Another Day, Another Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid

Makes no sense. Everyone's health history is private.
People’s health data can be abstracted and aggregated as long as private identifying information has been stripped. Additionally, people who seek healthcare at major academic institutions usually sign off on their data being used for research purposes.

It’s done all the time for the benefit of society.
80 thousand seriously injured from vaccines in Australie in just a few months.
Deaths are classified.
I don’t think a sore arm classifies as a serious injury. Deaths are not classified. It was 9 reports in Australia.

After tens of millions of doses.
That leaves out an anarchist or a curmudgeon. You sure are not a Democrat or a Green. Of course everything posted on the Internet, and in particular Social Media, the truth isn't in the words of posters.

All I can tell you is, I have no reason to lie. I couldn't care less what a group of Internet strangers think of me. I've got all the friends I need.

Over the years, I have voted for candidates from just about every party found on a ballot. I hold beliefs both liberal and conservative, but mostly run to moderation and pragmatism. I am sick of the bullshit I see coming from members of both the major parties, their supporters as well as those they elect. I was once a registered Republican, but never voted the party line. I have for a couple of decades now held no party affiliation. I vote my conscience and sleep just fine.
I've seen the raw data from the mRNA testing. (De-identified).
There's no way to fake that. Not with the rewards for whistleblowers and over two dozen different companies with hundreds of employees each all looking to collect the money.

But a politically slanted publication with a bias and outcome desired....that you believe?

And yet you claim superior intellect?

bud. we're all seeing evidence of something going on that is not kosher. The pronouncements made and changed and changed again and then changed again and again. Never stopping. We were told the vaxx would stop it. It didn't. It's even causing worse things. They said the vaxx wouldn't get the infection, they are. they said the vaxxed could get it but not die. they are. The false treatments are as deadly as the infection. no telling the actual number of dead FROM as opposed to WITH covid.

Some eyes are shut. In early seventies the gov't tried to pull this shit.... Americans told them to F off. A lot has changed in those 60 years. not for the better. Some people are intent on becoming useful slaves. never stops. LOLOL

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This is a 29 year old woman with three kids. Sad.

Yeah, I can feel your sadness you soulless ghoul

I've seen the raw data from the mRNA testing. (De-identified).
There's no way to fake that. Not with the rewards for whistleblowers and over two dozen different companies with hundreds of employees each all looking to collect the money.

But a politically slanted publication with a bias and outcome desired....that you believe?

And yet you claim superior intellect?

Yes I have a superior intellect. All who have refused the leaky phony vaccines are far more intelligent than you. Dumb serfs get vaxxed.
If you get the vaccine and die within 14 days you are classified as an unvaxxed death.
Despite her earlier reluctance, was she finally coerced or cajoled into taking the vax?
We will never know.
How is it that so many are vaxxed and the infections...not hospitalizations necessarily are going up...AND The adverse reactions TO the vaxx.

Honestly Folks. WAKE THE BLERG UP!!

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