...Another book ---a Rudy G. story ......The Hill......


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
The Hill this morning offered a short piece on a couple of alleged incidents involving Rudy G. on election night.
If true, it offers an insight into the mindset of irresponsibility and dishonesty that percolated amongst ....well, at least with Rudy G.

"Just say we won,' Giuliani told Trump aides on election night: book"

"Former President Trump’s ex-lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, advised campaign aides on election night last November to “just say we won” as the vote counts were still coming in and the results of the election were widely unknown, according to a new book.

Giuliani huddled with Trump’s campaign manager Bill Stepien, chief of staff Mark Meadows and White House adviser Stephen Miller at the White House to discuss the incoming vote tallies, Washington Post journalists Carol Leonning and Phillip Rucker report in “I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year.”
“What’s happening in Michigan?” Giuliani asked, according to the book.

The trio of Stepien, Meadows and Miller reportedly informed him that the votes were still being counted and it was too early to tell. Giuliani then informed the men of his strategy, Leonning and Rucker write.
“Just say we won,” Giuliani told them, according to the book.

When discussing Pennsylvania, the authors write, Giuliani floated the same idea: “Just say we won Pennsylvania.”


There's more notable stuff in The Hill's piece


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