Another Democrat 'Paradise': Driving Through Detroit At Night [VIDEO]...

Oh man, the degenerate fighting with his girlfriend sure did get mowed down, ha? Ah, Detroit. Fun times.
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'

Did Republicans support the auto industry in Detroit?

'Democrat America': Possibly coming to a city near you. Good times. :eek-52:

This is why it is very effective when cons use race to divide us. It's very hard for us libs to defend places like Detroit.

But I love putting a spot light on this issue. It will show how social programs are needed and the right thing to do but it will also show blacks need to do a lot better for themselves.

I always tell the black community that they need to start taking Republicans advice. Don't vote GOP but take their advice.

Investors are buying up those areas now investing
True, but the damage is so great, it will take decades to return to anything approaching normalcy.

Blacks are and have been leaving the city due to lack of housing, because they destroyed the housing. Huge tracks of vacant land exist in Detroit, which at one time was completely developed.

There's no lack of housing there's lack of people
You need to keep in mind I have no reason being a liberal. I'm white, successful, etc. If the GOP weren't so bad I would be a conservative. But the fact is they suck big balls and I don't buy it for a minute. Even though I have every reason to be conservative. I understand why you are a con but can you explain why I'm not buying it? I'm not black, poor, getting anything for free.

You may not be greedy ignorant or a racist but your party is. Maybe I have a liberal gene that makes me less of an asshole than the typical con.

Do you support social welfare programs where the one paying gets nothing for the cost incurred and the one getting something incurs no costs?
What do you get when you donate to charity? That's one of the reasons cons hate the government helping poor people. Cons like the feeling they get when they look down on the person they are donating to. They don't get that sense of superiority when the government forces them to help

Oh man, the dude gets run over but then gets up and continues fighting with his deranged girlfriend. Just another night in Democrat Paradise i guess. Crazy stuff. :cuckoo:
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'
You bet. I grew up in Detroit and have seen it descend into the sewer during my lifetime.

About 10 years ago, a colleague and his wife from Boston came to Detroit for a wedding. The next day they wanted to see downtown Detroit, for some reason I can't remember. As we drove threw the city to get downtown, they got to see the devastation first hand. They were shocked.

The D party, along with other factors, turned a once great beautiful city into a dump.

'Shocking' is the perfect word. Did you watch the video? Man, Detroit is lost forever. Thank you Democrats. :(
Actually we're cleaning it up best and fastest we can. If only you'd hire blacks and open business' in Detroit.

Oh, and trump claims in 4 years he's going to fix Detroit and win 95% of the black vote. Is he lying again? Because your post suggests you don't believe he can or will.

God love Trump. But no, i don't believe it can be done. Sadly, Detroit is likely lost forever.
I lived just south of Detroit when I was a kid, man the Democrats carpet bombed the place.
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'

You mean Michigan with its republican givernor?

Thanks for your input.
And both state houses are controlled by Republicans.

Every black city in America is dealing with the same problem. They are surrounded by white communities with more money and power.

Republicans are trying to divide us. They're trying to take advantage of the fact even us white liberals can't defend the fatherlessness and black on black crime.

But to blame liberals or suggest Republicans have a better idea how to fix it is laughable.

Republican idea to fix what's wrong with Detroit? Stop giving them foodstamps. Great idea

You may have stumbled onto something. End the Freebies, and they'll have to work to survive. Might be exactly what they need. Something has to change.
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'
You bet. I grew up in Detroit and have seen it descend into the sewer during my lifetime.

About 10 years ago, a colleague and his wife from Boston came to Detroit for a wedding. The next day they wanted to see downtown Detroit, for some reason I can't remember. As we drove threw the city to get downtown, they got to see the devastation first hand. They were shocked.

The D party, along with other factors, turned a once great beautiful city into a dump.

'Shocking' is the perfect word. Did you watch the video? Man, Detroit is lost forever. Thank you Democrats. :(
Actually we're cleaning it up best and fastest we can. If only you'd hire blacks and open business' in Detroit.

Oh, and trump claims in 4 years he's going to fix Detroit and win 95% of the black vote. Is he lying again? Because your post suggests you don't believe he can or will.

You aren't cleaning up shit, you don't even go down there, you wont even live next to any black people bigot. Whites are hiring black people the Illitch's, Dan Gilbert, Whites are moving back in fixing up historic home...While you cower in your black free neighborhood..Fraud:slap:

White Communists/Progressives are the worst. They claim to love and care about the poor, yet they make sure they stay as far away from them as possible. They don't want them anywhere near them and their families. And then there's the Limousine Liberals like Hillary Clinton and numerous Hollywood douchebags.

They all live on lavish estates completely walled in, to keep the poor away. And check out where they send their children to school. Some of the most expensive exclusive private schools in the world. Their children will not mix with the poor 'unwashed.' White Communists/Progressives especially, are full of shite. Period, end of story.
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'

You mean Michigan with its republican givernor?

Thanks for your input.
And both state houses are controlled by Republicans.

Every black city in America is dealing with the same problem. They are surrounded by white communities with more money and power.

Republicans are trying to divide us. They're trying to take advantage of the fact even us white liberals can't defend the fatherlessness and black on black crime.

But to blame liberals or suggest Republicans have a better idea how to fix it is laughable.

Republican idea to fix what's wrong with Detroit? Stop giving them foodstamps. Great idea

Stop giving food stamps, period. It will solve a lot of problems. If will also prove that those supporting such programs because you say you care don't really care.
Huh? Start letting babies starve? Or start making moms and dads commit crime in order to put food on their families?

I agree though. If you cut off food stamps maybe mom will have to stop smoking or maybe the grand parents will have to kick in instead of uncle sam. I know you right wingers aren't 100% wrong. You never are. You're just never 100% right either.

Wean folks off their Freebie addiction, and they'll become productive Citizens. They'll have no choice.
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'

Did Republicans support the auto industry in Detroit?

'Democrat America': Possibly coming to a city near you. Good times. :eek-52:

This is why it is very effective when cons use race to divide us. It's very hard for us libs to defend places like Detroit.

But I love putting a spot light on this issue. It will show how social programs are needed and the right thing to do but it will also show blacks need to do a lot better for themselves.

I always tell the black community that they need to start taking Republicans advice. Don't vote GOP but take their advice.

Sounds like you're talkin down to Black Folks. When's the last time you hung in the hood?
Dude gets run over, but still manages to hang onto that 40. Holy Shite! :lmao:
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'

The federal government is already a banana republic, they pay debt with more debt - fucking foolish assholes. Lol
Yikes! WTG Dems. Looks like fun. How long before all of America resembles Democrat Third World 'Paradise?'

Hope and change... Baby

Car knocks the dude down like a bleepin bowling pin, but he hops right up like nothing happened. Give that douche a Gold Medal. He's won the Ghetto Bowling competition. Ah, Democrat Paradise. Good times. :lmao:

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