Another Alt Right Hero Goes Full Putin Troll

As usual you have nothing, but your weak ass opinion.
Obama care said YOU MUST OFFER HEALTH CARE TO ALL EMPLOYEES WHO WORK 40. Hours a week! I remember! They used that money to open burger joints across America abs hired a lot of blacks.. but only 30 hours a week
Yea because Republicans have been sooo good to black folks in America. Those same benevolent Republicans who don't want to sign a Voting Rights Bill into law, those same benevolent republicans who don't want police reform, tell me SF what major bill or policy have Republicans passed in the last 50yrs that has done anything for black folks?
Whats the matter SuperbadBreath no ID?
Where is the evidence that the "numbers haven't significantly changed". Just your say so? :heehee:
Online. Look it up, if you're able.
I'm not feeding you fish, I'm teaching you to catch your own, you lazy fuck.
Trump’s administration often brags and presents the 7% Black unemployment rate as if this is good news, but it’s not. In comparison, the nation’s overall unemployment rate is just 3.8%. According to 24/7 Wall St, that means that Black unemployment is 86% above the national average. It is also 112% higher than the rate among white Americans, and 125% above the rate for Asian Americans. This means that overall the unemployment rate for Blacks under Obama’s administration versus the rate under Trump’s administration is about the same.
Why is that? Why, after two hundred years of "help" from the Democratic Party, are blacks still behind recent Asian immigrants in economic success?

Riddle me this: Why have the Democratic Party's top two Affirmative Action hires, President Obama and Vice President Harris, been children of immigrants rather than descendants of slaves?

Since the Democratic Party controls the process now, why is the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority leader a white woman and a white man? Why is the only black man in leadership in the Democratic Senate Cory Booker, who is only about half a shade darker than Bernie Sanders? Or maybe they just whitened up his picture? Why is he only the vice chair of the policy and communications committee, along with Joe Manchin, the most hated Democrat by Democrats? Why are there no black committee chairs?

Across the river in D.C. people vandalized The Russia House and they've temporarily closed for safety concerns. There are reports of this happening elsewhere at other Russia themed business. Some were even owned by Ukranians. I can't approve of anything like that.
How many killed? Injured?

None, you say?

So Candace Owen was just sharting out of her mouth again, when she blew her Russian Lives Matter dog whistle?

When did I claim Democrats are the saviors of black folks? I said in the last 50yrs black folks have done better in all facets of life when a Democrat has been in the WH, if that is false show us where I am in error instead of just arguing about useless bullshit.
record UE for blacks was under republicans.
Oh, no, it's not.
Ooh, victimhood rants from crank websites! You sure showed everyone!

A summary:

All the guys flying swastika flags are part of your party. All the white supremacists are part of your party. Your party is fine with that.

Liberals punch Nazis. You suck Nazi rectums.

Now, how does TheParty tell you to respond to that? And yes, I do understand that with comms to Russia hindered, you'll have trouble accessing new propaganda.
Why would white supremacists listen to a black woman?
Look everyone, Dave has a black friend!

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