canadians go, get you some knee pads.
The statistics are violent third world gangsters are killing violent third world gangsters. What YOU can't deny is that the progressive left is importing these violent gangsters into our country to prey on the innocent. What YOU can't deny is this is a political ploy, and the PEOPLE have figured it out. Which is why millions new gun owners exist. Thanks to YOUR violent attacks on the innocent, the innocent are now arming themselves in huge numbers.

YOU have lost.

You just haven't figured it out yet, because you're stupid.

Westwall my friend, I can't lose, I'm not an American. It's your gun violence problem and so only Americans can lose.

You really do want me to be an evil librul don't you. Fwiw, by American standards, you would be correct.

By Canadian standards and world standards, you would have a hard time convincing any rational person that I'm a leftist. By world standards in the world's leading democracies, Canada is right of center. But let's not get too deep into that when you most likely have long ago lost track of the ideals of the left or the right and what each stand for.

America is simply a fkd up basket case in which Americans are slaughtering each other with their guns. There's no urgency to look for solutions. Establishing the facts is needed first.

I'm stupid? Am I missing something? Do we disagree on something? What is it that you think I haven't figured out yet?

note: This is about when the Trumpers run for cover.

Yes, you ARE stupid. Once again, you are not my friend. And yes, as a Canadian, you have already lost. Violent crime is on the increase in your country as you import these violent third world gangsters into your country. The same as is happening in Europe. Your idiot trudeau is the worst head of State that Canada has ever had to endure.

America isn't fucked up. Fucked up people, like you, who resort to violence to assuage their deficiencies, ARE the problem.
Violent crime might be on the increase in Canada but it wouldn't be for the reason you suggest.

I'm not saying that I'm not stupid, I'm just asking for your explanation on why. On some questions I may be stupid if they're questions dealing with America. But you've already run for cover and so you won't explain. You've shown you're as smart as any Trumper.

O.k. then America isn't fkd up, it's people in America who are fkd up. (sorry but I'm not in America)

It could only be people LIKE me who resort to violence to assuage, etc., etc.

What do you think I am? Do we disagree on anything? I don't think so!

Maybe you can find something?
The statistics are violent third world gangsters are killing violent third world gangsters. What YOU can't deny is that the progressive left is importing these violent gangsters into our country to prey on the innocent. What YOU can't deny is this is a political ploy, and the PEOPLE have figured it out. Which is why millions new gun owners exist. Thanks to YOUR violent attacks on the innocent, the innocent are now arming themselves in huge numbers.

YOU have lost.

You just haven't figured it out yet, because you're stupid.

Westwall my friend, I can't lose, I'm not an American. It's your gun violence problem and so only Americans can lose.

You really do want me to be an evil librul don't you. Fwiw, by American standards, you would be correct.

By Canadian standards and world standards, you would have a hard time convincing any rational person that I'm a leftist. By world standards in the world's leading democracies, Canada is right of center. But let's not get too deep into that when you most likely have long ago lost track of the ideals of the left or the right and what each stand for.

America is simply a fkd up basket case in which Americans are slaughtering each other with their guns. There's no urgency to look for solutions. Establishing the facts is needed first.

I'm stupid? Am I missing something? Do we disagree on something? What is it that you think I haven't figured out yet?

note: This is about when the Trumpers run for cover.

Yes, you ARE stupid. Once again, you are not my friend. And yes, as a Canadian, you have already lost. Violent crime is on the increase in your country as you import these violent third world gangsters into your country. The same as is happening in Europe. Your idiot trudeau is the worst head of State that Canada has ever had to endure.

America isn't fucked up. Fucked up people, like you, who resort to violence to assuage their deficiencies, ARE the problem.
Violent crime might be on the increase in Canada but it wouldn't be for the reason you suggest.

I'm not saying that I'm not stupid, I'm just asking for your explanation on why. On some questions I may be stupid if they're questions dealing with America. But you've already run for cover and so you won't explain. You've shown you're as smart as any Trumper.

O.k. then America isn't fkd up, it's people in America who are fkd up. (sorry but I'm not in America)

It could only be people LIKE me who resort to violence to assuage, etc., etc.

What do you think I am? Do we disagree on anything? I don't think so!

Maybe you can find something?

Oh? Are the Canadians suddenly becoming more violent? Are you finally going crazy under trudeaus "leadership" so now you can't control yourselves?

One thing is clear, you ain't a Canadian. Your use of the English language, exposes you as the chinses stooge you are.

Fuck off chinese stooge.
The statistics are violent third world gangsters are killing violent third world gangsters. What YOU can't deny is that the progressive left is importing these violent gangsters into our country to prey on the innocent. What YOU can't deny is this is a political ploy, and the PEOPLE have figured it out. Which is why millions new gun owners exist. Thanks to YOUR violent attacks on the innocent, the innocent are now arming themselves in huge numbers.

YOU have lost.

You just haven't figured it out yet, because you're stupid.

Westwall my friend, I can't lose, I'm not an American. It's your gun violence problem and so only Americans can lose.

You really do want me to be an evil librul don't you. Fwiw, by American standards, you would be correct.

By Canadian standards and world standards, you would have a hard time convincing any rational person that I'm a leftist. By world standards in the world's leading democracies, Canada is right of center. But let's not get too deep into that when you most likely have long ago lost track of the ideals of the left or the right and what each stand for.

America is simply a fkd up basket case in which Americans are slaughtering each other with their guns. There's no urgency to look for solutions. Establishing the facts is needed first.

I'm stupid? Am I missing something? Do we disagree on something? What is it that you think I haven't figured out yet?

note: This is about when the Trumpers run for cover.

Yes, you ARE stupid. Once again, you are not my friend. And yes, as a Canadian, you have already lost. Violent crime is on the increase in your country as you import these violent third world gangsters into your country. The same as is happening in Europe. Your idiot trudeau is the worst head of State that Canada has ever had to endure.

America isn't fucked up. Fucked up people, like you, who resort to violence to assuage their deficiencies, ARE the problem.
Violent crime might be on the increase in Canada but it wouldn't be for the reason you suggest.

I'm not saying that I'm not stupid, I'm just asking for your explanation on why. On some questions I may be stupid if they're questions dealing with America. But you've already run for cover and so you won't explain. You've shown you're as smart as any Trumper.

O.k. then America isn't fkd up, it's people in America who are fkd up. (sorry but I'm not in America)

It could only be people LIKE me who resort to violence to assuage, etc., etc.

What do you think I am? Do we disagree on anything? I don't think so!

Maybe you can find something?
I have an answer, liar. Stop releasing violent criminals and arm yourself so when some wacked out pos starts shooting, kill them. As far as you, and the rest of the faggot Canadians go, get you some knee pads.

I have a reply for you. America stopped releasing criminals and thus proved to be the world's worst failure for a justice system. It's resorted to private run prisons for profit and the highest incarceration rate in the world!

Norway releases criminals, has the lowest recidivism rate in the world, and is considered to be the world's leading example for success!

By all means, I agree that Americans need to kill 'them'. (I could care less who 'them' Americans are)

Do you think Canadians are faggots, and if so then why would you think that?

I'm not saying we aren't, I'm just saying that I don't know why an American would think that?

The only explanation that comes to mind is that you're probably a Trumper and you couldn't answer questions so you run for cover.
I have an answer, liar. Stop releasing violent criminals and arm yourself so when some wacked out pos starts shooting, kill them. As far as you, and the rest of the faggot Canadians go, get you some knee pads.

I have a reply for you. America stopped releasing criminals and thus proved to be the world's worst failure for a justice system. It's resorted to private run prisons for profit and the highest incarceration rate in the world!

Norway releases criminals, has the lowest recidivism rate in the world, and is considered to be the world's leading example for success!

By all means, I agree that Americans need to kill 'them'. (I could care less who 'them' Americans are)

Do you think Canadians are faggots, and if so then why would you think that?

I'm not saying we aren't, I'm just saying that I don't know why an American would think that?

The only explanation that comes to mind is that you're probably a Trumper and you couldn't answer questions so you run for cover.
I answered your question chinaman, now you repeat your lies that I have no answer. I told you that the government needs to stop releasing violent scum and they do. When criminals realize they won't be caught and released that will lower violent crime. I don't give a shit how the commies in Norway do anything because I don't live there.
Oh? Are the Canadians suddenly becoming more violent? Are you finally going crazy under trudeaus "leadership" so now you can't control yourselves?

I think you were right when you said that violence is increasing in Canada.

One thing is clear, you ain't a Canadian. Your use of the English language, exposes you as the chinses stooge you are.

Fuck off chinese stooge.

You've run for cover and so you've started the off-topic spamming as your excuse.

Trumpers always run for cover because there's no substance to them.

If you're done with our conversation then I'm good with it too. Your hate and anger has won out with you for now.

You'll be back.

Fwiw, and for you to think about as you stew in your own Trumper juices: The Capitol riot promoted by Trump has brought America's working people together on a mutual grievance against the very wealthy ruling class in America.

That's going to make it very hard for you and others like you to even determine whether the guy fighting beside you is a leftist or a rightist.
I have an answer, liar. Stop releasing violent criminals and arm yourself so when some wacked out pos starts shooting, kill them. As far as you, and the rest of the faggot Canadians go, get you some knee pads.

I have a reply for you. America stopped releasing criminals and thus proved to be the world's worst failure for a justice system. It's resorted to private run prisons for profit and the highest incarceration rate in the world!

Norway releases criminals, has the lowest recidivism rate in the world, and is considered to be the world's leading example for success!

By all means, I agree that Americans need to kill 'them'. (I could care less who 'them' Americans are)

Do you think Canadians are faggots, and if so then why would you think that?

I'm not saying we aren't, I'm just saying that I don't know why an American would think that?

The only explanation that comes to mind is that you're probably a Trumper and you couldn't answer questions so you run for cover.

And had one of the worst mass shootings in history. You dumbass.
I have an answer, liar. Stop releasing violent criminals and arm yourself so when some wacked out pos starts shooting, kill them. As far as you, and the rest of the faggot Canadians go, get you some knee pads.

I have a reply for you. America stopped releasing criminals and thus proved to be the world's worst failure for a justice system. It's resorted to private run prisons for profit and the highest incarceration rate in the world!

Norway releases criminals, has the lowest recidivism rate in the world, and is considered to be the world's leading example for success!

By all means, I agree that Americans need to kill 'them'. (I could care less who 'them' Americans are)

Do you think Canadians are faggots, and if so then why would you think that?

I'm not saying we aren't, I'm just saying that I don't know why an American would think that?

The only explanation that comes to mind is that you're probably a Trumper and you couldn't answer questions so you run for cover.
I answered your question chinaman, now you repeat your lies that I have no answer. I told you that the government needs to stop releasing violent scum and they do. When criminals realize they won't be caught and released that will lower violent crime. I don't give a shit how the commies in Norway do anything because I don't live there.
The fact is, your government needs to release more criminals. They being violent scum would be just your opinion.

Could you be more explicit on 'who' shouldn't be released?
I suspect that would be something on which we can agree!

And then I also suspect that you might agree with me on how Norway is getting it right on releasing more criminals and on their attitude of rehabilitation of criminals.

If only because all Americans are interested mostly in the cheapest solutions, when that can be as successful too.

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