Another Christian Victim Movie


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Ah, more Christian victimhood… so predictable. Growing up in a fundamentalist church setting means that you see a lot of propaganda; straw men are set up to be toppled over in the most unlikely scenarios invented to set up a moral superiority lesson. All of it to promote a sinner versus saved ideology. :uhoh3: :cuckoo:

Another Christian Victim Movie |
Ah, more Christian victimhood… so predictable. Growing up in a fundamentalist church setting means that you see a lot of propaganda; straw men are set up to be toppled over in the most unlikely scenarios invented to set up a moral superiority lesson. All of it to promote a sinner versus saved ideology. :uhoh3: :cuckoo:

Another Christian Victim Movie |

You and I are cut from a similar cloth. I often enjoy your posts, while finding some of them unnecessarily harsh. But in the main, we are on the same page.
With that said, this thread should be ignored as the "reviewer" doesn't have the time, inclination or integrity to see the film before passing judgment.
Don't get me wrong. I have no doubt that his suppositions will prove accurate. I am quite certain that they will.
But his laziness will undermine his efforts and simply leave himself open as a target of deserved ridicule.
You are better than this one.

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