Another active shooter

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....
I was thinking that as those poor forced sex slave workers in Atlanta were murdered. Now this.

Anyone know the Chinese or Venezuelan anthem so I could start practicing? Then I'll know both when we chose.
What you’re seeing in the collapsing of American civilization
Even McDonald’s has a kid stabbed to almost death
You can’t go anywhere
You can go, but ya best be carrying a concealed weapon on ya, and be ready to defend yourself, because the government can't do it. Oh yeah, they will come in to do their press conferences, and report your death along with countless others after the fact, so it is that you want to still be alive instead of the killer after the fact, and not the other way around.

Indeed. I now live in Kansas, a "Constitutional Carry" state. I rarely leave the house when I am not armed. Not because I fear for my (or my families) lives but because it is better to "have it and not need it than to need it and not have it".

I have carried a gun for the better part of my life - being a 25 year veteran of the Army CID. It's nothing new to me.
Do you carry what caliber ??

It depends on the season. Summer I carry a SIG Sauer P365 (9mm) in my jeans with a pocket holster. In the winter I wear a shoulder rig with a P226 (9mm) or a P220 in .45
...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....

Must be a connnssspiiirrraccccyy.

As long as this stuff keeps happening, the gun control people are eventually gonna get their way. But when "common sense" gun control fails to eliminate the problem, the next solution will be even more radical than the last. And so on and so on until all of us are living under a boot. For the greater good, of course.
Here's a question for all of you gun control freaks:

Same guy walks into the same store, same intent to kill, with just his own two hands as weapons. How many people do you think he kills without that gun?

Can't answer me, can you?

With just his hands, I say 1 if he picks someone who is especially vulnerable like a small child or an elderly person. Maybe 2 at most.

Definitely less with his hands than with a gun.

Guy shooting....No law enforcement...Good argument for the 2nd amendment.

Only morons think the answer to mass shootings is more guns. It is like saying the answer to arson is more matches.

Only a real moron would just let himself get shot dead because he didn't have the tools or the balls to protect himself.


  1. A fire set intentionally to arrest the progress of an approaching fire by creating a burned area in its path, thus depriving the fire of fuel.

The myth of the good guy with a gun is just that: a myth. that's not true. We're not going to throw out the baby with the bathwater here. Good people need guns..partly to protect us from bad people..some of whom post here.

Listen, I know many good and responsible gun owners. I am not opposed to gun ownership, but damn, with all these killings, you have to think about making some of these weapons anyway, a little harder to obtain.

They should be hard to obtain by criminals

The only way to make guns hard to get by bad people is to lock bad people away. This asshole threatened to murder a DA, and yet, here he is traipsing around.


Oh, yeah, progressive morons keep letting violent felons out to do their evil deeds so they can further their political agenda.
Here's a question for all of you gun control freaks:

Same guy walks into the same store, same intent to kill, with just his own two hands as weapons. How many people do you think he kills without that gun?

Can't answer me, can you?

With just his hands, I say 1 if he picks someone who is especially vulnerable like a small child or an elderly person. Maybe 2 at most.

Definitely less with his hands than with a gun.

Yes, but think harder.

The hands and the gun are tools that respond to the commands of the user. The gun does nothing, nor do the hands, unless you command them to.

The gun doesn't fire unless he pulls the trigger, and his finger doesn't pull the trigger unless he squeezes it. All of those things require user input.

Without them, the gun is useless.

I am targeting those who say "guns cause murder," when in fact they don't. The desire to kill rests in the man, not the weapon.
Here's a question for all of you gun control freaks:

Same guy walks into the same store, same intent to kill, with just his own two hands as weapons. How many people do you think he kills without that gun?

Can't answer me, can you?

With just his hands, I say 1 if he picks someone who is especially vulnerable like a small child or an elderly person. Maybe 2 at most.

Definitely less with his hands than with a gun.

Yes, but think harder.

The hands and the gun are tools that respond to the commands of the user. The gun does nothing, nor do the hands, unless you command them to.

The gun doesn't fire unless he pulls the trigger, and his finger doesn't pull the trigger unless he squeezes it. All of those things require user input.

Without them, the gun is useless.

I am targeting those who say "guns cause murder," when in fact they don't. The desire to kill rests in the man, not the weapon.

I don’t think anyone is arguing that guns cause murder by themselves. That’s obvious, nobody is saying it, and I don’t see why that even needs to be pointed out.

I thought I was just answering your earlier question.

“ Same guy walks into the same store, same intent to kill, with just his own two hands as weapons. How many people do you think he kills without that gun?”

Answer: more with a gun than with his hands. I’d say 1, but maybe 2 at most.
I don’t think anyone is arguing that guns cause murder by themselves. That’s obvious, nobody is saying it, and I don’t see why that even needs to be pointed out.

Those who are less edified in the concept of "cause and effect" need to hear it. People who insist on using events like this to call for banning guns need to hear it. Guns aren't the problem, people are.
I don’t think anyone is arguing that guns cause murder by themselves. That’s obvious, nobody is saying it, and I don’t see why that even needs to be pointed out.

Those who are less edified in the concept of "cause and effect" need to hear it. People who insist on using events like this to call for banning guns need to hear it. Guns aren't the problem, people are.

To each their own.

I don’t think anyone needs to be informed that guns don’t kill people all by themselves.
This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...
No. Only the attention paid to them died down, because if a rash of other crises.


"The Gun Violence Archive defines mass shootings as a minimum of four victims shot (either fatally or not) excluding any shooter killed or injured in the attack. GVA’s definition of mass shooting includes incidents related to criminal activity, family disputes or gangs."

This is something that seemed to die down during pun intended...but why as soon as we get another democrat president we begin to see mass shooters again? happened under Clinton Obama and the anti 2nd amendment RINO Bush...makes me wonder if all of those stories about CIA mind control are true....
Lets face it...dems want to take guns away and need us to want that too...what better way than to create more random shootings....
NRA needs their blood money.

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