Another Day, Another Anti-Vaxxer Dies of Covid

This ideology is what caused her death.
It will continue to cause more deaths. Not everyone fears Death. Personally, I keep some very nice, high quality food on hand for Death’s arrival. He knows we have an open door policy for Him.
Anti-vaxxers have no place in a civilized society.
Have you ever thought that maybe we don’t want to be part of your world, but you folks continually reach out and try to drag us into it? For our own good, of course. At least according to you folks.
Thrilled? No. Unsurprised? Yes.
No, thrilled. Your mortal enemies are killings themselves off. That should have you doing cartwheels like a schoolgirl.
2022, the year of the Ghoul.
Maybe, a possibility but doubtful you will come to your senses and be deprogramed. Turn off AM Radio, read some World and US History, begin to question Hannity, Carlson and other talking heads on cable and other tabloids on the Internet; then tune in to BBC America and PBS News hour as well as many of the NPR programs.

Trust me, I tune into Fox News (Faux News) and other Social Media on the Internet. Open you mind and question what your hear and see before making judgments.
It will continue to cause more deaths. Not everyone fears Death. Personally, I keep some very nice, high quality food on hand for Death’s arrival. He knows we have an open door policy for Him.

Have you ever thought that maybe we don’t want to be part of your world, but you folks continually reach out and try to drag us into it? For our own good, of course. At least according to you folks.

No, thrilled. Your mortal enemies are killings themselves off. That should have you doing cartwheels like a schoolgirl.
Great. Go off on an island with the rest of your nut job buddies then, animal.
This is a 29 year old woman with three kids. Sad.

Lessons learned....don't advertise or the left will kill you with COVID.

I found an account claiming to be her sister.....which I think is authentic.....but no proof that her sister was an anti-vaxxer.

Course the woman that died was in a she had other issues besides COVID that she was dealing with.

I don't see any Facebook account for this woman....talking about vaccinations....none.
I suspect the claims by the left are fake....

It looks like she was battling other health issues.....and she only got worse once she was in the hospital for a month.
They probably gave her that crap that killed Phil Valentine.

This scene is being repeated in big cities:

“Very quickly she was put on high levels of oxygen … and they began Remdesevir. She called me, she told me she didn’t want the medicine. ‘I don’t want this. I want them out.’ I have multiple texts from her saying ‘get me out of here. Get me home. Bring me oxygen. Get medical transport and take me out.’ I didn’t know what was going on. I tried to contact family and friends and was assured that they were following frontline protocols, and that she would be getting some of the treatments she really wanted. It was all very confusing, very disturbing. I finally told her ‘I’m coming to Chicago.'”

After she arrived in Chicago, Ross said she came up against repeated roadblocks over the next 10 days.

“Security escorted me out of the building multiple times,” she said. “We were really trying to work with them, but it was clear Veronica was being denied some treatments, even food and nutrition, which we had to beg for.” has been informed of incidents in which hospitals are suspending physicians and investigating them simply because they prescribed the drug Ivermectin, a well-known anti-microbial that entire nations are using with great success to treat Covid patients.

Three doctors with Pandemic Health Alliance discussed the dire situation being faced by thousands of Americans in a Sept. 13 interview with Steve Bannon, host of War Room: Pandemic. Many are trapped in hospitals, left to die, with no one to advocate for them.

“This is a 1776 moment for all honest physicians and we need to show that the emperor has no clothes,” said Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist and director of research for Pandemic Health Alliance.

Out of the more than 4,000 Covid patients Cole has treated with his protocols, which include Ivermectin, he said zero have had to go to the hospital and there have been zero deaths.


You folks should be thrilled. Some day soon all of us anti-vax folks should be dead by your estimations and you’ll have the world all to yourselves. I’d think you would be applauding this. The Government will likely gain more control over her theee kids as well. What a bonus… three more indoctrinated drones serving their Goverment Master.
"us anti-vax folks should be dead"

Keep it up. The covid is looking for a host.

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