Another Black shot in the head and murdered this weekend in St. Louis

Was he shot by a white cop?
Perfect response to illustrate that black lives DON'T matter to the people claiming they do
Youre a fucking retard if you think Black Lives Matter is addressing all causes of Black people dying. Educate yourself so you wont look so stupid.
What about my post triggered you? Use your words.
Did you not understand what this means ? "^^"

It means you are triggered, little man from Oakland.
What made you think I was triggered? Wishful thinking?
Intuition. Jews are smart like that. You were typing so quickly (cause you're triggered) that you forgot the ' in you're. LMAO....and you swore like a little kid.

Do I need to remind you that I am better and smarter than you? Why? Cause I am Jewish. We run the world.
Intuition? You mean you're desperately hoping fake Hebrew. Nothing about you clowns can trigger me. It be like that when youre a Black man aware of your history and power.
Dude, I have consistently and continuously triggered you. Hell, you challenged me to come to Oakland and fight you. Assfaceias I broke IM2 and numerous others. I can easily break you but its fun watching you spout nonsense. Only 15mil Jews but we own most of the wealth in the world. How do you explain that? Hmmmm.....could it be we are smarter than you? Started with the the Canaanites, when David conquered them and rather easily. My ancestors crushed yours, little man from Oakland.
Jews are the most persecuted people in history, yet they continue to prosper.

The key here is that they don't believe in raising children in single parent homes.
Nor do we kill one another. We actually have a very strong community that helps one another.
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
I dont have to try again. You just need to get an education. A single parent household doesnt mean the father isnt in the childs life. It just means he doesnt live in the home...."officially"

A father may be in the child's life?


Groups like BLM want to destroy the traditional family unit, which the black community has done.

How is that working for ya?

" Groups like BLM want to destroy the traditional family unit "

Who told you that I why were you so gullible you believed it?
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
Hold on, I still want him to explain to me where on the BLM site it says that black on black crime doesn't matter.
Why do you want me to explain that? Of course Black on Black crime matters. The point is that BLM is not focused on that. They are focused on cops and vigilantes. Are you really this retarded or is someone paying you to look stupid?
OK but where does it say vigilantes have to be white? I cannot find that anywhere. Please source that.

What organization is focused on black on black crime, which is a lot more prevalent? You seem to be the expert on this.
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
Hold on, I still want him to explain to me where on the BLM site it says that black on black crime doesn't matter.
Why do you want me to explain that? Of course Black on Black crime matters. The point is that BLM is not focused on that. They are focused on cops and vigilantes. Are you really this retarded or is someone paying you to look stupid?
OK but where does it say vigilantes have to be white? I cannot find that anywhere. Please source that.

What organization is focused on black on black crime, which is a lot more prevalent? You seem to be the expert on this.
I already explained what they mean by vigilante. Its not my fault you cant comprehend that.

Google is your friend. There are thousands of them. Hell I have worked with several myself here just in Oakland.
This thread is a fantastic example of Trumpbots asserting a false equivalency:


Police being murdered by criminals is not the equivalent of Police murdering citizens.

The criminals that murder police are arrested, tried and sentenced according to the law.

Police that murder citizens are not being arrested, tried and sentenced according to the law. They are usually allowed to get away with it.

That is what BLM is all about.
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
I dont have to try again. You just need to get an education. A single parent household doesnt mean the father isnt in the childs life. It just means he doesnt live in the home...."officially"

A father may be in the child's life?


Groups like BLM want to destroy the traditional family unit, which the black community has done.

How is that working for ya?

" Groups like BLM want to destroy the traditional family unit "

Who told you that I why were you so gullible you believed it?
Was that English?

Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
I dont have to try again. You just need to get an education. A single parent household doesnt mean the father isnt in the childs life. It just means he doesnt live in the home...."officially"

A father may be in the child's life?


Groups like BLM want to destroy the traditional family unit, which the black community has done.

How is that working for ya?

" Groups like BLM want to destroy the traditional family unit "

Who told you that I why were you so gullible you believed it?
From the BLM website.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
Hold on, I still want him to explain to me where on the BLM site it says that black on black crime doesn't matter.
Why do you want me to explain that? Of course Black on Black crime matters. The point is that BLM is not focused on that. They are focused on cops and vigilantes. Are you really this retarded or is someone paying you to look stupid?
OK but where does it say vigilantes have to be white? I cannot find that anywhere. Please source that.

What organization is focused on black on black crime, which is a lot more prevalent? You seem to be the expert on this.
I already explained what they mean by vigilante. Its not my fault you cant comprehend that.

Google is your friend. There are thousands of them. Hell I have worked with several myself here just in Oakland.
No no gave your opinion and I gave mine. Our opinions are equal. Then you can easily name one. Thanks. And "Google is your friend" is my line. You're welcome. Stole that one eh?
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
When did Pol Pot kill people in Chicago?
Over 40 people shot in Chicago this past weekend, 6 or 7 killed.
And the killer was Pol Pot?
This is why you ignorant cocksuckers are gonna get creamed on November 3rd.
Can you guys imagine to what level of Beta male Alepias must be??
A black man, and he supports #BLM the organization... what a cuckhold. That or wishes he was a woman.
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
I dont have to try again. You just need to get an education. A single parent household doesnt mean the father isnt in the childs life. It just means he doesnt live in the home...."officially"

A father may be in the child's life?


Groups like BLM want to destroy the traditional family unit, which the black community has done.

How is that working for ya?

" Groups like BLM want to destroy the traditional family unit "

Who told you that I why were you so gullible you believed it?
Was that English?

Was it Spanish? Theres nothing in the link that says BLM is trying to destroy the Black family.
Can you guys imagine to what level of Beta male Alepias must be??
A black man, and he supports #BLM the organization... what a cuckhold. That or wishes he was a woman.

Assfaceias actually amuses me with his deranged line of thinking. I'd definitely buy him a beer but he would not have one with me. He hate Jews. Sadly.
Was he shot by a white cop?
So only black lives matter if whites murder them?

This explains how the Left ignores the killing fields of Pol Pot in places like Chicago.
Black Lives Matters deals specifically with the issue of Blacks being killed, beaten, or harrassed by cops or white vigilantes. Educate yourself.
under that criteria the black race will be extinct within the yr,,,
That would never happen. We are 2 Billion strong. Besides if we went extinct the human race would go extinct as well.
at the rate youre killing each other that number is dropping quickly,,,
More Black people are born every year than killed. Sorry but we arent going anywhere.
yep,, a lot of bastard children to single mothers are being born to continue the cycle of blacks killing blacks,,,
Pass all the laws you want, put out of work all the police officers you want, but the fatherless situation in the black community will prevent them from ever improving their situation in life.

But they will continue to convince us that they are powerless and mindless and need free money and things to survive cuz they can't do anything for themselves.
Who told you we were powerless and why did you believe them? Once we get the cops off our asses just for being Black you will see that fatherless rate go way down. If you note Black fathers are the best in the world when they arent imprisoned.
So the police are preventing blacks from being fathers?

Do tell.
Kinda hard to be a good father in prison dont you think? Cops are just the first leg of the legal system.
72% of black children grow up without a father

Meanwhile, only about 15% of black men are behind bars

Try again.
I dont have to try again. You just need to get an education. A single parent household doesnt mean the father isnt in the childs life. It just means he doesnt live in the home...."officially"

A father may be in the child's life?


Groups like BLM want to destroy the traditional family unit, which the black community has done.

How is that working for ya?

" Groups like BLM want to destroy the traditional family unit "

Who told you that I why were you so gullible you believed it?
From the BLM website.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable
The Western prescribed nuclear family structure is not the traditional family unit. Try again.

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