Since Trump declined to participate in the process, you cant complain about it.

As far as Peterson, Trump won in his district by 30.8 percent. So Peterson can win if he votes for impeachment, simply because of his district.

Peterson says he cant vote for impeachment unless they come up with something, but enlisting the help of foreign nationals and governments in attacking the American democracy qualifies as "something".
Hope he enjoys his inevitable primary challenger.
You shot yourselves in the foot. Now we get to watch you bleed.
Multiple federal crimes.
The only non-action would be foot shooting at this point.

Alleges...but it didn't happen. "Abuse of Power" even if proven to be true is not an impeachable offense.

That’s just not in the Constitution. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s only four criteria for impeachment: treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors. Abuse of office is not one of them,” Dershowitz said.

From Alan Dershowitz -- preeminent constitutional attorney/expert.
The framers of the Constitution recognized that someday a president might come to office who would have used that office, betrayed the public trust and undermined national security to secure foreign help in his reelection.

The aid to Ukraine was approved by another branch of the U.S. government makes this a clear-cut case of abuse of power.

"He really had no say constitutionally on whether it should be given to Ukraine. Right there, he's in violation of constitutional norms and practices and the law," said Barbara Ann Perry, presidential studies director at the University of Virginia's Miller Center. Perry said Trump further abused the power of the presidency by tying the holdup in aid to an investigation into his political rivals.
Abuse of Power is not a crime that can be found in US Code. It's as fictional as you pretending to care about America all the while you trash it.

It's not our faults you threw a hail mary in desperation to win the 2020 election and all you did was rally even Trump's Opponents to his side.

America does not like Liars and Cheaters and you are both.

America Hates You!

Impeachment rules are not dictated by US Code, Commie prick.
Go crawl back up Putin's ass, traitor.
Your title says she's "against impeachment" and the article says she's voting "for impeachment" need to brush up on your English, Comrade, before Putin puts you in a gulag for incompetence.

The posts do have the stench of a Russian troll, for sure.

Apparently even Fox News find Donald losing:

Fox News poll: Trump should be removed from office, would lose in 2020
Poll was CA and NY

Prove it or STFU, liar.
People in NY and CA don't watch Fox.
Their audience is in Fly Over Country.
Since Trump declined to participate in the process, you cant complain about it.

As far as Peterson, Trump won in his district by 30.8 percent. So Peterson can win if he votes for impeachment, simply because of his district.

Peterson says he cant vote for impeachment unless they come up with something, but enlisting the help of foreign nationals and governments in attacking the American democracy qualifies as "something".
Hope he enjoys his inevitable primary challenger.
You shot yourselves in the foot. Now we get to watch you bleed.
Multiple federal crimes.
The only non-action would be foot shooting at this point.

Alleges...but it didn't happen. "Abuse of Power" even if proven to be true is not an impeachable offense.

That’s just not in the Constitution. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s only four criteria for impeachment: treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors. Abuse of office is not one of them,” Dershowitz said.

From Alan Dershowitz -- preeminent constitutional attorney/expert.
The framers of the Constitution recognized that someday a president might come to office who would have used that office, betrayed the public trust and undermined national security to secure foreign help in his reelection.

The aid to Ukraine was approved by another branch of the U.S. government makes this a clear-cut case of abuse of power.

"He really had no say constitutionally on whether it should be given to Ukraine. Right there, he's in violation of constitutional norms and practices and the law," said Barbara Ann Perry, presidential studies director at the University of Virginia's Miller Center. Perry said Trump further abused the power of the presidency by tying the holdup in aid to an investigation into his political rivals.
Abuse of Power is not a crime that can be found in US Code. It's as fictional as you pretending to care about America all the while you trash it.

It's not our faults you threw a hail mary in desperation to win the 2020 election and all you did was rally even Trump's Opponents to his side.

America does not like Liars and Cheaters and you are both.

America Hates You!
The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct by officials. Offenses by officials also include ordinary crimes, but perhaps with different standards of proof and punishment than for non-officials, on the grounds that more is expected of officials by their oaths of office. Indeed, the offense may not even be a breach of criminal statute. See Harvard Law Review "The majority view is that a president can legally be impeached for 'intentional, evil deeds' that 'drastically subvert the Constitution and involve an unforgivable abuse of the presidency'—even if those deeds didn't violate any criminal laws."[1]
Any crime committed by the President is, by definition, a high crime.

Like, say, lying about a blowjob...
Your title says she's "against impeachment" and the article says she's voting "for impeachment" need to brush up on your English, Comrade, before Putin puts you in a gulag for incompetence.

The posts do have the stench of a Russian troll, for sure.

Apparently even Fox News find Donald losing:

Fox News poll: Trump should be removed from office, would lose in 2020
Poll was CA and NY

Prove it or STFU, liar.
People in NY and CA don't watch Fox.
Their audience is in Fly Over Country.
It was a joke. Fucking Leftists have zero sense of humor and really? 100% of people in Cali and NY are Democrats? Idiot.
State Senator John Yudichak of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania said that he will be switching his registration to become an Independent. He will caucus with the Republican majority.

Yudichak has criticized an increasingly liberal Democratic caucus that has led to this decision.

Due to issues that he finds important, Yudichak believes there is a better home in the Republican caucus.

Yudichak’s announcement comes less than 24 hours since we learned that New Jersey Democratic Congressman Jeff Van Drew has also made a decision that speaks volumes.

Impeachment Backfiring: SECOND Democrat Leaves The Party In 24 Hours

Come on dems, jump that rat infested sinking ship.
More will. You can count on that.

That would be good. How about 8 more reps. What a way to tile the house back even before election.
You shot yourselves in the foot. Now we get to watch you bleed.
Multiple federal crimes.
The only non-action would be foot shooting at this point.

Alleges...but it didn't happen. "Abuse of Power" even if proven to be true is not an impeachable offense.

That’s just not in the Constitution. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s only four criteria for impeachment: treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors. Abuse of office is not one of them,” Dershowitz said.

From Alan Dershowitz -- preeminent constitutional attorney/expert.
The framers of the Constitution recognized that someday a president might come to office who would have used that office, betrayed the public trust and undermined national security to secure foreign help in his reelection.

The aid to Ukraine was approved by another branch of the U.S. government makes this a clear-cut case of abuse of power.

"He really had no say constitutionally on whether it should be given to Ukraine. Right there, he's in violation of constitutional norms and practices and the law," said Barbara Ann Perry, presidential studies director at the University of Virginia's Miller Center. Perry said Trump further abused the power of the presidency by tying the holdup in aid to an investigation into his political rivals.
Abuse of Power is not a crime that can be found in US Code. It's as fictional as you pretending to care about America all the while you trash it.

It's not our faults you threw a hail mary in desperation to win the 2020 election and all you did was rally even Trump's Opponents to his side.

America does not like Liars and Cheaters and you are both.

America Hates You!

Impeachment rules are not dictated by US Code, Commie prick.
Go crawl back up Putin's ass, traitor.
Impeachable Crimes are.

There are no such crimes that appear in US CODE as the Democrats Claim in The Articles.

Can you show me which one is a high crime or misdemeanor?
Multiple federal crimes.
The only non-action would be foot shooting at this point.

Alleges...but it didn't happen. "Abuse of Power" even if proven to be true is not an impeachable offense.

That’s just not in the Constitution. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s only four criteria for impeachment: treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors. Abuse of office is not one of them,” Dershowitz said.

From Alan Dershowitz -- preeminent constitutional attorney/expert.
The framers of the Constitution recognized that someday a president might come to office who would have used that office, betrayed the public trust and undermined national security to secure foreign help in his reelection.

The aid to Ukraine was approved by another branch of the U.S. government makes this a clear-cut case of abuse of power.

"He really had no say constitutionally on whether it should be given to Ukraine. Right there, he's in violation of constitutional norms and practices and the law," said Barbara Ann Perry, presidential studies director at the University of Virginia's Miller Center. Perry said Trump further abused the power of the presidency by tying the holdup in aid to an investigation into his political rivals.
Abuse of Power is not a crime that can be found in US Code. It's as fictional as you pretending to care about America all the while you trash it.

It's not our faults you threw a hail mary in desperation to win the 2020 election and all you did was rally even Trump's Opponents to his side.

America does not like Liars and Cheaters and you are both.

America Hates You!

Impeachment rules are not dictated by US Code, Commie prick.
Go crawl back up Putin's ass, traitor.
Impeachable Crimes are.

There are no such crimes that appear in US CODE as the Democrats Claim in The Articles.

Can you show me which one is a high crime or misdemeanor?
Violation of campaign finance law (11 CFR § 110.20) when he pressured Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation of his likely 2020 election opponent, Joe Biden. 11 CFR § 110.20 makes it a felony to SOLICIT OR ACCEPT something of value from a foreign government in connection with your candidacy in an election.
Alleges...but it didn't happen. "Abuse of Power" even if proven to be true is not an impeachable offense.

That’s just not in the Constitution. You can’t make this stuff up. It’s only four criteria for impeachment: treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors. Abuse of office is not one of them,” Dershowitz said.

From Alan Dershowitz -- preeminent constitutional attorney/expert.
The framers of the Constitution recognized that someday a president might come to office who would have used that office, betrayed the public trust and undermined national security to secure foreign help in his reelection.

The aid to Ukraine was approved by another branch of the U.S. government makes this a clear-cut case of abuse of power.

"He really had no say constitutionally on whether it should be given to Ukraine. Right there, he's in violation of constitutional norms and practices and the law," said Barbara Ann Perry, presidential studies director at the University of Virginia's Miller Center. Perry said Trump further abused the power of the presidency by tying the holdup in aid to an investigation into his political rivals.
Abuse of Power is not a crime that can be found in US Code. It's as fictional as you pretending to care about America all the while you trash it.

It's not our faults you threw a hail mary in desperation to win the 2020 election and all you did was rally even Trump's Opponents to his side.

America does not like Liars and Cheaters and you are both.

America Hates You!

Impeachment rules are not dictated by US Code, Commie prick.
Go crawl back up Putin's ass, traitor.
Impeachable Crimes are.

There are no such crimes that appear in US CODE as the Democrats Claim in The Articles.

Can you show me which one is a high crime or misdemeanor?
Violation of campaign finance law (11 CFR § 110.20) when he pressured Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation of his likely 2020 election opponent, Joe Biden. 11 CFR § 110.20 makes it a felony to SOLICIT OR ACCEPT something of value from a foreign government in connection with your candidacy in an election.

You smarter than Alan Dershowitz?

DERSHOWITZ: It would be unconstitutional to impeach the president on these grounds. And the message has to be, Congress is not above the law. They keep saying the president's not above the law. That's right. Congress is not above the law. They can't make it up as they go along. They can't make up crimes. We've had people saying, “Oh, disclosing the name of the whistleblower would be a crime" — no, it's not. Obstruction of justice — that's not a crime. Collusion — that's not a crime. The phone call — that's not a crime. You can't just make it up. To have a crime, you have to find something in the statute book that existed before the actions took place, and that was clear and unequivocal. It's just not there.
The framers of the Constitution recognized that someday a president might come to office who would have used that office, betrayed the public trust and undermined national security to secure foreign help in his reelection.

The aid to Ukraine was approved by another branch of the U.S. government makes this a clear-cut case of abuse of power.

"He really had no say constitutionally on whether it should be given to Ukraine. Right there, he's in violation of constitutional norms and practices and the law," said Barbara Ann Perry, presidential studies director at the University of Virginia's Miller Center. Perry said Trump further abused the power of the presidency by tying the holdup in aid to an investigation into his political rivals.
Abuse of Power is not a crime that can be found in US Code. It's as fictional as you pretending to care about America all the while you trash it.

It's not our faults you threw a hail mary in desperation to win the 2020 election and all you did was rally even Trump's Opponents to his side.

America does not like Liars and Cheaters and you are both.

America Hates You!

Impeachment rules are not dictated by US Code, Commie prick.
Go crawl back up Putin's ass, traitor.
Impeachable Crimes are.

There are no such crimes that appear in US CODE as the Democrats Claim in The Articles.

Can you show me which one is a high crime or misdemeanor?
Violation of campaign finance law (11 CFR § 110.20) when he pressured Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation of his likely 2020 election opponent, Joe Biden. 11 CFR § 110.20 makes it a felony to SOLICIT OR ACCEPT something of value from a foreign government in connection with your candidacy in an election.

You smarter than Alan Dershowitz?

DERSHOWITZ: It would be unconstitutional to impeach the president on these grounds. And the message has to be, Congress is not above the law. They keep saying the president's not above the law. That's right. Congress is not above the law. They can't make it up as they go along. They can't make up crimes. We've had people saying, “Oh, disclosing the name of the whistleblower would be a crime" — no, it's not. Obstruction of justice — that's not a crime. Collusion — that's not a crime. The phone call — that's not a crime. You can't just make it up. To have a crime, you have to find something in the statute book that existed before the actions took place, and that was clear and unequivocal. It's just not there.
I'm just reference the US code relevent to Trump's offenses.
Referencing the US code doesnt make me "smart" or otherwise.
The orginal Tree asked for US code, so I provided it.

The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct by officials. Offenses by officials also include ordinary crimes, but perhaps with different standards of proof and punishment than for non-officials, on the grounds that more is expected of officials by their oaths of office. Indeed, the offense may not even be a breach of criminal statute. See Harvard Law Review "The majority view is that a president can legally be impeached for 'intentional, evil deeds' that 'drastically subvert the Constitution and involve an unforgivable abuse of the presidency'—even if those deeds didn't violate any criminal laws."[1]
Abuse of Power is not a crime that can be found in US Code. It's as fictional as you pretending to care about America all the while you trash it.

It's not our faults you threw a hail mary in desperation to win the 2020 election and all you did was rally even Trump's Opponents to his side.

America does not like Liars and Cheaters and you are both.

America Hates You!

Impeachment rules are not dictated by US Code, Commie prick.
Go crawl back up Putin's ass, traitor.
Impeachable Crimes are.

There are no such crimes that appear in US CODE as the Democrats Claim in The Articles.

Can you show me which one is a high crime or misdemeanor?
Violation of campaign finance law (11 CFR § 110.20) when he pressured Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation of his likely 2020 election opponent, Joe Biden. 11 CFR § 110.20 makes it a felony to SOLICIT OR ACCEPT something of value from a foreign government in connection with your candidacy in an election.

You smarter than Alan Dershowitz?

DERSHOWITZ: It would be unconstitutional to impeach the president on these grounds. And the message has to be, Congress is not above the law. They keep saying the president's not above the law. That's right. Congress is not above the law. They can't make it up as they go along. They can't make up crimes. We've had people saying, “Oh, disclosing the name of the whistleblower would be a crime" — no, it's not. Obstruction of justice — that's not a crime. Collusion — that's not a crime. The phone call — that's not a crime. You can't just make it up. To have a crime, you have to find something in the statute book that existed before the actions took place, and that was clear and unequivocal. It's just not there.
I'm just reference the US code relevent to Trump's offenses.
Referencing the US code doesnt make me "smart" or otherwise.
The orginal Tree asked for US code, so I provided it.

The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct by officials. Offenses by officials also include ordinary crimes, but perhaps with different standards of proof and punishment than for non-officials, on the grounds that more is expected of officials by their oaths of office. Indeed, the offense may not even be a breach of criminal statute. See Harvard Law Review "The majority view is that a president can legally be impeached for 'intentional, evil deeds' that 'drastically subvert the Constitution and involve an unforgivable abuse of the presidency'—even if those deeds didn't violate any criminal laws."[1]
And I posted the response from Alan Dershowitz who said there was no crime.
Impeachment rules are not dictated by US Code, Commie prick.
Go crawl back up Putin's ass, traitor.
Impeachable Crimes are.

There are no such crimes that appear in US CODE as the Democrats Claim in The Articles.

Can you show me which one is a high crime or misdemeanor?
Violation of campaign finance law (11 CFR § 110.20) when he pressured Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation of his likely 2020 election opponent, Joe Biden. 11 CFR § 110.20 makes it a felony to SOLICIT OR ACCEPT something of value from a foreign government in connection with your candidacy in an election.

You smarter than Alan Dershowitz?

DERSHOWITZ: It would be unconstitutional to impeach the president on these grounds. And the message has to be, Congress is not above the law. They keep saying the president's not above the law. That's right. Congress is not above the law. They can't make it up as they go along. They can't make up crimes. We've had people saying, “Oh, disclosing the name of the whistleblower would be a crime" — no, it's not. Obstruction of justice — that's not a crime. Collusion — that's not a crime. The phone call — that's not a crime. You can't just make it up. To have a crime, you have to find something in the statute book that existed before the actions took place, and that was clear and unequivocal. It's just not there.
I'm just reference the US code relevent to Trump's offenses.
Referencing the US code doesnt make me "smart" or otherwise.
The orginal Tree asked for US code, so I provided it.

The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct by officials. Offenses by officials also include ordinary crimes, but perhaps with different standards of proof and punishment than for non-officials, on the grounds that more is expected of officials by their oaths of office. Indeed, the offense may not even be a breach of criminal statute. See Harvard Law Review "The majority view is that a president can legally be impeached for 'intentional, evil deeds' that 'drastically subvert the Constitution and involve an unforgivable abuse of the presidency'—even if those deeds didn't violate any criminal laws."[1]
And I posted the response from Alan Dershowitz who said there was no crime.
It's pretty simple. If you cannot find either one in US Code, and the Standard is "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" then what Nancy Pelosi and her Cronies are doing is CONTINUING A COUP that they started in 2016, just like she admitted to doing.

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