Another Alt Right Hero Goes Full Putin Troll

"Russian Lives Matter"?

Those lives are being lost in an attack that's killing women and children and destroying an entire innocent nation
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Would be nice if she cared about the women and children being slaughtered by her buddies
This may be too complex for you to grasp, but the Russian people did not order the attack on Ukraine. And you better hold onto something but, the Russian people are not the ones shooting and bombing the Ukrainian people. Those are Russian SOLDIERS under the orders of Putin.
well we can certainly believe everything we hear from the Biden Administration right. I mean this m an is above reproach, never lied, doesn't lie, abhors lying. You know...when a person has lied in the past especially as many times as this guy, you'd think people would be a little more careful about who and what to believe. wouldn't you. We have been through two and a half years of covid lockdowns and lies and still...some people are ready to just climb on that cattle car when the left waves that little stick with the 'all will be well if ya do as i say' sign on it.
well we can certainly believe everything we hear from the Biden Administration right. I mean this m an is above reproach, never lied, doesn't lie, abhors lying. You know...when a person has lied in the past especially as many times as this guy, you'd think people would be a little more careful about who and what to believe. wouldn't you. We have been through two and a half years of covid lockdowns and lies and still...some people are ready to just climb on that cattle car when the left waves that little stick with the 'all will be well if ya do as i say' sign on it.
Oh just stop.

You drool over every lie Trump told.

Why do you personally hate the Russians? All nations of the earth make war—in one form or another. Did you hate the United States when we invaded Iraq?
Not all nations invade their neighbors and target women and children

WTF is wrong with you?
What's wrong, her skin color does not fit your narrative?
I couldn't give a shit if she was striped.
She was once a democrat and she cannot be trusted. She is an opportunist and picks her subjects very carefully. She also had a close look at AOC seat but the numbers didn't stack up for her.
She is not a dumb person bug at her age to be a party jumper and settling on a now communist supporting party, she is handicapped from the outset.
Would be nice if she cared about the women and children being slaughtered by her buddies
They have to equivocate, spin and attack on Putin's behalf. They know they can't come out say that they want an American version of Putin, so they have to find ways to nibble around the edges. Like this, as a sovereign country is being destroyed, thousands of innocents are being targeted and dying, millions more are suffering.

Ooh, victimhood rants from crank websites! You sure showed everyone!

A summary:

All the guys flying swastika flags are part of your party.

Fucking liar.

In fact that scumbag with a Nazi flag at Charlottesville was PROVEN to be a Soros plant, which you KNOW since I've proven it to you a dozen times, YET you continue to lie.

Such is the nature of you Nazis, not a HINT of honor or integrity in a single one of you.,

All the white supremacists are part of your party. Your party is fine with that.

If only you can implement your final solution for the white people problem, the world will be perfect. We know that whites are the cause of all problems, war, famine, sickness. Once your Reich ends that problem that is Der Juden, the whites, then all problems that have plagued humanity will be gone - Heil Soros.

Liberals punch Nazis. You suck Nazi rectums.

Liberals punch you?

Now, how does TheParty tell you to respond to that? And yes, I do understand that with comms to Russia hindered, you'll have trouble accessing new propaganda.

Look everyone, Dave has a black friend!

We know you don't have any white friends, fucking racist pile of shit that you are.
My revised list of words and phrases that the leftists STILL believe :auiqs.jpg:they can use to silence anyone who disagrees with them..........

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