Another Black Loser Gets Shot By Police - Jacob Blake Deserved What He Got

It's a dangerous job.
So is ignoring the cops who have their guns drawn. Its especially dangerous to then open your car door and reach inside, even more so when you have a warrant for your arrest due to a gun charge and you are also presumably holding a knife, which the cops are screaming at you to drop.
Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.

Absolutely not. That's why it's so important to weed out the cops who can't do the job without killing unarmed people.

You keep ignoring it, but it's a flash second to grab a gun and shoot a cop dead. You keep ignoring that.

Nope. Already answered you. The cops should have never let him open the door to his car. They fucked up. Now their facing attempted murder charges. Which is really, kind of unfair. Clearly their training didn't prepare them for this.

Why shouldn't they have allowed him to open his door?

Kaz is making excuses for shooting him seven times, in the back, at point blank range, in front of his children. He claims the cops thought he was reaching for a gun.

There's nothing at all wrong with him opening his door, unless he was going for a gun. If that's what the cops were worried bout, they should have never let him open the door. Kaz is just dancing. Anything to defend the home team.

When you say things like "in front of his children" you show that you're appealing to emotion, not logic.

Why did he defy cops in front of his children? What a terrible example that was

Again, why was he not allowed to get in his car and leave?

Because the police discovered that there was a warrant for his arrest...

When? How? He had no obligation to tell them anything. He had committed no crime.

Yes, he did. There was an open warrant out for his arrest which had absolutely nothing to do with this incident...

He had committed no crime in breaking up a fight. He is free to leave.

That's what the cops had to sort out. Being in the middle of a fight is clearly probable cause

Breaking up a fight is not illegal. The police are not providing any sort of alternative situation. They do when it tends to exonerate them. They don't when it doesn't.

And if the cops did something wrong, then he should follow up later. Not ignore them and put them in a life threatening situation by going into his car where they can't see what's going on

None of the cops lives were threatened.
Not yet and we know that you prefer the requirement to be the criminal draws and fires first before the police can respond
Not yet and we know that you prefer the requirement to be the criminal draws and fires first before the police can respond
Or just a simple rule of engagement that lethal force only be used as a last resort when an actual threat is present and not a perceived or imagined threat. The three officers did nothing to physically restrain or prevent what happened. The had no control of the scene. But maybe that was by design. Innocence by incompetence.

Did you see a longer clip that showed that or did you pull it out of your ass? You can't conclude that from the clip in the OP, insufficient evidence
Did you see a longer clip that showed that or did you pull it out of your ass? You can't conclude that from the clip in the OP, insufficient evidence
Which officer stepped in front of him to prevent him from walking around the car?

At the start of the clip he was walking to the car and the cops were behind him. How the hell would they have stepped in front of him from behind him?

So you admit you did pull it out of your ass, you didn't see more clip than we did which completely doesn't support your bull shit claim
Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.

Absolutely not. That's why it's so important to weed out the cops who can't do the job without killing unarmed people.

You keep ignoring it, but it's a flash second to grab a gun and shoot a cop dead. You keep ignoring that.

Nope. Already answered you. The cops should have never let him open the door to his car. They fucked up. Now their facing attempted murder charges. Which is really, kind of unfair. Clearly their training didn't prepare them for this.

Why shouldn't they have allowed him to open his door?

Kaz is making excuses for shooting him seven times, in the back, at point blank range, in front of his children. He claims the cops thought he was reaching for a gun.

There's nothing at all wrong with him opening his door, unless he was going for a gun. If that's what the cops were worried bout, they should have never let him open the door. Kaz is just dancing. Anything to defend the home team.

When you say things like "in front of his children" you show that you're appealing to emotion, not logic.

Why did he defy cops in front of his children? What a terrible example that was

Again, why was he not allowed to get in his car and leave?

Because the police discovered that there was a warrant for his arrest...

When? How? He had no obligation to tell them anything. He had committed no crime.

Yes, he did. There was an open warrant out for his arrest which had absolutely nothing to do with this incident...

He had committed no crime in breaking up a fight. He is free to leave.

That's what the cops had to sort out. Being in the middle of a fight is clearly probable cause

Breaking up a fight is not illegal. The police are not providing any sort of alternative situation. They do when it tends to exonerate them. They don't when it doesn't.

And if the cops did something wrong, then he should follow up later. Not ignore them and put them in a life threatening situation by going into his car where they can't see what's going on

None of the cops lives were threatened.
Not yet and we know that you prefer the requirement to be the criminal draws and fires first before the police can respond
Not yet and we know that you prefer the requirement to be the criminal draws and fires first before the police can respond
Or just a simple rule of engagement that lethal force only be used as a last resort when an actual threat is present and not a perceived or imagined threat. The three officers did nothing to physically restrain or prevent what happened. The had no control of the scene. But maybe that was by design. Innocence by incompetence.
Watch this video and then tell me if you still believe that. This cop perceived a threat, but waited until a gun was pulled to do anything. Just like in the OP, this man disobeys the orders of the cop to stop and just casually keeps walking. It didnt end well for the cop. This is what happens when you let suspects disobey orders.

Watch this video and then tell me if you still believe that. This cop perceived a threat, but waited until a gun was pulled to do anything. Just like in the OP, this man disobeys the orders of the cop to stop and just casually keeps walking. It didnt end well for the cop. This is what happens when you let suspects disobey orders.
It's a dangerous job. That certainly doesn't mean they drop someone everytime they feel a"threat".
The problem is when they get it wrong. When their perceptions or biases lead them to a wrong conclusion that turns deadly.

Cops should be biased about anyone who doesnt obey their orders at gunpoint. That is a clear indication that they are dealing with a desperate and dangerous individual.

Or not afraid to stand up for their civil rights. We certainly remember Tienanmen Square.

I dont remember that Chinese guy having a warrant for his arrest because a gun charge. Chinese guy also wasnt presumably holding a knife and about to enter a car with children inside of it, despite being ordered at gun point to stop. This guy put his kids in danger because he is a despicable human being.
Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.

Absolutely not. That's why it's so important to weed out the cops who can't do the job without killing unarmed people.

You keep ignoring it, but it's a flash second to grab a gun and shoot a cop dead. You keep ignoring that.

Nope. Already answered you. The cops should have never let him open the door to his car. They fucked up. Now their facing attempted murder charges. Which is really, kind of unfair. Clearly their training didn't prepare them for this.

Why shouldn't they have allowed him to open his door?

Kaz is making excuses for shooting him seven times, in the back, at point blank range, in front of his children. He claims the cops thought he was reaching for a gun.

There's nothing at all wrong with him opening his door, unless he was going for a gun. If that's what the cops were worried bout, they should have never let him open the door. Kaz is just dancing. Anything to defend the home team.

When you say things like "in front of his children" you show that you're appealing to emotion, not logic.

Why did he defy cops in front of his children? What a terrible example that was

Again, why was he not allowed to get in his car and leave?

Because the police discovered that there was a warrant for his arrest...

When? How? He had no obligation to tell them anything. He had committed no crime.

Yes, he did. There was an open warrant out for his arrest which had absolutely nothing to do with this incident...

He had committed no crime in breaking up a fight. He is free to leave.

That's what the cops had to sort out. Being in the middle of a fight is clearly probable cause

Breaking up a fight is not illegal. The police are not providing any sort of alternative situation. They do when it tends to exonerate them. They don't when it doesn't.

And if the cops did something wrong, then he should follow up later. Not ignore them and put them in a life threatening situation by going into his car where they can't see what's going on

None of the cops lives were threatened.
None of the cops lives were threatened.
Threatened only by the worst they imagine about "scary blacks".

Figures that you would find blacks scary. It's about actions, not race, bucko
Figures that you would find blacks scary. It's about actions, not race, bucko
Tell us some more about why he was reaching for an illegal gun. Because that's what "scary blacks" do. Right?

Yes, you've mentioned that blacks scare you. I said it's about actions, race whore.

Race is irrelevant. Whites would be stupid to do what he did and for the same reason. But you're celebrating another scary black getting shot because you're a racist and want free government cheese
Yes, you've mentioned that blacks scare you. I said it's about actions, race whore
I said they scare the likes of you, dope.
Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.

Absolutely not. That's why it's so important to weed out the cops who can't do the job without killing unarmed people.

You keep ignoring it, but it's a flash second to grab a gun and shoot a cop dead. You keep ignoring that.

Nope. Already answered you. The cops should have never let him open the door to his car. They fucked up. Now their facing attempted murder charges. Which is really, kind of unfair. Clearly their training didn't prepare them for this.

Why shouldn't they have allowed him to open his door?

Kaz is making excuses for shooting him seven times, in the back, at point blank range, in front of his children. He claims the cops thought he was reaching for a gun.

There's nothing at all wrong with him opening his door, unless he was going for a gun. If that's what the cops were worried bout, they should have never let him open the door. Kaz is just dancing. Anything to defend the home team.

When you say things like "in front of his children" you show that you're appealing to emotion, not logic.

Why did he defy cops in front of his children? What a terrible example that was

Again, why was he not allowed to get in his car and leave?

Because the police discovered that there was a warrant for his arrest...

When? How? He had no obligation to tell them anything. He had committed no crime.

Yes, he did. There was an open warrant out for his arrest which had absolutely nothing to do with this incident...

He had committed no crime in breaking up a fight. He is free to leave.

That's what the cops had to sort out. Being in the middle of a fight is clearly probable cause

Breaking up a fight is not illegal. The police are not providing any sort of alternative situation. They do when it tends to exonerate them. They don't when it doesn't.

And if the cops did something wrong, then he should follow up later. Not ignore them and put them in a life threatening situation by going into his car where they can't see what's going on

None of the cops lives were threatened.
Not yet and we know that you prefer the requirement to be the criminal draws and fires first before the police can respond
Not yet and we know that you prefer the requirement to be the criminal draws and fires first before the police can respond
Or just a simple rule of engagement that lethal force only be used as a last resort when an actual threat is present and not a perceived or imagined threat. The three officers did nothing to physically restrain or prevent what happened. The had no control of the scene. But maybe that was by design. Innocence by incompetence.
Watch this video and then tell me if you still believe that. This cop perceived a threat, but waited until a gun was pulled to do anything. Just like in the OP, this man disobeys the orders of the cop to stop and just casually keeps walking. It didnt end well for the cop. This is what happens when you let suspects disobey orders.

Watch this video and then tell me if you still believe that. This cop perceived a threat, but waited until a gun was pulled to do anything. Just like in the OP, this man disobeys the orders of the cop to stop and just casually keeps walking. It didnt end well for the cop. This is what happens when you let suspects disobey orders.
It's a dangerous job. That certainly doesn't mean they drop someone everytime they feel a"threat".
The problem is when they get it wrong. When their perceptions or biases lead them to a wrong conclusion that turns deadly.

Cops should be biased about anyone who doesnt obey their orders at gunpoint. That is a clear indication that they are dealing with a desperate and dangerous individual.

Or not afraid to stand up for their civil rights. We certainly remember Tienanmen Square.

Comparing Tienanmen square to a guy in a fight ignoring the cops order to freeze when they pulled up and getting in his car where there could be a gun just may be the dumbest analogy I've ever heard. And with all the mindless Democrats and your stupid ass analogies, that's something
Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.

Absolutely not. That's why it's so important to weed out the cops who can't do the job without killing unarmed people.

You keep ignoring it, but it's a flash second to grab a gun and shoot a cop dead. You keep ignoring that.

Nope. Already answered you. The cops should have never let him open the door to his car. They fucked up. Now their facing attempted murder charges. Which is really, kind of unfair. Clearly their training didn't prepare them for this.

Why shouldn't they have allowed him to open his door?

Kaz is making excuses for shooting him seven times, in the back, at point blank range, in front of his children. He claims the cops thought he was reaching for a gun.

There's nothing at all wrong with him opening his door, unless he was going for a gun. If that's what the cops were worried bout, they should have never let him open the door. Kaz is just dancing. Anything to defend the home team.

When you say things like "in front of his children" you show that you're appealing to emotion, not logic.

Why did he defy cops in front of his children? What a terrible example that was

Again, why was he not allowed to get in his car and leave?

Because the police discovered that there was a warrant for his arrest...

When? How? He had no obligation to tell them anything. He had committed no crime.

Yes, he did. There was an open warrant out for his arrest which had absolutely nothing to do with this incident...

He had committed no crime in breaking up a fight. He is free to leave.

That's what the cops had to sort out. Being in the middle of a fight is clearly probable cause

Breaking up a fight is not illegal. The police are not providing any sort of alternative situation. They do when it tends to exonerate them. They don't when it doesn't.

And if the cops did something wrong, then he should follow up later. Not ignore them and put them in a life threatening situation by going into his car where they can't see what's going on

None of the cops lives were threatened.
None of the cops lives were threatened.
Threatened only by the worst they imagine about "scary blacks".

Figures that you would find blacks scary. It's about actions, not race, bucko
Figures that you would find blacks scary. It's about actions, not race, bucko
Tell us some more about why he was reaching for an illegal gun. Because that's what "scary blacks" do. Right?

Yes, you've mentioned that blacks scare you. I said it's about actions, race whore.

Race is irrelevant. Whites would be stupid to do what he did and for the same reason. But you're celebrating another scary black getting shot because you're a racist and want free government cheese
Yes, you've mentioned that blacks scare you. I said it's about actions, race whore
I said they scare the likes of you, dope.

You said blacks are scary. I heard you the first time. Why does the same guy scare you more if he's black instead of white? Prejudice that blacks are violent?

I'm not afraid of guns. I fully support the 2nd Amendment but for everyone.
Regardless, you seem intellectually incapable of realizing the folly of the fool who disregarded police orders and subsequently got shot for it. Bad things happen to stupid people.

Things are changing. I understand that bothers you.
Not for the better. You are too dumb to realize it, but the impact of having disillusioned cops is going to wreck black communities. There will be great suffering because of it. The criminals will love the lack of police enthusiasm to stop crime, but its going to suck for everyone else.
Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.

Absolutely not. That's why it's so important to weed out the cops who can't do the job without killing unarmed people.

You keep ignoring it, but it's a flash second to grab a gun and shoot a cop dead. You keep ignoring that.

Nope. Already answered you. The cops should have never let him open the door to his car. They fucked up. Now their facing attempted murder charges. Which is really, kind of unfair. Clearly their training didn't prepare them for this.

Why shouldn't they have allowed him to open his door?

Kaz is making excuses for shooting him seven times, in the back, at point blank range, in front of his children. He claims the cops thought he was reaching for a gun.

There's nothing at all wrong with him opening his door, unless he was going for a gun. If that's what the cops were worried bout, they should have never let him open the door. Kaz is just dancing. Anything to defend the home team.

When you say things like "in front of his children" you show that you're appealing to emotion, not logic.

Why did he defy cops in front of his children? What a terrible example that was

Again, why was he not allowed to get in his car and leave?

Because the police discovered that there was a warrant for his arrest...

When? How? He had no obligation to tell them anything. He had committed no crime.

Yes, he did. There was an open warrant out for his arrest which had absolutely nothing to do with this incident...

He had committed no crime in breaking up a fight. He is free to leave.

That's what the cops had to sort out. Being in the middle of a fight is clearly probable cause

Breaking up a fight is not illegal. The police are not providing any sort of alternative situation. They do when it tends to exonerate them. They don't when it doesn't.

And if the cops did something wrong, then he should follow up later. Not ignore them and put them in a life threatening situation by going into his car where they can't see what's going on

None of the cops lives were threatened.
None of the cops lives were threatened.
Threatened only by the worst they imagine about "scary blacks".
Well, that and the knife.

You had Hutch scared at "black." Democrats want race wars so they can manipulate them for their own advantage. They have no souls
You had Hutch scared at "black." Democrats want race wars so they can manipulate them for their own advantage. They have no souls
LOL...nice projection, loser.
It's you dope who are convinced there was a gun.

Projection? You brought race into this. No one projected that. There's a term for someone who makes everything about race that has nothing to do with race. And you admitted you find blacks scary. Maybe you should deal with your own race hatred first
Projection? You brought race into this. No one projected that. There's a term for someone who makes everything about race that has nothing to do with race. And you admitted you find blacks scary. Maybe you should deal with your own race hatred first
That's not what it means at all, dope.
"no big deal. don't worry about it. we'll be fine" - RepubliKKKans

we have to worry, us blacks are under TERRORIST ATTACK by TERRORIST COPS

i am hereby declaring myself an honorary black man

I'm not afraid of guns. I fully support the 2nd Amendment but for everyone.
Regardless, you seem intellectually incapable of realizing the folly of the fool who disregarded police orders and subsequently got shot for it. Bad things happen to stupid people.

Things are changing. I understand that bothers you.
Not for the better. You are too dumb to realize it, but the impact of having disillusioned cops is going to wreck black communities. There will be great suffering because of it. The criminals will love the lack of police enthusiasm to stop crime, but its going to suck for everyone else.

I'm all for it all falling apart unless we can do as we pretend and create a blind justice system. Let it all collapse.

I'm not afraid of guns. I fully support the 2nd Amendment but for everyone.
Regardless, you seem intellectually incapable of realizing the folly of the fool who disregarded police orders and subsequently got shot for it. Bad things happen to stupid people.

Things are changing. I understand that bothers you.
Not for the better. You are too dumb to realize it, but the impact of having disillusioned cops is going to wreck black communities. There will be great suffering because of it. The criminals will love the lack of police enthusiasm to stop crime, but its going to suck for everyone else.

Democrats think a race war will benefit them. It's seriously sick. And they are perfectly willing to cause it. We're talking Democrat cities, Democrat governments, Democrat police contracts and Democrats supporting the looting and rioting they caused and ... it's the Republicans fault. Yeah ...
Cops for years got away with breaking the law. Turn about is fair play.
So you think just because some cops in the past did wrong things it justifies attacking other innocent cops today? You are the epitome of an idiot.

Absolutely not. That's why it's so important to weed out the cops who can't do the job without killing unarmed people.

You keep ignoring it, but it's a flash second to grab a gun and shoot a cop dead. You keep ignoring that.

Nope. Already answered you. The cops should have never let him open the door to his car. They fucked up. Now their facing attempted murder charges. Which is really, kind of unfair. Clearly their training didn't prepare them for this.

Why shouldn't they have allowed him to open his door?

Kaz is making excuses for shooting him seven times, in the back, at point blank range, in front of his children. He claims the cops thought he was reaching for a gun.

There's nothing at all wrong with him opening his door, unless he was going for a gun. If that's what the cops were worried bout, they should have never let him open the door. Kaz is just dancing. Anything to defend the home team.

When you say things like "in front of his children" you show that you're appealing to emotion, not logic.

Why did he defy cops in front of his children? What a terrible example that was

Again, why was he not allowed to get in his car and leave?

Because the police discovered that there was a warrant for his arrest...

When? How? He had no obligation to tell them anything. He had committed no crime.

Yes, he did. There was an open warrant out for his arrest which had absolutely nothing to do with this incident...

He had committed no crime in breaking up a fight. He is free to leave.

That's what the cops had to sort out. Being in the middle of a fight is clearly probable cause

Breaking up a fight is not illegal. The police are not providing any sort of alternative situation. They do when it tends to exonerate them. They don't when it doesn't.

And if the cops did something wrong, then he should follow up later. Not ignore them and put them in a life threatening situation by going into his car where they can't see what's going on

None of the cops lives were threatened.
None of the cops lives were threatened.
Threatened only by the worst they imagine about "scary blacks".
Well, that and the knife.

You had Hutch scared at "black." Democrats want race wars so they can manipulate them for their own advantage. They have no souls
You had Hutch scared at "black." Democrats want race wars so they can manipulate them for their own advantage. They have no souls
LOL...nice projection, loser.
It's you dope who are convinced there was a gun.

Projection? You brought race into this. No one projected that. There's a term for someone who makes everything about race that has nothing to do with race. And you admitted you find blacks scary. Maybe you should deal with your own race hatred first
Projection? You brought race into this. No one projected that. There's a term for someone who makes everything about race that has nothing to do with race. And you admitted you find blacks scary. Maybe you should deal with your own race hatred first
That's not what it means at all, dope.

Then what did you mean by that you think blacks are scary? It seems to speak for itself. Sounds like prejudice to me
I'm all for it all falling apart unless we can do as we pretend and create a blind justice system. Let it all collapse.
It wont ALL collapse; just the black communities. The cops will respond like normal in white neighborhoods. No one cares when white criminals get blown away, myself included. Cops will be free to shoot violent scumbags in our neighborhoods. Our neighborhoods will be safe.

I'm not afraid of guns. I fully support the 2nd Amendment but for everyone.
Regardless, you seem intellectually incapable of realizing the folly of the fool who disregarded police orders and subsequently got shot for it. Bad things happen to stupid people.

Things are changing. I understand that bothers you.
Not for the better. You are too dumb to realize it, but the impact of having disillusioned cops is going to wreck black communities. There will be great suffering because of it. The criminals will love the lack of police enthusiasm to stop crime, but its going to suck for everyone else.

I'm all for it all falling apart unless we can do as we pretend and create a blind justice system. Let it all collapse.
It wont ALL collapse; just the black communities. The cops will respond like normal in white neighborhoods. No one cares when white criminals get blown away, myself included. Cops will be free to shoot violent scumbags in our neighborhoods. Our neighborhoods will be safe.

Keep telling yourself that.

I'm not afraid of guns. I fully support the 2nd Amendment but for everyone.
Regardless, you seem intellectually incapable of realizing the folly of the fool who disregarded police orders and subsequently got shot for it. Bad things happen to stupid people.

Things are changing. I understand that bothers you.
Not for the better. You are too dumb to realize it, but the impact of having disillusioned cops is going to wreck black communities. There will be great suffering because of it. The criminals will love the lack of police enthusiasm to stop crime, but its going to suck for everyone else.

I'm all for it all falling apart unless we can do as we pretend and create a blind justice system. Let it all collapse.
It wont ALL collapse; just the black communities. The cops will respond like normal in white neighborhoods. No one cares when white criminals get blown away, myself included. Cops will be free to shoot violent scumbags in our neighborhoods. Our neighborhoods will be safe.

Keep telling yourself that.
I have seen zero evidence to prove me wrong as of yet.

I'm not afraid of guns. I fully support the 2nd Amendment but for everyone.
Regardless, you seem intellectually incapable of realizing the folly of the fool who disregarded police orders and subsequently got shot for it. Bad things happen to stupid people.

Things are changing. I understand that bothers you.
Not for the better. You are too dumb to realize it, but the impact of having disillusioned cops is going to wreck black communities. There will be great suffering because of it. The criminals will love the lack of police enthusiasm to stop crime, but its going to suck for everyone else.

I'm all for it all falling apart unless we can do as we pretend and create a blind justice system. Let it all collapse.
It wont ALL collapse; just the black communities. The cops will respond like normal in white neighborhoods. No one cares when white criminals get blown away, myself included. Cops will be free to shoot violent scumbags in our neighborhoods. Our neighborhoods will be safe.

It's a lame Democrat tactic.

1) Set up an unattainable ideal

2) Use that to get what they wanted anyway.

A rational person would advocate fixing the system when mistakes happen. Like putting the cop who murdered George Floyd in prison.

What pknopp does is set up the ideal and impossible standard that he will support the criminal justice system when it's perfect, which will never happen. Then he gets to support causing a race war, which is what he wanted anyway

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