Another Black Loser Gets Shot By Police - Jacob Blake Deserved What He Got

All of the riots and looting unchecked are further understood by the criminal element that they can get away with more and more lawbreaking and it’s turning out poorly for the dummies

Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
Only you and your ilk will suffer with that philosophy.

Hardly. There is a news story every day now where a police officer is being held accountable for actions that he would have got a pass in the past.

In the past these two would still be out patrolling today.
Unarmed whites, latinos, and Asians are killed by the cops all the time, yet we almost never hear about that.

Aren't you the least bit curious to understand why?
Well whites are 7X the populatoon but 1/5th the shootings by police and top 20 metro police forces are over 50% minorities so who is gunning for whom?
Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.

Absolutely not. That's why it's so important to weed out the cops who can't do the job without killing unarmed people.

You keep ignoring it, but it's a flash second to grab a gun and shoot a cop dead. You keep ignoring that.

Nope. Already answered you. The cops should have never let him open the door to his car. They fucked up. Now their facing attempted murder charges. Which is really, kind of unfair. Clearly their training didn't prepare them for this.

Why shouldn't they have allowed him to open his door?

That question has been answered at least 50 times in this thread. Learning disability?
All of the riots and looting unchecked are further understood by the criminal element that they can get away with more and more lawbreaking and it’s turning out poorly for the dummies

Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
Only you and your ilk will suffer with that philosophy.

Hardly. There is a news story every day now where a police officer is being held accountable for actions that he would have got a pass in the past.

In the past these two would still be out patrolling today.
Unarmed whites, latinos, and Asians are killed by the cops all the time, yet we almost never hear about that.

Aren't you the least bit curious to understand why?

We need to start hearing about it more often and I imagine we will.
No we won't, because the goal is to whip up race animosity.....Always has been the goal.
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Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.

Absolutely not. That's why it's so important to weed out the cops who can't do the job without killing unarmed people.

You keep ignoring it, but it's a flash second to grab a gun and shoot a cop dead. You keep ignoring that.

Nope. Already answered you. The cops should have never let him open the door to his car. They fucked. Now their facing attempted murder charges. Which is really, kind of unfair. Clearly their training didn't prepare them for this.
So they should have shot the thug before he got to the door?

You're getting closer. I was thinking they could have just knocked him down. But I know you're excited about shooting people in the back, so your confusion is understandable.
No no a reverse spinning kick like Chuck Norris, then a judo chop when he grabs his gun to knock it on the ground, followed by a Figure 4 leglock to tap him into submission
  • Funny
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All of the riots and looting unchecked are further understood by the criminal element that they can get away with more and more lawbreaking and it’s turning out poorly for the dummies

Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
Only you and your ilk will suffer with that philosophy.

Hardly. There is a news story every day now where a police officer is being held accountable for actions that he would have got a pass in the past.

In the past these two would still be out patrolling today.
Unarmed whites, latinos, and Asians are killed by the cops all the time, yet we almost never hear about that.

Aren't you the least bit curious to understand why?
Well whites are 7X the populatoon but 1/5th the shootings by police and top 20 metro police forces are over 50% minorities so who is gunning for whom?
Doesn't change the fact that shootings of unarmed people who aren't black gets absolutely zero attention.
Why did the guy appear to be reaching for something in his car rather than simply slipping into the drivers seat?

He wasn't reaching for anything in the car. The cop had a hold of his shirt which dragged him downward.

And if he was reaching for something, then the cop could be the one dead now.

He had it fully in his control to be alive now had he simply complied with the police. If the police acted inappropriately, follow up afterword
All of the riots and looting unchecked are further understood by the criminal element that they can get away with more and more lawbreaking and it’s turning out poorly for the dummies

Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
Only you and your ilk will suffer with that philosophy.

Hardly. There is a news story every day now where a police officer is being held accountable for actions that he would have got a pass in the past.

In the past these two would still be out patrolling today.
Unarmed whites, latinos, and Asians are killed by the cops all the time, yet we almost never hear about that.

Aren't you the least bit curious to understand why?
Well whites are 7X the populatoon but 1/5th the shootings by police and top 20 metro police forces are over 50% minorities so who is gunning for whom?
Doesn't change the fact that shootings of unarmed people who aren't black gets absolutely zero attention.
...and at twice the volume
I really have no sympathy for uppity Africans who do as they please.
OBEY or die eh? Deplorables are phascist phucks, every one.
DROP DEAD, Asswipe. It is called AUTHORITY. The Rule of Law. Necessary for any civilized society.

You obey your father. He is authority.

You obey the police office. He is authority.

Your father's authority is absolute.

You decide the correctness of the officer's actions in a court of law.

If you can't live in a civil society, get on the next plane the hell outta here back to Mombasa.

A civil society does not allow those in charge of enforcing laws to violate the civil rights of citizens.
That is what courts, judges and attorneys are there to decide.

No, you never voluntarily give up your civil rights.
Obeying authority is not giving up anything. Forcing a law officer to shoot you dead for creating a perceived threat to his person when you might have simply been detained, questioned, then let go is just plain stupid beyond all conception.

You go right on thinking you can act outside the law creating a perceived threat to their person and the police will keep shooting you. The cop is not there to die, risk his life or gamble that what you are reaching for is just a pack of gum.

Eventually we will run out of stupid jackholes like you.

You argued to just do what you are told no matter what you are told. No.

We are going to get to the point we are no longer expected to do that. We are going to change the way police officers are trained. They are going to know the line and to not cross it.
Keep dreaming. You really are an idiot.

You know it is happening. You may not be happy about it but it is happening.
All of the riots and looting unchecked are further understood by the criminal element that they can get away with more and more lawbreaking and it’s turning out poorly for the dummies

Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
Only you and your ilk will suffer with that philosophy.

Hardly. There is a news story every day now where a police officer is being held accountable for actions that he would have got a pass in the past.

In the past these two would still be out patrolling today.
Unarmed whites, latinos, and Asians are killed by the cops all the time, yet we almost never hear about that.

Aren't you the least bit curious to understand why?

We need to start hearing about it more often and I imagine we will.
We heard about it......even convicted a cop for doing it....and Black Lives Matter was the most vocal about it...even tho the victim was a white woman...
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and the fun part was, we never got to hear about her past to see if she was worthy of our empathy....

For some reason, when blacks get shot -- there is this need to demonize the person who was shot -- as if their humanity isn't enough...
Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.

Absolutely not. That's why it's so important to weed out the cops who can't do the job without killing unarmed people.

You keep ignoring it, but it's a flash second to grab a gun and shoot a cop dead. You keep ignoring that.

Nope. Already answered you. The cops should have never let him open the door to his car. They fucked up. Now their facing attempted murder charges. Which is really, kind of unfair. Clearly their training didn't prepare them for this.

Why shouldn't they have allowed him to open his door?

Kaz is making excuses for shooting him seven times, in the back, at point blank range, in front of his children. He claims the cops thought he was reaching for a gun.

There's nothing at all wrong with him opening his door, unless he was going for a gun. If that's what the cops were worried bout, they should have never let him open the door. Kaz is just dancing. Anything to defend the home team.
All of the riots and looting unchecked are further understood by the criminal element that they can get away with more and more lawbreaking and it’s turning out poorly for the dummies

Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
Only you and your ilk will suffer with that philosophy.

Hardly. There is a news story every day now where a police officer is being held accountable for actions that he would have got a pass in the past.

In the past these two would still be out patrolling today.
Unarmed whites, latinos, and Asians are killed by the cops all the time, yet we almost never hear about that.

Aren't you the least bit curious to understand why?
Well whites are 7X the populatoon but 1/5th the shootings by police and top 20 metro police forces are over 50% minorities so who is gunning for whom?
Doesn't change the fact that shootings of unarmed people who aren't black gets absolutely zero attention.

Yep. And shooting of blacks get attention no matter how stupid the black who gets shot is. It's about skin color. Period.

George Floyd was murdered. Others were not. But they are all treated the same based only on their black skin
Shooting a man in the back has always been considered cowardly.

Making things up is cowardly also. There was no gun in the car,
You seriously expect the police in that situation to allow him to go into his car? What are you, an idiot?

There are options outside of filling his back full of holes and why shouldn't they have let him leave?
It has been determined in many precedent cases that when police make an “obedience directive” that you are required by law to comply. Soft soap theoretical morality peddling is not an exception.

No it hasn't been. A police officer is never allowed to violate your rights.
He is lawfully authorized to assess the situation and issue such an obedience directive. At that point what you think might be your rights have been vacated
If a court determines the direction was without merit then you will prevail but in the mean time you expose yourself to great lawful peril
You are as always speaking from an emotion standpoint as to what you feel should have happened based on what you feel did happen.
Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.

Absolutely not. That's why it's so important to weed out the cops who can't do the job without killing unarmed people.

You keep ignoring it, but it's a flash second to grab a gun and shoot a cop dead. You keep ignoring that.

Nope. Already answered you. The cops should have never let him open the door to his car. They fucked up. Now their facing attempted murder charges. Which is really, kind of unfair. Clearly their training didn't prepare them for this.

Why shouldn't they have allowed him to open his door?

That question has been answered at least 50 times in this thread. Learning disability?

No it hasn't. There have been a few that made after the fact arguments but I want to know exactly why he wasn't simply allowed to leave? He did nothing illegal.
You keep ignoring it, but it's a flash second to grab a gun and shoot a cop dead. You keep ignoring that.

Nope. Already answered you. The cops should have never let him open the door to his car. They fucked. Now their facing attempted murder charges. Which is really, kind of unfair. Clearly their training didn't prepare them for this.
So they should have shot the thug before he got to the door?

You're getting closer. I was thinking they could have just knocked him down. But I know you're excited about shooting people in the back, so your confusion is understandable.
I've never shot anyone snowflake. I don't cry about dead thugs either.
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You're getting closer. I was thinking they could have just knocked him down. But I know you're excited about shooting people in the back, so your confusion is understandable.
Reports are sketchy, but I think they tasered him to no avail
All of the riots and looting unchecked are further understood by the criminal element that they can get away with more and more lawbreaking and it’s turning out poorly for the dummies

Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
Only you and your ilk will suffer with that philosophy.

Hardly. There is a news story every day now where a police officer is being held accountable for actions that he would have got a pass in the past.

In the past these two would still be out patrolling today.
Unarmed whites, latinos, and Asians are killed by the cops all the time, yet we almost never hear about that.

Aren't you the least bit curious to understand why?

We need to start hearing about it more often and I imagine we will.
No we won't, because the goal is to whip up race animosity.....Always has been the goal.

You can believe what you want. It's not going to stop what is happening.

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