Another Anti-Drag Lawmaker Caught in Drag Himself

Actually pageants get brought up in these sort of threads quite often with a surprising lack of condemnation for the sexualization of children.i

The two aren't the same because no one is cutting little girls genitals.
Girls are having sex change surgeries also
You defend grooming children by passing the buck to someone else
I have seen only one case of grooming, the perverted sexualisation of small children in pageants, which goes unremarked by those purporting to care about inappropriate sexualisation.
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I have seen only case of grooming, the perverted sexualisation of small children in pageants, which goes unremarked by those purporting to care about inappropriate sexualisation.
You are a little late

Coyote already played that card and it flopped
When a fucked-up mental case demands that I play along with his insane delusions, then yes, it most certainly is my business.

If a creepy male pervert wants to follow my wife into a women's' restroom, dressing room, or whatever, then it sure as Hell is my business.

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If that happens you would be justified. But it doesnt justify your hate for others who dont do that. Its a bit like blaming all muslims for the actions of a few.
Fucked up thinking.
You can feel like anything you want .. you cross the line when you expect everyone to accept your fantasy as reality, demand certain language, have scholarships / sponsorships / professional advancement stolen from your daughters and have them take showers or change with your daughters.

No wonder trans people have higher rates of suicide .. reality reasserts itself and they realize they are their original sex regardless of the facade they've created.
Its more a case of them being hounded by dickheads like you.
People dont want dudes flopping their dicks in front of kids faces. This is not even comparable.
But thats what has you upset, isnt it? That people dont want dicks in their kids faces?
Goddamn freak.
You know I suspect that there are already laws in the US that ban that sort of behaviour . So I suspect you are outraged over a problem that doesnt exist.
Like most far right crazy campaigns.
I have seen only case of grooming, the perverted sexualisation of small children in pageants, which goes unremarked by those purporting to care about inappropriate sexualisation.
As long as it is a female then they'll groom them just like islam does and sell them into marriage at an early age. These conservative assholes one day will do just that once again. We're heading there. They just don't like it when a child plays dress up and happens to do it for fun or that they have the brain of the opposite sex. Now that is a no, no!!!
As long as it is a female then they'll groom them just like islam does and sell them into marriage at an early age. These conservative assholes one day will do just that once again. We're heading there. They just don't like it when a child plays dress up and happens to do it for fun or that they have the brain of the opposite sex. Now that is a no, no!!!
Those kids would be already married in some GOP states.
If that happens you would be justified. But it doesnt justify your hate for others who dont do that. Its a bit like blaming all muslims for the actions of a few.
Fucked up thinking.
Just because there's a few sicko's in every group they justify removing their medical care and right to exist based on it. These people are nazi's.
You know I suspect that there are already laws in the US that ban that sort of behaviour . So I suspect you are outraged over a problem that doesnt exist.
Like most far right crazy campaigns.
It does. There are threads on it. The thing is, you just dont consider it a "problem"
Just because there's a few sicko's in every group they justify removing their medical care and right to exist based on it. These people are nazi's.
Do you ever bore yourself with all that hyperbole you spit? Good gawd.
You can't ban books, silly. This is America. Freedom of Religion is also a fundamental right. Would you ban the Quran too? When does the banning end, and who decides?

Heathen behaviors which harm others is different.

The Bible is full of wisdom. It's the best selling book of all time.

  • Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
  • Thou shalt not kill.
  • Thou shalt not commit adultery.
  • Thou shalt not steal.
  • Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

Some pretty good advice.
You talk from both sides of your mouth.
To treat people in accordance with current standard of medical care for that illness. A decision that is normally between the parents, child and doctor but is now made by the state. TN passed a law allowing the AG to sue parents.

What happened to parental rights? Small government?

Can parents of a child who committed suicide sue the AG for banning treatment? denying
Mutilating genitals is the current standard of medical care? Regardless, it doesn't change everyone else having to accept (both legally and socially) the individuals fantasy.

Who is getting sued today with the elevated rate of trans suicides?
A Texas state congressman who authored a bill restricting drag performances appears to have done drag himself.

The second legislator in a week to be caught for this hypocrisy, first-term Texas state Rep. Nate Schatzline has admitted it was him in videos that surfaced on TikTok and Twitter showing a man in a dress performing skits to the song “Sexy Lady” by Javi Mula.

The second legislator in a week to be caught for this hypocrisy, first-term Texas state Rep. Nate Schatzline has admitted it was him in videos that surfaced on TikTok and Twitter showing a man in a dress performing skits to the song “Sexy Lady” by Javi Mula.

Although Schatzline’s bill argues the mere existence of drag is sexual, his own dalliance with playing dress up was just “a joke,” he said.

Schatzline is the latest Republican caught in the disconnect between their own frivolous drag attempts and their movement to villainize the LGBTQ community as sexual groomers.

Earlier this week, a photo emerged of drag-banning Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee dressed as a woman in high school, something his office waved off as a “lighthearted” school tradition. And earlier this year, embattled liar Rep. George Santos was exposed for his own drag past, which he eventually admitted he “had fun” doing.

I retired over 15 years ago from a major corporation.

I remember a party where various management and engineering personnel dressed up as women.

I didn’t attend that party as I wasn’t ever much for brown nosing events. I tended to keep my personal life and my work life separate. Plus I worked the grave yard shift and was known as the vampire.

I thought that party was odd at that time and still think the same thing today.
They want these kids to kill themselves with the gun instead of seek treatment for their problems. Religious people are evil and very closed off to reality. This is what happens when you don't believe in science and think that you're 2,000 years in the past.

Religious people are probably praying for you this very moment.

I found a convent near me where the sisters pray 24 hours a day and while I was out yesterday, I stopped in and left a donation in your name, asking that they pray for you by name.

Admittedly, it made me feel good and I think I will do the same every time I go to town.


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