Another Day, Another Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid

A family friend of mine...their family was doing the exact same thing with anti-mask and antivax...the husband died and his wife doesn't have a career. The three kids now have no father.

I have sympathy for the kids...not much else. Their parents played a game and lost. They didn't do anything except catch Covid and die. Nothing else except die as an example of stupidity. Anything else he wanted to be remembered for is erased by his final act of self absorption.
Cool story, bro. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You write well. Ever thought of trying some nonfiction?
I know a girl from High School (that I hadn't seen since we were teenagers) and she and her husband, both unvaxxed, both died this year right before Thanksgiving of Covid. So I'm looking at comments on her Facebook page and notice her son, who is wearing a Trump hat and floating in a pool in his profile pic.

I look at his profile and his newsfeed is full of stories he posted about anti-vaccine theories and other rightwing misinformation, and some of these stories were posted after his mother and father died of Covid.

The Stoopid in this country is off the charts. Just read the comments of the Trump Cult on this forum for all the evidence you need.
Yeah, right. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
What evidence has yet to be made that the vaccination has caused a death? Since you seem to know a percentage of those who are vaccinated die from the injection, please post the number of persons vaccinated whose death certificate made the cause.
Just as soon as you start identifying the "800,000".
I have never heard of the woman so I don't know if i believe the original story. However, low down in the article it says she was in hospital. so. she was killed by the treatmet. They withheld what would have saved her and no doubt put her on the deadly ventilator. you know...they KNOW the ventilator does not work and they continue to use it. I guess that 35,000 is just too good to pass up isn't it. You gloat over these stories, who knows if they are don't, and you ignore those that passed away shortly after receiving the clot shots or boosters. Just lately two NYT editors and likely Betty white and a few others.
I know a girl from High School (that I hadn't seen since we were teenagers) and she and her husband, both unvaxxed, both died this year right before Thanksgiving of Covid. So I'm looking at comments on her Facebook page and notice her son, who is wearing a Trump hat and floating in a pool in his profile pic.

I look at his profile and his newsfeed is full of stories he posted about anti-vaccine theories and other rightwing misinformation, and some of these stories were posted after his mother and father died of Covid.

The Stoopid in this country is off the charts. Just read the comments of the Trump Cult on this forum for all the evidence you need.
You’ve been given all sorts of evidence proving the vaccines are ineffective and dangerous, and you’ve ignored it all.

Now who is Stoopid?
i can find bridget jacksons in other cities and states but no bridget jackson in port huron michigan. I think this story was fed to the daily mail by some vaxx nazi pushin' media outlet here in the states.
You’ve been given all sorts of evidence proving the vaccines are ineffective and dangerous, and you’ve ignored it all.

Now who is Stoopid?

I've seen the raw data from the mRNA testing. (De-identified).
There's no way to fake that. Not with the rewards for whistleblowers and over two dozen different companies with hundreds of employees each all looking to collect the money.

But a politically slanted publication with a bias and outcome desired....that you believe?

And yet you claim superior intellect?

Not a Libertarian. Sorry, but thanks for playing.

It just galls you that there are people in the world who don't agree with everything you believe, doesn't it...
That leaves out an anarchist or a curmudgeon. You sure are not a Democrat or a Green. Of course everything posted on the Internet, and in particular Social Media, the truth isn't in the words of posters.

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