Another Black Loser Gets Shot By Police - Jacob Blake Deserved What He Got

Every time there's a shooting on video tape, the guy who got shot refused to stand still when the cops told them to freeze

And for such a hideous crime, summary execution is the proper response! Gotta love Trumpsters puffing out their self-righteous little chests!
For making a move that is dangerous to police. How much bullshit do police have to endure before self defense is available?
How about enough? Enough that they don't end up shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times in front of his children.
Yeah, the thug was an idiot, wasn't he?
Oh, absolutely. Lots of idiots in the world. Should they all be shot in the back seven times?
Not sure, but I trust the police to know what to do so that's why I obey what they tell me whenever I encounter them. Even an idiot should follow that simple rule.

dblack is an emotional Democrat.
And kaz is an avowed white nationalist, a member of the KKK. QAnon said.
Why would kaz be a member of a Democrat legacy group??

Beats me. Deplorables, what are you gonna do?
Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.
All of the riots and looting unchecked are further understood by the criminal element that they can get away with more and more lawbreaking and it’s turning out poorly for the dummies

Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
Only you and your ilk will suffer with that philosophy.

Hardly. There is a news story every day now where a police officer is being held accountable for actions that he would have got a pass in the past.

In the past these two would still be out patrolling today.
Held accountable by whom, the thug relatives of the resisting thug?
"He was reaching for a gun"

What ever happened to the second amendment?

Suddenly, when it's a black man that has a gun the second amendment isn't valid.

The cop's life wasn't threatened until he had the gun in his hand and started pointing it at the cop.

This was MURDER!!!
If a guy is grabbing for a gun, then he is a danger and a threat. The cops then have reasonable to protect themselves or others. Was he reaching for a gun?
He also had this as his cover page on Facebook -- which is what most top level Antifa lieutenants have on their page to show they hate cops...View attachment 379033
Shooting a man in the back has always been considered cowardly.

Making things up is cowardly also. There was no gun in the car,
This isn't the Wild West genius ....

And yet that is what some seem to want. All the same, nothing has changed. Shooting a man in the back is cowardly.

So you should wait until he turns around and puts a few rounds in you?
No such thing as fair in a life or death situation.

With what? One of the kids happy meal toys?

We dont know if there was a gun or not.
But that cop didnt know either....

If you're using that line of reasoning to justify the shooting, then the police would be justified in shooting just about everyone they come in contact with. Run a stop sign? You might have a gun. Jaywalking? You might have a gun.

How stupid...
IF they refused to obey orders when police have detained them, they should be shot...

If we shoot more of these darkies -- maybe the other darkies will know their place...

That is how policing use to work back when this country was great -- we don't shoot darkies enough.....

Trump should campaign on that, but obviously, he shouldn't call them darkies -- because of democrat political correctness...

So, no link to the guy's Facebook page with that Antifa cover photo?

Didn't think so...
He hates police....he also had an open warrant for sexual assault and domestic violence....
View attachment 379043

This guy deserved what he got.....his kids will be better off without him, maybe he has some life insurance money he can leave them when he dies....

But no link to the page where you said he had some Antifa picture.

So you're a liar.

You're no better than the guy who got shot...

Since you want to die on the hill of a domestic violence abusing you go

He's a "soldier"? Seriously? Black Panther, or what?

A woman named Bee Davis wrote on Facebook, “Instead of saying he’s dead … Just continue to pray … HIS NAME IS JACOB BLAKE … Say HIS NAME!!! he’s a soldier and still fighting for his life !!!
Every time there's a shooting on video tape, the guy who got shot refused to stand still when the cops told them to freeze

And for such a hideous crime, summary execution is the proper response! Gotta love Trumpsters puffing out their self-righteous little chests!
For making a move that is dangerous to police. How much bullshit do police have to endure before self defense is available?
How about enough? Enough that they don't end up shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times in front of his children.
Yeah, the thug was an idiot, wasn't he?
Oh, absolutely. Lots of idiots in the world. Should they all be shot in the back seven times?
Not sure, but I trust the police to know what to do so that's why I obey what they tell me whenever I encounter them. Even an idiot should follow that simple rule.

dblack is an emotional Democrat.
And kaz is an avowed white nationalist, a member of the KKK. QAnon said.
Why would kaz be a member of a Democrat legacy group??

Beats me. Deplorables, what are you gonna do?
Deplorable = law enforcement and American values....thank you wacko for the title
Every time there's a shooting on video tape, the guy who got shot refused to stand still when the cops told them to freeze

And for such a hideous crime, summary execution is the proper response! Gotta love Trumpsters puffing out their self-righteous little chests!
For making a move that is dangerous to police. How much bullshit do police have to endure before self defense is available?
How about enough? Enough that they don't end up shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times in front of his children.
Yeah, the thug was an idiot, wasn't he?
Oh, absolutely. Lots of idiots in the world. Should they all be shot in the back seven times?
Not sure, but I trust the police to know what to do so that's why I obey what they tell me whenever I encounter them. Even an idiot should follow that simple rule.

dblack is an emotional Democrat.
And kaz is an avowed white nationalist, a member of the KKK. QAnon said.

You're trying to get blacks killed by telling them not to listen to police.
Another lie. Can't you argue without making shit up?

Bull shit. If he listened to the cops, he'd be alive. If the cops listened to you, they might not be
Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.

Absolutely not. That's why it's so important to weed out the cops who can't do the job without killing unarmed people.
"He was reaching for a gun"

What ever happened to the second amendment?

Suddenly, when it's a black man that has a gun the second amendment isn't valid.

The cop's life wasn't threatened until he had the gun in his hand and started pointing it at the cop.

This was MURDER!!!
If a guy is grabbing for a gun, then he is a danger and a threat. The cops then have reasonable to protect themselves or others. Was he reaching for a gun?
Well its all right there on the 5 seconds of doctored video.....
Every time there's a shooting on video tape, the guy who got shot refused to stand still when the cops told them to freeze

And for such a hideous crime, summary execution is the proper response! Gotta love Trumpsters puffing out their self-righteous little chests!
For making a move that is dangerous to police. How much bullshit do police have to endure before self defense is available?
How about enough? Enough that they don't end up shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times in front of his children.
Yeah, the thug was an idiot, wasn't he?
Oh, absolutely. Lots of idiots in the world. Should they all be shot in the back seven times?
Not sure, but I trust the police to know what to do so that's why I obey what they tell me whenever I encounter them. Even an idiot should follow that simple rule.

dblack is an emotional Democrat.
And kaz is an avowed white nationalist, a member of the KKK. QAnon said.
Why would kaz be a member of a Democrat legacy group??

Beats me. Deplorables, what are you gonna do?

Yes, we have the Deplorables on our side and you're the Smug and Superiors
Every time there's a shooting on video tape, the guy who got shot refused to stand still when the cops told them to freeze

And for such a hideous crime, summary execution is the proper response! Gotta love Trumpsters puffing out their self-righteous little chests!
For making a move that is dangerous to police. How much bullshit do police have to endure before self defense is available?
How about enough? Enough that they don't end up shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times in front of his children.
Yeah, the thug was an idiot, wasn't he?
Oh, absolutely. Lots of idiots in the world. Should they all be shot in the back seven times?
Not sure, but I trust the police to know what to do so that's why I obey what they tell me whenever I encounter them. Even an idiot should follow that simple rule.

dblack is an emotional Democrat.
And kaz is an avowed white nationalist, a member of the KKK. QAnon said.
Why would kaz be a member of a Democrat legacy group??

Beats me. Deplorables, what are you gonna do?
Deplorable = law enforcement and American values....thank you wacko for the title

Ahh... no, that's not the definition I'm using. I'm referring to Trumpsters. Vile little creatures, but dangerous when frightened.
I really have no sympathy for uppity Africans who do as they please.
OBEY or die eh? Deplorables are phascist phucks, every one.
DROP DEAD, Asswipe. It is called AUTHORITY. The Rule of Law. Necessary for any civilized society.

You obey your father. He is authority.

You obey the police office. He is authority.

Your father's authority is absolute.

You decide the correctness of the officer's actions in a court of law.

If you can't live in a civil society, get on the next plane the hell outta here back to Mombasa.

A civil society does not allow those in charge of enforcing laws to violate the civil rights of citizens. In a civil society those who are in charge of enforcing laws are trained to NEVER violate someone's civil rights.

No, you never voluntarily give up your civil rights.
A civil society even the thugs obey the police. Libs are so stupid.

Nobody has to obey just anything a cop demands. They are going to learn that one way or the other.

If you've suffered abuse, you go to court. This retard wasn't abused.
Shooting a man in the back has always been considered cowardly.

Making things up is cowardly also. There was no gun in the car,
You seriously expect the police in that situation to allow him to go into his car? What are you, an idiot?

There are options outside of filling his back full of holes and why shouldn't they have let him leave?
It has been determined in many precedent cases that when police make an “obedience directive” that you are required by law to comply. Soft soap theoretical morality peddling is not an exception.
Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.

Absolutely not. That's why it's so important to weed out the cops who can't do the job without killing unarmed people.

You keep ignoring it, but it's a flash second to grab a gun and shoot a cop dead. You keep ignoring that. And it happens all the time, that is not theoretical.

The guy who was shot made the choices that got him killed. He had the full power to stop it
Every time there's a shooting on video tape, the guy who got shot refused to stand still when the cops told them to freeze

And for such a hideous crime, summary execution is the proper response! Gotta love Trumpsters puffing out their self-righteous little chests!
For making a move that is dangerous to police. How much bullshit do police have to endure before self defense is available?
How about enough? Enough that they don't end up shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times in front of his children.
Yeah, the thug was an idiot, wasn't he?
Oh, absolutely. Lots of idiots in the world. Should they all be shot in the back seven times?
Not sure, but I trust the police to know what to do so that's why I obey what they tell me whenever I encounter them. Even an idiot should follow that simple rule.

dblack is an emotional Democrat.
And kaz is an avowed white nationalist, a member of the KKK. QAnon said.

You're trying to get blacks killed by telling them not to listen to police.
Another lie. Can't you argue without making shit up?

Bull shit. If he listened to the cops, he'd be alive. If the cops listened to you, they might not be

Listen, I know the white nationalists are strokin' it to fantasies of a race war. But it's not gonna fall out like that. It's not going to be racists against minorities. It's going to racists against the rest of us. And you will lose.
Every time there's a shooting on video tape, the guy who got shot refused to stand still when the cops told them to freeze

And for such a hideous crime, summary execution is the proper response! Gotta love Trumpsters puffing out their self-righteous little chests!
For making a move that is dangerous to police. How much bullshit do police have to endure before self defense is available?
How about enough? Enough that they don't end up shooting an unarmed man in the back seven times in front of his children.
Yeah, the thug was an idiot, wasn't he?
Oh, absolutely. Lots of idiots in the world. Should they all be shot in the back seven times?
Not sure, but I trust the police to know what to do so that's why I obey what they tell me whenever I encounter them. Even an idiot should follow that simple rule.

dblack is an emotional Democrat.
And kaz is an avowed white nationalist, a member of the KKK. QAnon said.
Why would kaz be a member of a Democrat legacy group??

Beats me. Deplorables, what are you gonna do?
Deplorable = law enforcement and American values....thank you wacko for the title

Ahh... no, that's not the definition I'm using. I'm referring to Trumpsters. Vile little creatures, but dangerous when frightened.
Yes, yes.....that vile common sense and ability to think for themselves...very dangerous to a mindless lemming
All of the riots and looting unchecked are further understood by the criminal element that they can get away with more and more lawbreaking and it’s turning out poorly for the dummies

Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
Only you and your ilk will suffer with that philosophy.

Hardly. There is a news story every day now where a police officer is being held accountable for actions that he would have got a pass in the past.

In the past these two would still be out patrolling today.
Unarmed whites, latinos, and Asians are killed by the cops all the time, yet we almost never hear about that.

Aren't you the least bit curious to understand why?
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All of the riots and looting unchecked are further understood by the criminal element that they can get away with more and more lawbreaking and it’s turning out poorly for the dummies

Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
Only you and your ilk will suffer with that philosophy.

Hardly. There is a news story every day now where a police officer is being held accountable for actions that he would have got a pass in the past.

In the past these two would still be out patrolling today.
Held accountable by whom, the thug relatives of the resisting thug?

By those firing and arresting them. Sometimes it's just the courts unfortunately still. Defunding the unions will help with that.

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