Another Day, Another Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid

From the article:

As the pandemic swelled, Jackson was vocal against precautions that can be taken to prevent the virus, including mask-wearing.

'Just because we don't wear a mask doesn't mean we lack common courtesy or don't respect you,' she wrote. 'We simply believe your fear is your issue.'

View attachment 582418

Hang on Sloopy caught in another lie. What a piece of shit.

A family friend of mine...their family was doing the exact same thing with anti-mask and antivax...the husband died and his wife doesn't have a career. The three kids now have no father.

I have sympathy for the kids...not much else. Their parents played a game and lost. They didn't do anything except catch Covid and die. Nothing else except die as an example of stupidity. Anything else he wanted to be remembered for is erased by his final act of self absorption.
I'm really amazed, shocked really, that a minority of Americans - assuming you are one - continue to spew fear mongering of vaccinations. It goes beyond stupid, it is that and it is evil.
If you have risk factors, you're foolish not to get the vaccine.

I think forcing the vaccine that's not really a vaccine upon people knowing it will kill a % is evil.
There are masses of them biting the dust, and IMO 99% of them are Trump Cult disciples. So, good riddance to them. But they are carriers, Typhoid Mary's, and are therefore a major danger to the rest of us. I would love to see them forced to wear an identifying emblem as the Jews had to in Hitler's Germany.
You are why we have guns. You knock on our door you get a bullet in the head.
Another BIG LIE and Conspiracy Story by a Trumpanzee. Short, concise and clear example of someone who believes in trump no matter how many lies trump has promulgated.

Oh, how cute. Another person making assumptions. I have never supported Trump and I never will, and I don;t believe anything that spews from his fat face or his fat little fingers. I believe him to be a buffoon, a snake oil salesman, and a liar to nth degree.

Furthermore, I believe people should get vaccinated, I am... boosted as well. But, at the same time, I do not believe it should be mandated. And I do not believe that people who choose not to be vaccinated should be rounded up and segregated as suggested by john doe 101.

You got anything else? Or are you done making an ass of yourself with baseless assumptions?
If you have risk factors, you're foolish not to get the vaccine.

I think forcing the vaccine that's not really a vaccine upon people knowing it will kill a % is evil.
What evidence has yet to be made that the vaccination has caused a death? Since you seem to know a percentage of those who are vaccinated die from the injection, please post the number of persons vaccinated whose death certificate made the cause.
Oh, how cute. Another person making assumptions. I have never supported Trump and I never will, and I don;t believe anything that spews from his fat face or his fat little fingers. I believe him to be a buffoon, a snake oil salesman, and a liar to nth degree.

Furthermore, I believe people should get vaccinated, I am... boosted as well. But, at the same time, I do not believe it should be mandated. And I do not believe that people who choose not to be vaccinated should be rounded up and segregated as suggested by john doe 101.

You got anything else? Or are you done making an ass of yourself with baseless assumptions?
I see, you are a libertarian and that is almost as dumb as being a Trumpanzee.
Oh, how cute. Another person making assumptions. I have never supported Trump and I never will, and I don;t believe anything that spews from his fat face or his fat little fingers. I believe him to be a buffoon, a snake oil salesman, and a liar to nth degree.

Furthermore, I believe people should get vaccinated, I am... boosted as well. But, at the same time, I do not believe it should be mandated. And I do not believe that people who choose not to be vaccinated should be rounded up and segregated as suggested by john doe 101.

You got anything else? Or are you done making an ass of yourself with baseless assumptions?
My inferences are made by your posts. If I made a booboo I'm sorry. See my post above and if that is correct.
Not a Libertarian. Sorry, but thanks for playing.

It just galls you that there are people in the world who don't agree with everything you believe, doesn't it...

Fascists don't like independant thought.
I know a girl from High School (that I hadn't seen since we were teenagers) and she and her husband, both unvaxxed, both died this year right before Thanksgiving of Covid. So I'm looking at comments on her Facebook page and notice her son, who is wearing a Trump hat and floating in a pool in his profile pic.

I look at his profile and his newsfeed is full of stories he posted about anti-vaccine theories and other rightwing misinformation, and some of these stories were posted after his mother and father died of Covid.

The Stoopid in this country is off the charts. Just read the comments of the Trump Cult on this forum for all the evidence you need.
This is a 29 year old woman with three kids. Sad.

No mention of underlying illness. She obviously had other health issues.
Nothing suggested she’s an ‘anti-vaxxer’, only that she opposed the covid shot.
What really sucks is that she had and leaves three kids fatherless and likely headed for deviant lives and poverty. Very democrat of her. You endorse that shit.
I know a girl from High School (that I hadn't seen since we were teenagers) and she and her husband, both unvaxxed, both died this year right before Thanksgiving of Covid. So I'm looking at comments on her Facebook page and notice her son, who is wearing a Trump hat and floating in a pool in his profile pic.

I look at his profile and his newsfeed is full of stories he posted about anti-vaccine theories and other rightwing misinformation, and some of these stories were posted after his mother and father died of Covid.

The Stoopid in this country is off the charts. Just read the comments of the Trump Cult on this forum for all the evidence you need.
It sure is, and you are the proof. You are the cult member here. Covid is like a religion to you idiots.

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