Another Day, Another Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid

A 72 hour psych old is for evaluation purposes. It's obvious you're delusional. Maybe you're also schizophrenic. That's why you need to be evaluated. For the sake of society.

How very nazi of you.
If the vaxx is so awesome, why are Democrats trying to seal info about it for 55 years?

If the vaccine was good for Americans, Democrats would oppose its use. It's really that simple.
I don’t believe the vaccines are a political issue. Many cons and Rs happily get jabbed. Many libs and Ds refuse it. Large numbers of minorities, D voters generally, have refused the jab.
I don’t believe the vaccines are a political issue. Many cons and Rs happily get jabbed. Many libs and Ds refuse it. Large numbers of minorities, D voters generally, have refused the jab.
The cover up is though. Do you support hiding information about the vaxx from the public for 50+ years?
Morbidly obese. People like that die young all of the time.


Also there is nothing in the article that verifies she wasn't vaxed. She probably was depending on her employer.
When your lungs are encased in Crisco, Covid is a bad thing

Well she's a democrap and obese
Then who is supporting the vaxx info censorship?

You do know over 70% of Democrats are tools who trust mainstream media. If the tv tells them censorship is good, 70% of them believe it.
I don’t believe they believe censorship is good.

You wingers like to demonize each other. It’s not productive. It’s divisive and exactly what the oligarchy wants us to do.

Big Pharma owns both parties. They are both controlled by the same big corporations and billionaires.
Well, there's another onus that you don't get to put on me. Polio vaccines were back in the 50's and 60 when I was a child and would not have had a choice.

0 for 2. Wanna try again, tattling baby?
I did some research on this.
The only mention on Facebook about this woman is a story that originated from the UK.....yet I found out that this woman lives in KY...not far from me.

Here's the pic the story supplies:


But here is the pic of Bridget Jackson from her sister's Facebook page...(Does this look like the same person? Not hardly):

This ideology is what caused her death.

You're right, but for the wrong ideology. The ideology which killed her is the Big Government Statist Prog religion which has denied early treatments for Covid in order to push experimental mRNA treatments which have caused thousands of deaths, miscarriages and severe health problems.

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